import os import re import sys import textwrap import pycparser.c_generator def parse_constant(node): if isinstance(node, pycparser.c_ast.Constant): return node.value elif isinstance(node, pycparser.c_ast.UnaryOp) and node.op == '-': return '-' + parse_constant(node.expr) else: raise TypeError(node) class PrintEnumsVisitor(pycparser.c_ast.NodeVisitor): def visit_Decl(self, node): if and'CAIRO_'): # len('CAIRO_') == 6 if node.init.type == 'string': print('%s = b%s' % ([6:], node.init.value)) else: print('%s = %s' % ([6:], node.init.value)) print('') def visit_Enum(self, node): value = 0 for enumerator in node.values.enumerators: if enumerator.value is not None: value_string = parse_constant(enumerator.value) value = int(value_string, 0) else: value_string = str(value) assert'CAIRO_') # len('CAIRO_') == 6 print('%s = %s' % ([6:], value_string)) value += 1 print('') def read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, suffix): filename = os.path.join(cairo_git_dir, 'src', 'cairo%s.h' % suffix) source = open(filename, encoding='iso-8859-1').read() source = re.sub( '/\\*.*?\\*/' '|CAIRO_(BEGIN|END)_DECLS' '|cairo_public ' r'|^\s*#.*?[^\\]\n', '', source, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) source = re.sub('\n{3,}', '\n\n', source) return source def generate(cairo_git_dir): # Remove comments, preprocessor instructions and macros. source = read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '') source += 'const int CAIRO_PDF_OUTLINE_ROOT = 0;\n' source += read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '-pdf') source += read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '-ps') source += read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '-svg') source += ''' typedef void* HDC; typedef void* HFONT; typedef void LOGFONTW; ''' source += read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '-win32') source += ''' typedef void* CGContextRef; typedef void* CGFontRef; typedef void* ATSUFontID; ''' source += read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '-quartz') ast = pycparser.CParser().parse(source) print(textwrap.dedent('''\ # *** Do not edit this file *** # Generated by utils/ TAG_DEST = b"cairo.dest" TAG_LINK = b"Link"\n''')) PrintEnumsVisitor().visit(ast) print('_CAIRO_HEADERS = r"""%s"""' % source) source = read_cairo_header(cairo_git_dir, '-xcb') print('_CAIRO_XCB_HEADERS = r"""%s"""' % source) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) >= 2: generate(sys.argv[1]) else: print('Usage: %s path/to/cairo_source.git' % sys.argv[0])