""" """ from . import pguglobals class Style: """The class used by widget for the widget.style This object is used mainly as a dictionary, accessed via widget.style.attr, as opposed to widget.style['attr']. It automatically grabs information from the theme via value = theme.get(widget.cls,widget.pcls,attr) """ def __init__(self, obj, dict): self.obj = obj for k,v in dict.items(): self.__dict__[k]=v def __getattr__(self, attr): value = pguglobals.app.theme.get(self.obj.cls, self.obj.pcls, attr) if attr in ( 'border_top','border_right','border_bottom','border_left', 'padding_top','padding_right','padding_bottom','padding_left', 'margin_top','margin_right','margin_bottom','margin_left', 'align','valign','width','height', ): self.__dict__[attr] = value return value def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self.__dict__[attr] = value