import pygame from .const import * from . import table from . import group from . import button, basic from . import pguglobals def action_open(value): print('gui.action_open',"Scheduled to be deprecated.") value.setdefault('x',None) value.setdefault('y',None) value['container'].open(value['window'],value['x'],value['y']) def action_setvalue(value): print('gui.action_setvalue',"Scheduled to be deprecated.") a,b = value b.value = a.value def action_quit(value): print('gui.action_quit',"Scheduled to be deprecated.") value.quit() def action_exec(value): print('gui.action_exec',"Scheduled to be deprecated.") exec(value['script'],globals(),value['dict']) class Toolbox(table.Table): def __setattr__(self,k,v): _v = self.__dict__.get(k,NOATTR) self.__dict__[k]=v if k == 'value' and _v != NOATTR and _v != v: = v for w in if w.value != v: w.pcls = "" else: w.pcls = "down" self.repaint() def _change(self,value): self.value = self.send(CHANGE) def __init__(self,data,cols=0,rows=0,tool_cls='tool',value=None,**params): print('gui.Toolbox','Scheduled to be deprecated.') params.setdefault('cls','toolbox') table.Table.__init__(self,**params) if cols == 0 and rows == 0: cols = len(data) if cols != 0 and rows != 0: rows = 0 = {} _value = value g = group.Group() = g g.connect(CHANGE,self._change,None) = _value x,y,p,s = 0,0,None,1 for ico,value in data: #from __init__ import theme img ="."+ico,"","image") if img: i = basic.Image(img) else: i = basic.Label(ico,cls=tool_cls+".label") p = button.Tool(g,i,value,cls=tool_cls)[ico] = p = 1 = 1 self.add(p,x,y) s = 0 if cols != 0: x += 1 if cols != 0 and x == cols: x,y = 0,y+1 if rows != 0: y += 1 if rows != 0 and y == rows: x,y = x+1,0