IRSA Queries (astroquery.ipac.irsa)

Getting started

This module can has methods to perform different types of queries on the catalogs present in the IRSA general catalog service. All queries can be performed by calling query_region(), with different keyword arguments. There are 4 different region queries that are supported: Cone, Box, Polygon and All-Sky. All successful queries return the results in a Table. We now look at some examples.

Available catalogs

All region queries require a catalog keyword argument, which is the name of the catalog in the IRSA database, on which the query must be performed. To take a look at all the available catalogs:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.list_catalogs()   
{'a1763t2': 'Abell 1763 Source Catalog',
 'a1763t3': 'Abell 1763 MIPS 70 micron Catalog',
 'acs_iphot_sep07': 'COSMOS ACS I-band photometry catalog September 2007',
 'akari_fis': 'Akari/FIS Bright Source Catalogue',
 'akari_irc': 'Akari/IRC Point Source Catalogue',
 'astsight': 'IRAS Minor Planet Survey',
 'xmm_cat_s05': "SWIRE XMM_LSS Region Spring '05 Spitzer Catalog"}

This returns a dictionary of catalog names with their description. If you would rather just print out this information:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.print_catalogs()
allwise_p3as_psd                AllWISE Source Catalog
allwise_p3as_mep                AllWISE Multiepoch Photometry Table
allwise_p3as_psr                AllWISE Reject Table
wisegalhii                      WISE Catalog of Galactic HII Regions v2.2
denis3                          DENIS 3rd Release (Sep. 2005)

Queries over a polygon

Polygon queries can be performed by setting spatial='Polygon'. The search center is optional in this case. One additional parameter that must be set for these queries is polygon. This is a list of coordinate pairs that define a convex polygon. The coordinates may be specified as usual by using the appropriate astropy.coordinates object (Again ICRS coordinates may be directly passed as properly formatted strings). In addition to using a list of astropy.coordinates objects, one additional convenient means of specifying the coordinates is also available - Coordinates may also be entered as a list of tuples, each tuple containing the ra and dec values in degrees. Each of these options is illustrated below:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> from astropy import coordinates
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("m31", catalog="fp_psc", spatial="Polygon",
... polygon=[coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=10.1, dec=10.1, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),
...          coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=10.0, dec=10.1, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),
...          coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=10.0, dec=10.0, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs')
...         ])
>>> print(table)
    ra        dec         clon         clat     ... ext_key  j_h   h_k   j_k
   deg        deg                               ...
---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ... ------- ----- ----- -----
 10.015839  10.038061 00h40m03.80s 10d02m17.02s ...      -- 0.552 0.313 0.865
 10.015696  10.099228 00h40m03.77s 10d05m57.22s ...      -- 0.602 0.154 0.756
 10.011170  10.093903 00h40m02.68s 10d05m38.05s ...      -- 0.378 0.602  0.98
 10.031016  10.063082 00h40m07.44s 10d03m47.10s ...      -- 0.809 0.291   1.1
 10.036776  10.060278 00h40m08.83s 10d03m37.00s ...      -- 0.468 0.372  0.84
 10.059964  10.085445 00h40m14.39s 10d05m07.60s ...      -- 0.697 0.273  0.97
 10.005549  10.018401 00h40m01.33s 10d01m06.24s ...      -- 0.662 0.566 1.228

Another way to specify the polygon is directly as a list of tuples - each tuple is an ra, dec pair expressed in degrees:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("m31", catalog="fp_psc", spatial="Polygon",
... polygon = [(10.1, 10.1), (10.0, 10.1), (10.0, 10.0)])
>>> print(table)
    ra        dec         clon         clat     ... ext_key  j_h   h_k   j_k
   deg        deg                               ...
---------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ... ------- ----- ----- -----
 10.015839  10.038061 00h40m03.80s 10d02m17.02s ...      -- 0.552 0.313 0.865
 10.015696  10.099228 00h40m03.77s 10d05m57.22s ...      -- 0.602 0.154 0.756
 10.011170  10.093903 00h40m02.68s 10d05m38.05s ...      -- 0.378 0.602  0.98
 10.031016  10.063082 00h40m07.44s 10d03m47.10s ...      -- 0.809 0.291   1.1
 10.036776  10.060278 00h40m08.83s 10d03m37.00s ...      -- 0.468 0.372  0.84
 10.059964  10.085445 00h40m14.39s 10d05m07.60s ...      -- 0.697 0.273  0.97
 10.005549  10.018401 00h40m01.33s 10d01m06.24s ...      -- 0.662 0.566 1.228

Selecting Columns

The IRSA service allows to query either a subset of the default columns for a given table, or additional columns that are not present by default. This can be done by listing all the required columns separated by a comma (,) in a string with the selcols argument.

An example where the AllWISE Source Catalog needs to be queried around the star HIP 12 with just the ra, dec and w1mpro columns would be:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("HIP 12", catalog="allwise_p3as_psd", spatial="Cone", selcols="ra,dec,w1mpro")
>>> print(table)
     ra         dec         clon          clat      w1mpro   dist     angle
    deg         deg                                  mag    arcsec     deg
----------- ----------- ------------ ------------- ------- -------- ----------
  0.0407905 -35.9602605 00h00m09.79s -35d57m36.94s   4.837 0.350806 245.442148

A list of available columns for each catalog can be found at The “Long Form” button at the top of the column names table must be clicked to access a full list of all available columns.

Changing the precision of ascii output

The precision of the table display of each column is set upstream by the archive, and appears as the .format attribute of individual columns. This attribute affects not only the display of columns, but also the precision that is output when the table is written in ascii.ipac or ascii.csv formats. The .format attribute of individual columns may be set to increase the precision.

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("HIP 12", catalog="allwise_p3as_psd", spatial="Cone", selcols="ra,dec,w1mpro")
>>> table['ra'].format = '{:10.6f}'
>>> table['dec'].format = '{:10.6f}'
>>> print(table)
    ra        dec         clon          clat      w1mpro   dist     angle
   deg        deg                                  mag    arcsec     deg
---------- ---------- ------------ ------------- ------- -------- ----------
  0.040791 -35.960260 00h00m09.79s -35d57m36.94s   4.837 0.350806 245.442148

Other Configurations

By default the maximum number of rows that is fetched is set to 500. However, this option may be changed by changing the astroquery configuration file. To change the setting only for the ongoing python session, you could also do:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.ROW_LIMIT = 1000   # 1000 is the new value for row limit here.


astroquery.ipac.irsa Package

IRSA Query Tool

This module contains various methods for querying the IRSA Catalog Query Service(CatQuery).




Configuration parameters for astroquery.ipac.irsa.