ESA XMM-Newton Archive (astroquery.esa.xmm_newton)

The X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission, XMM-Newton, is an ESA X-ray observatory launched on 10 December 1999. It carries 3 high-throughput X-ray telescopes with unprecedented effective area and an Optical Monitor, the first flown on an X-ray observatory.

This package allows the access to the XMM-Newton Science Archive. It has been developed by the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) with requirements provided by the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre.


1. Getting XMM-Newton data

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> XMMNewton.download_data('0505720401',level="PPS",extension="PDF",instname="M1",filename="result0505720401.tar")
INFO: File result0505720401.tar downloaded to current directory [astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.core]

This will download all PPS files for the observation ‘0505720401’ and instrument MOS1, with ‘PDF’ extension and it will store them in a tar called ‘result0505720401.tar’. The parameters available are detailed in the API.

For more details of the parameters check the section 3.4 at:

2. Getting XMM-Newton proprietary data

To access proprietary data an extra variable is needed in the XMMNewton.download_data method. This variabe is prop which can be True or False. If True a username and password is needed. A username and password can be passed by adding another variable to the XMMNewton.download_data method called credentials_file. This variable is a string with the path to ~/.astropy/config/astroquery.cfg file. Inside this file add your desired username and password, e.g.

username = your_username
password = your_password

If the credentials_file variable is not provided the method will ask for the username and password to be added manually from the commandline

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> XMMNewton.download_data('0505720401',level="PPS",extension="PDF",instname="M1",filename="result0505720401.tar",prop=True)
INFO: File result0505720401.tar downloaded to current directory [astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.core]

This will download all PPS files for the observation ‘0505720401’ and instrument MOS1, with ‘PDF’ extension and any proprietary data. It will store them in a tar called ‘result0505720401.tar’.

3. Getting XMM-Newton postcards

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> XMMNewton.get_postcard('0505720401')
INFO: File P0505720401EPX000OIMAGE8000.PNG downloaded to current directory [astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.core]

This will download the EPIC postcard for the observation ‘0505720401’ and it will stored in a PNG called ‘P0505720401EPX000OIMAGE8000.PNG’.

4. Getting XMM-Newton metadata through TAP

This function provides access to the XMM-Newton Science Archive database using the Table Access Protocol (TAP) and via the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL).

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> result = XMMNewton.query_xsa_tap("select top 10 * from v_public_observations", output_format='csv', output_file='results10.csv')
>>> print(result)
        bii             dec    duration ...      target      with_science
-------------------- --------- -------- ... ---------------- ------------
4.1331178178373715  55.99944    32913 ...    XTE J0421+560         true
0.05069186370709437 -32.58167    17083 ...         HD159176         true
0.05069186370709437 -32.58167     9362 ...         HD159176         true
0.05069186370709437 -32.58167    10859 ...         HD159176         true
-0.31119608673831345  6.135278    21939 ...          HD47129         true
-0.31119608673831345  6.135278    21863 ...          HD47129         true
-51.687075256085755  10.68917    26609 ... IRAS F00235+1024         true
73.04737400339847  10.18639    25192 ... IRAS F12514+1027         true
46.71747372703565 -15.78639    12101 ...      Denis-J1228         true
-15.881772371450268 -77.61555    33986 ...         Cha-Ha-3         true

This will execute an ADQL query to download the first 10 observations in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. The result of the query will be stored in the file ‘results10.csv’. The result of this query can be printed by doing print(result).

5. Getting table details of XSA TAP

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> XMMNewton.get_tables()
INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
['tap_schema.columns', 'tap_schema.key_columns', 'tap_schema.keys', 'tap_schema.schemas',
'tap_schema.tables', 'xsa.dual', 'xsa.v_all_observations', 'xsa.v_epic_source',
'xsa.v_epic_source_cat', 'xsa.v_epic_xmm_stack_cat', 'xsa.v_exposure', 'xsa.v_instrument_mode',
'xsa.v_om_source', 'xsa.v_om_source_cat', 'xsa.v_proposal', 'xsa.v_proposal_observation_info',
'xsa.v_publication', 'xsa.v_publication_observation', 'xsa.v_publication_slew_observation',
'xsa.v_public_observations', 'xsa.v_rgs_source', 'xsa.v_slew_exposure', 'xsa.v_slew_observation',
'xsa.v_slew_source', 'xsa.v_slew_source_cat', 'xsa.v_target_type', 'xsa.v_uls_exposure_image',

This will show the available tables in XSA TAP service in the XMM-Newton Science Archive.

6. Getting columns details of XSA TAP

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> XMMNewton.get_columns('public.v_all_observations')
INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
['bii', 'citext', 'dec', 'duration', 'end_utc', 'footprint_fov', 'heasarc_code', 'lii', 'moving_target',
'observation_equatorial_spoint', 'observation_fov_scircle', 'observation_galactic_spoint', 'observation_id',
'observation_oid', 'odf_proc_date', 'odf_version', 'position_angle', 'pps_proc_date', 'pps_version', 'proposal_id',
'proposal_oid', 'proprietary_end_date', 'ra', 'ra_nom', 'revolution', 'sas_version', 'start_utc', 'stc_s', 'with_science']

This will show the column details of the table ‘v_all_observations’ in XSA TAP service in the XMM-Newton Science Archive.

7. Getting EPIC images from a given TAR file

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> XMMNewton.download_data('0405320501')
Downloading URL to 0405320501.tar ...
|===================================================================================================================================================| 540M/540M (100.00%)        57s
>>> XMMNewton.get_epic_images('0405320501.tar', band=[1,2], instrument=['M1'])
{1: {'M1': '/home/esa/0405320501/pps/P0405320501M1S002IMAGE_1000.FTZ'}, 2: {'M1': '/home/esa/0405320501/pps/P0405320501M1S002IMAGE_2000.FTZ'}}

This will extract the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) images within the specified TAR file, bands, and instruments. It will also return a dictionary containing the paths to the extracted files.

8. Getting the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) metadata from the XSA TAP

This function retrieves the EPIC metadata from a given target.

The target must be defined with either a source name or a SkyCoord object.

The EPIC metadata can be found in four tables in the XSA TAP:

  • xsa.v_epic_source

  • xsa.v_epic_source_cat

  • xsa.v_epic_xmm_stack_cat

  • xsa.v_slew_source_cat

>>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton
>>> epic_source, cat_4xmm, stack_4xmm, slew_source = XMMNewton.get_epic_metadata(target_name="4XMM J122934.7+015657")

This will return the metadata within the four TAP tables in four Table for the given target.


astroquery.esa.xmm_newton Package

@author: Elena Colomo @contact:

European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) European Space Agency (ESA)

Created on 3 Sept. 2019




Configuration parameters for astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.