
class astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass[source]

Bases: astroquery.query.BaseQuery

The class for querying the Virtual Observatory (VO) Cone Search web service.


>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astroquery.vo_conesearch import ConeSearch
>>> ConeSearch.query_region(SkyCoord.from_name('M31'), 5 * u.arcsecond)
<Table masked=True length=6>
    objID           gscID2      ... compassGSC2id   Mag
                                ...                 mag
    int64           object      ...     object    float32
-------------- ---------------- ... ------------- -------
23323175812944 00424433+4116085 ... 6453800072293      --
23323175812933 00424455+4116103 ... 6453800072282      --
23323175812939 00424464+4116092 ... 6453800072288      --
23323175812931 00424464+4116106 ... 6453800072280      --
23323175812948 00424403+4116069 ... 6453800072297      --
23323175812930 00424403+4116108 ... 6453800072279      --

Methods Summary

query_region(coordinates, radius, *[, verb, ...])

Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the first successful query.

query_region_async(*args, **kwargs)

This is not implemented.

Methods Documentation

query_region(coordinates, radius, *, verb=1, get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False, service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False)[source]

Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the first successful query.

coordinatesstr, astropy.coordinates object, list, or tuple

Position of the center of the cone to search. It may be specified as an object from the Astronomical Coordinate Systems (astropy.coordinates) package, string as accepted by parse_coordinates(), or tuple/list. If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be (RA, DEC) in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.

radiusfloat or Quantity

Radius of the cone to search:

  • If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.

  • If Quantity is given, it is internally converted to degrees.

verb{1, 2, 3}, optional

Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the service supports the parameter:

  1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that the provider considers useful in describing the returned objects.

  2. Return a medium number of columns between the minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are considered by the provider to most typically useful to the user.

  3. Return all of the columns that are available for describing the objects.

If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter and always return the same columns for every request.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.

cachebool, optional

Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection.

verbosebool, optional

Verbose output, including VO table warnings.

service_urlstr or None

URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use fallback_url from vo_conesearch configuration.


Returned result will be astropy.table.Table rather than


When True use the name attributes of columns as the names of columns in the Table instance. Since names are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise (default), use the ID attributes as the column names.

resultastropy.table.Table or

Table from successful VO service request. See return_astropy_table option for the kind of table returned.

query_region_async(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This is not implemented. Use AsyncConeSearch instead.