
class astroquery.nist.NistClass[source]

Bases: astroquery.query.BaseQuery

Attributes Summary







Methods Summary

query(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

query_async(minwav, maxwav[, linename, ...])

Serves the same purpose as query but returns the raw HTTP response rather than a Table object.

Attributes Documentation

URL = ''
energy_level_code = {'EV': 1, 'R': 2, 'Rydberg': 2, 'cm': 0, 'cm-1': 0, 'eV': 1, 'electronvolt': 1, 'ev': 1, 'invcm': 0, 'rydberg': 2}
order_out_code = {'multiplet': 1, 'wavelength': 0}
unit_code = {'Angstrom': 0, 'nm': 1, 'um': 2}
wavelength_unit_code = {'vac+air': 4, 'vacuum': 3}

Methods Documentation

query(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

Serves the same purpose as query but returns the raw HTTP response rather than a Table object.

minwavastropy.units.Quantity object

The lower wavelength for the spectrum in appropriate units.

maxwavastropy.units.Quantity object

The upper wavelength for the spectrum in appropriate units.

linenamestr, optional

The spectrum to fetch. Defaults to “H I”

energy_level_unitstr, optional

The energy level units must be one of the following: ‘R’, ‘Rydberg’, ‘rydberg’, ‘cm’, ‘cm-1’, ‘EV’, ‘eV’, ‘electronvolt’, ‘ev’, ‘invcm’ Defaults to ‘eV’.

output_orderstr, optional

Decide ordering of output. Must be one of following: [‘wavelength’, ‘multiplet’]. Defaults to ‘wavelength’.

wavelength_typestr, optional

Must be one of ‘vacuum’ or ‘vac+air’. Defaults to ‘vacuum’.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If true then returns the dictionary of query parameters, posted to remote server. Defaults to False.

tableA Table object.
query_async(minwav, maxwav, linename='H I', energy_level_unit='eV', output_order='wavelength', wavelength_type='vacuum', get_query_payload=False)[source]

Serves the same purpose as query but returns the raw HTTP response rather than a Table object.

minwavastropy.units.Quantity object

The lower wavelength for the spectrum in appropriate units.

maxwavastropy.units.Quantity object

The upper wavelength for the spectrum in appropriate units.

linenamestr, optional

The spectrum to fetch. Defaults to “H I”

energy_level_unitstr, optional

The energy level units must be one of the following: ‘R’, ‘Rydberg’, ‘rydberg’, ‘cm’, ‘cm-1’, ‘EV’, ‘eV’, ‘electronvolt’, ‘ev’, ‘invcm’ Defaults to ‘eV’.

output_orderstr, optional

Decide ordering of output. Must be one of following: [‘wavelength’, ‘multiplet’]. Defaults to ‘wavelength’.

wavelength_typestr, optional

Must be one of ‘vacuum’ or ‘vac+air’. Defaults to ‘vacuum’.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If true then returns the dictionary of query parameters, posted to remote server. Defaults to False.

responserequests.Response object

The response of the HTTP request.