.. doctest-skip-all .. _astroquery.esa.xmm_newton: **************************************************** ESA XMM-Newton Archive (`astroquery.esa.xmm_newton`) **************************************************** The X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission, XMM-Newton, is an ESA X-ray observatory launched on 10 December 1999. It carries 3 high-throughput X-ray telescopes with unprecedented effective area and an Optical Monitor, the first flown on an X-ray observatory. This package allows the access to the `XMM-Newton Science Archive `__. It has been developed by the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) with requirements provided by the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre. ======== Examples ======== -------------------------- 1. Getting XMM-Newton data -------------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> XMMNewton.download_data('0505720401',level="PPS",extension="PDF",instname="M1",filename="result0505720401.tar") INFO: File result0505720401.tar downloaded to current directory [astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.core] This will download all PPS files for the observation '0505720401' and instrument MOS1, with 'PDF' extension and it will store them in a tar called 'result0505720401.tar'. The parameters available are detailed in the API. For more details of the parameters check the section 3.4 at: 'http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-web/#aio' -------------------------------------- 2. Getting XMM-Newton proprietary data -------------------------------------- To access proprietary data an extra variable is needed in the XMMNewton.download_data method. This variabe is prop which can be True or False. If True a username and password is needed. A username and password can be passed by adding another variable to the XMMNewton.download_data method called credentials_file. This variable is a string with the path to ~/.astropy/config/astroquery.cfg file. Inside this file add your desired username and password, e.g. .. code-block:: [xmm_newton] username = your_username password = your_password If the credentials_file variable is not provided the method will ask for the username and password to be added manually from the commandline .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> XMMNewton.download_data('0505720401',level="PPS",extension="PDF",instname="M1",filename="result0505720401.tar",prop=True) INFO: File result0505720401.tar downloaded to current directory [astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.core] This will download all PPS files for the observation '0505720401' and instrument MOS1, with 'PDF' extension and any proprietary data. It will store them in a tar called 'result0505720401.tar'. ------------------------------- 3. Getting XMM-Newton postcards ------------------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> XMMNewton.get_postcard('0505720401') INFO: File P0505720401EPX000OIMAGE8000.PNG downloaded to current directory [astroquery.esa.xmm_newton.core] 'P0505720401EPX000OIMAGE8000.PNG' This will download the EPIC postcard for the observation '0505720401' and it will stored in a PNG called 'P0505720401EPX000OIMAGE8000.PNG'. ------------------------------------------ 4. Getting XMM-Newton metadata through TAP ------------------------------------------ This function provides access to the XMM-Newton Science Archive database using the Table Access Protocol (TAP) and via the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL). .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> result = XMMNewton.query_xsa_tap("select top 10 * from v_public_observations", output_format='csv', output_file='results10.csv') >>> print(result) bii dec duration ... target with_science -------------------- --------- -------- ... ---------------- ------------ 4.1331178178373715 55.99944 32913 ... XTE J0421+560 true 0.05069186370709437 -32.58167 17083 ... HD159176 true 0.05069186370709437 -32.58167 9362 ... HD159176 true 0.05069186370709437 -32.58167 10859 ... HD159176 true -0.31119608673831345 6.135278 21939 ... HD47129 true -0.31119608673831345 6.135278 21863 ... HD47129 true -51.687075256085755 10.68917 26609 ... IRAS F00235+1024 true 73.04737400339847 10.18639 25192 ... IRAS F12514+1027 true 46.71747372703565 -15.78639 12101 ... Denis-J1228 true -15.881772371450268 -77.61555 33986 ... Cha-Ha-3 true This will execute an ADQL query to download the first 10 observations in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. The result of the query will be stored in the file 'results10.csv'. The result of this query can be printed by doing print(result). ----------------------------------- 5. Getting table details of XSA TAP ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> XMMNewton.get_tables() INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core] INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core] INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core] ['tap_schema.columns', 'tap_schema.key_columns', 'tap_schema.keys', 'tap_schema.schemas', 'tap_schema.tables', 'xsa.dual', 'xsa.v_all_observations', 'xsa.v_epic_source', 'xsa.v_epic_source_cat', 'xsa.v_epic_xmm_stack_cat', 'xsa.v_exposure', 'xsa.v_instrument_mode', 'xsa.v_om_source', 'xsa.v_om_source_cat', 'xsa.v_proposal', 'xsa.v_proposal_observation_info', 'xsa.v_publication', 'xsa.v_publication_observation', 'xsa.v_publication_slew_observation', 'xsa.v_public_observations', 'xsa.v_rgs_source', 'xsa.v_slew_exposure', 'xsa.v_slew_observation', 'xsa.v_slew_source', 'xsa.v_slew_source_cat', 'xsa.v_target_type', 'xsa.v_uls_exposure_image', 'xsa.v_uls_slew_exposure_image'] This will show the available tables in XSA TAP service in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. ------------------------------------- 6. Getting columns details of XSA TAP ------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> XMMNewton.get_columns('public.v_all_observations') INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core] INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core] INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core] ['bii', 'citext', 'dec', 'duration', 'end_utc', 'footprint_fov', 'heasarc_code', 'lii', 'moving_target', 'observation_equatorial_spoint', 'observation_fov_scircle', 'observation_galactic_spoint', 'observation_id', 'observation_oid', 'odf_proc_date', 'odf_version', 'position_angle', 'pps_proc_date', 'pps_version', 'proposal_id', 'proposal_oid', 'proprietary_end_date', 'ra', 'ra_nom', 'revolution', 'sas_version', 'start_utc', 'stc_s', 'with_science'] This will show the column details of the table 'v_all_observations' in XSA TAP service in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. -------------------------------------------- 7. Getting EPIC images from a given TAR file -------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> XMMNewton.download_data('0405320501') Downloading URL http://nxsa.esac.esa.int/nxsa-sl/servlet/data-action-aio?obsno=0405320501 to 0405320501.tar ... |===================================================================================================================================================| 540M/540M (100.00%) 57s >>> XMMNewton.get_epic_images('0405320501.tar', band=[1,2], instrument=['M1']) {1: {'M1': '/home/esa/0405320501/pps/P0405320501M1S002IMAGE_1000.FTZ'}, 2: {'M1': '/home/esa/0405320501/pps/P0405320501M1S002IMAGE_2000.FTZ'}} This will extract the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) images within the specified TAR file, bands, and instruments. It will also return a dictionary containing the paths to the extracted files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Getting the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) metadata from the XSA TAP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This function retrieves the EPIC metadata from a given target. The target must be defined with either a source name or a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object. The EPIC metadata can be found in four tables in the XSA TAP: - xsa.v_epic_source - xsa.v_epic_source_cat - xsa.v_epic_xmm_stack_cat - xsa.v_slew_source_cat .. code-block:: python >>> from astroquery.esa.xmm_newton import XMMNewton >>> >>> epic_source, cat_4xmm, stack_4xmm, slew_source = XMMNewton.get_epic_metadata(target_name="4XMM J122934.7+015657") This will return the metadata within the four TAP tables in four `~astropy.table.Table` for the given target. Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: astroquery.esa.xmm_newton :no-inheritance-diagram: