Source code for astroquery.mast.collections

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
MAST Collections

This module contains various methods for querying MAST collections such as catalogs.

import warnings
import os
import time

from requests import HTTPError

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord

from astropy.table import Table, Row

from ..utils import commons, async_to_sync
from ..utils.class_or_instance import class_or_instance
from ..exceptions import InvalidQueryError, MaxResultsWarning, InputWarning

from . import conf, utils
from .core import MastQueryWithLogin

__all__ = ['Catalogs', 'CatalogsClass']

[docs]@async_to_sync class CatalogsClass(MastQueryWithLogin): """ MAST catalog query class. Class for querying MAST catalog data. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() services = {"panstarrs": {"path": "panstarrs/{data_release}/{table}.json", "args": {"data_release": "dr2", "table": "mean"}}} self._service_api_connection.set_service_params(services, "catalogs", True) self.catalog_limit = None self._current_connection = None def _parse_result(self, response, *, verbose=False): results_table = self._current_connection._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose) if len(results_table) == self.catalog_limit: warnings.warn("Maximum catalog results returned, may not include all sources within radius.", MaxResultsWarning) return results_table
[docs] @class_or_instance def query_region_async(self, coordinates, *, radius=0.2*u.deg, catalog="Hsc", version=None, pagesize=None, page=None, **kwargs): """ Given a sky position and radius, returns a list of catalog entries. See column documentation for specific catalogs `here <>`__. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `~astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `~astropy.coordinates` object. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional Default 0.2 degrees. The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `~astropy.units` may also be used. Defaults to 0.2 deg. catalog : str, optional Default HSC. The catalog to be queried. version : int, optional Version number for catalogs that have versions. Default is highest version. pagesize : int, optional Default None. Can be used to override the default pagesize for (set in configs) this query only. E.g. when using a slow internet connection. page : int, optional Default None. Can be used to override the default behavior of all results being returned to obtain a specific page of results. **kwargs Other catalog-specific keyword args. These can be found in the (service documentation)[] for specific catalogs. For example one can specify the magtype for an HSC search. Returns ------- response : list of `~requests.Response` """ # Put coordinates and radius into consistant format coordinates = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinates) # if radius is just a number we assume degrees radius = coord.Angle(radius, u.deg) # basic params params = {'ra': coordinates.ra.deg, 'dec': coordinates.dec.deg, 'radius': radius.deg} # Determine API connection and service name if catalog.lower() in self._service_api_connection.SERVICES: self._current_connection = self._service_api_connection service = catalog else: self._current_connection = self._portal_api_connection # Sorting out the non-standard portal service names if catalog.lower() == "hsc": if version == 2: service = "Mast.Hsc.Db.v2" else: if version not in (3, None): warnings.warn("Invalid HSC version number, defaulting to v3.", InputWarning) service = "Mast.Hsc.Db.v3" self.catalog_limit = kwargs.get('nr', 50000) # Hsc specific parameters (can be overridden by user) params['nr'] = 50000 params['ni'] = 1 params['magtype'] = 1 elif catalog.lower() == "galex": service = "Mast.Galex.Catalog" self.catalog_limit = kwargs.get('maxrecords', 50000) # galex specific parameters (can be overridden by user) params['maxrecords'] = 50000 elif catalog.lower() == "gaia": if version == 1: service = "Mast.Catalogs.GaiaDR1.Cone" else: if version not in (None, 2): warnings.warn("Invalid Gaia version number, defaulting to DR2.", InputWarning) service = "Mast.Catalogs.GaiaDR2.Cone" elif catalog.lower() == 'plato': if version in (None, 1): service = "Mast.Catalogs.Plato.Cone" else: warnings.warn("Invalid PLATO catalog version number, defaulting to DR1.", InputWarning) service = "Mast.Catalogs.Plato.Cone" else: service = "Mast.Catalogs." + catalog + ".Cone" self.catalog_limit = None # adding additional user specified parameters for prop, value in kwargs.items(): params[prop] = value return self._current_connection.service_request_async(service, params, pagesize=pagesize, page=page)
[docs] @class_or_instance def query_object_async(self, objectname, *, radius=0.2*u.deg, catalog="Hsc", pagesize=None, page=None, version=None, **kwargs): """ Given an object name, returns a list of catalog entries. See column documentation for specific catalogs `here <>`__. Parameters ---------- objectname : str The name of the target around which to search. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional Default 0.2 degrees. The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `~astropy.units` may also be used. Defaults to 0.2 deg. catalog : str, optional Default HSC. The catalog to be queried. pagesize : int, optional Default None. Can be used to override the default pagesize for (set in configs) this query only. E.g. when using a slow internet connection. page : int, optional Defaulte None. Can be used to override the default behavior of all results being returned to obtain a specific page of results. version : int, optional Version number for catalogs that have versions. Default is highest version. **kwargs Catalog-specific keyword args. These can be found in the `service documentation <>`__. for specific catalogs. For example one can specify the magtype for an HSC search. Returns ------- response : list of `~requests.Response` """ coordinates = utils.resolve_object(objectname) return self.query_region_async(coordinates, radius=radius, catalog=catalog, version=version, pagesize=pagesize, page=page, **kwargs)
[docs] @class_or_instance def query_criteria_async(self, catalog, *, pagesize=None, page=None, **criteria): """ Given an set of filters, returns a list of catalog entries. See column documentation for specific catalogs `here <>`__. Parameters ---------- pagesize : int, optional Can be used to override the default pagesize. E.g. when using a slow internet connection. page : int, optional Can be used to override the default behavior of all results being returned to obtain one specific page of results. **criteria Criteria to apply. At least one non-positional criteria must be supplied. Valid criteria are coordinates, objectname, radius (as in `query_region` and `query_object`), and all fields listed in the column documentation for the catalog being queried. The Column Name is the keyword, with the argument being one or more acceptable values for that parameter, except for fields with a float datatype where the argument should be in the form [minVal, maxVal]. For non-float type criteria wildcards maybe used (both * and % are considered wildcards), however only one wildcarded value can be processed per criterion. RA and Dec must be given in decimal degrees, and datetimes in MJD. For example: filters=["FUV","NUV"],proposal_pi="Ost*",t_max=[52264.4586,54452.8914] For catalogs available through Catalogs.MAST (PanSTARRS), the Column Name is the keyword, and the argument should be either an acceptable value for that parameter, or a list consisting values, or tuples of decorator, value pairs (decorator, value). In addition, columns may be used to select the return columns, consisting of a list of column names. Results may also be sorted through the query with the parameter sort_by composed of either a single Column Name to sort ASC, or a list of Column Nmaes to sort ASC or tuples of Column Name and Direction (ASC, DESC) to indicate sort order (Column Name, DESC). Detailed information of Catalogs.MAST criteria usage can be found `here <>`__. Returns ------- response : list of `~requests.Response` """ # Seperating any position info from the rest of the filters coordinates = criteria.pop('coordinates', None) objectname = criteria.pop('objectname', None) radius = criteria.pop('radius', 0.2*u.deg) if objectname or coordinates: coordinates = utils.parse_input_location(coordinates, objectname) # if radius is just a number we assume degrees radius = coord.Angle(radius, u.deg) # build query params = {} if coordinates: params["ra"] = coordinates.ra.deg params["dec"] = coordinates.dec.deg params["radius"] = radius.deg # Determine API connection, service name, and build filter set filters = None if catalog.lower() in self._service_api_connection.SERVICES: self._current_connection = self._service_api_connection service = catalog if not self._current_connection.check_catalogs_criteria_params(criteria): raise InvalidQueryError("At least one non-positional criterion must be supplied.") for prop, value in criteria.items(): params[prop] = value else: self._current_connection = self._portal_api_connection if catalog.lower() == "tic": service = "Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.Tic" if coordinates or objectname: service += ".Position" service += ".Rows" # Using the rowstore version of the query for speed filters = self._current_connection.build_filter_set("Mast.Catalogs.Tess.Cone", service, **criteria) params["columns"] = "*" elif catalog.lower() == "ctl": service = "Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.Ctl" if coordinates or objectname: service += ".Position" service += ".Rows" # Using the rowstore version of the query for speed filters = self._current_connection.build_filter_set("Mast.Catalogs.Tess.Cone", service, **criteria) params["columns"] = "*" elif catalog.lower() == "diskdetective": service = "Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.DiskDetective" if coordinates or objectname: service += ".Position" filters = self._current_connection.build_filter_set("Mast.Catalogs.Dd.Cone", service, **criteria) else: raise InvalidQueryError("Criteria query not available for {}".format(catalog)) if not filters: raise InvalidQueryError("At least one non-positional criterion must be supplied.") params["filters"] = filters return self._current_connection.service_request_async(service, params, pagesize=pagesize, page=page)
[docs] @class_or_instance def query_hsc_matchid_async(self, match, *, version=3, pagesize=None, page=None): """ Returns all the matches for a given Hubble Source Catalog MatchID. Parameters ---------- match : int or `~astropy.table.Row` The matchID or HSC entry to return matches for. version : int, optional The HSC version to match against. Default is v3. pagesize : int, optional Can be used to override the default pagesize. E.g. when using a slow internet connection. page : int, optional Can be used to override the default behavior of all results being returned to obtain one sepcific page of results. Returns ------- response : list of `~requests.Response` """ self._current_connection = self._portal_api_connection if isinstance(match, Row): match = match["MatchID"] match = str(match) # np.int64 gives json serializer problems, so stringify right here if version == 2: service = "Mast.HscMatches.Db.v2" else: if version not in (3, None): warnings.warn("Invalid HSC version number, defaulting to v3.", InputWarning) service = "Mast.HscMatches.Db.v3" params = {"input": match} return self._current_connection.service_request_async(service, params, pagesize=pagesize, page=page)
[docs] @class_or_instance def get_hsc_spectra_async(self, *, pagesize=None, page=None): """ Returns all Hubble Source Catalog spectra. Parameters ---------- pagesize : int, optional Can be used to override the default pagesize. E.g. when using a slow internet connection. page : int, optional Can be used to override the default behavior of all results being returned to obtain one sepcific page of results. Returns ------- response : list of `~requests.Response` """ self._current_connection = self._portal_api_connection service = "Mast.HscSpectra.Db.All" params = {} return self._current_connection.service_request_async(service, params, pagesize, page)
[docs] def download_hsc_spectra(self, spectra, *, download_dir=None, cache=True, curl_flag=False): """ Download one or more Hubble Source Catalog spectra. Parameters ---------- spectra : `~astropy.table.Table` or `~astropy.table.Row` One or more HSC spectra to be downloaded. download_dir : str, optional Specify the base directory to download spectra into. Spectra will be saved in the subdirectory download_dir/mastDownload/HSC. If download_dir is not specified the base directory will be '.'. cache : bool, optional Default is True. If file is found on disc it will not be downloaded again. Note: has no affect when downloading curl script. curl_flag : bool, optional Default is False. If true instead of downloading files directly, a curl script will be downloaded that can be used to download the data files at a later time. Returns ------- response : list of `~requests.Response` """ # if spectra is not a Table, put it in a list if isinstance(spectra, Row): spectra = [spectra] # set up the download directory and paths if not download_dir: download_dir = '.' if curl_flag: # don't want to download the files now, just the curl script download_file = "mastDownload_" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") url_list = [] path_list = [] for spec in spectra: if spec['SpectrumType'] < 2: url_list.append('{0}' .format(spec['DatasetName'])) else: url_list.append('{0}' .format(spec['DatasetName']) + '.fits') path_list.append(download_file + "/HSC/" + spec['DatasetName'] + '.fits') description_list = [""]*len(spectra) producttype_list = ['spectrum']*len(spectra) service = "Mast.Bundle.Request" params = {"urlList": ",".join(url_list), "filename": download_file, "pathList": ",".join(path_list), "descriptionList": list(description_list), "productTypeList": list(producttype_list), "extension": 'curl'} response = self._portal_api_connection.service_request_async(service, params) bundler_response = response[0].json() local_path = os.path.join(download_dir, "{}.sh".format(download_file)) self._download_file(bundler_response['url'], local_path, head_safe=True, continuation=False) status = "COMPLETE" msg = None url = None if not os.path.isfile(local_path): status = "ERROR" msg = "Curl could not be downloaded" url = bundler_response['url'] else: missing_files = [x for x in bundler_response['statusList'].keys() if bundler_response['statusList'][x] != 'COMPLETE'] if len(missing_files): msg = "{} files could not be added to the curl script".format(len(missing_files)) url = ",".join(missing_files) manifest = Table({'Local Path': [local_path], 'Status': [status], 'Message': [msg], "URL": [url]}) else: base_dir = download_dir.rstrip('/') + "/mastDownload/HSC" if not os.path.exists(base_dir): os.makedirs(base_dir) manifest_array = [] for spec in spectra: if spec['SpectrumType'] < 2: data_url = f'{spec["DatasetName"]}' else: data_url = f'{spec["DatasetName"]}.fits' local_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f'{spec["DatasetName"]}.fits') status = "COMPLETE" msg = None url = None try: self._download_file(data_url, local_path, cache=cache, head_safe=True) # check file size also this is where would perform md5 if not os.path.isfile(local_path): status = "ERROR" msg = "File was not downloaded" url = data_url except HTTPError as err: status = "ERROR" msg = "HTTPError: {0}".format(err) url = data_url manifest_array.append([local_path, status, msg, url]) manifest = Table(rows=manifest_array, names=('Local Path', 'Status', 'Message', "URL")) return manifest
Catalogs = CatalogsClass()