
class astropy.wcs.wcsapi.HighLevelWCSMixin[source]

Bases: BaseHighLevelWCS

Mix-in class that automatically provides the high-level WCS API for the low-level WCS object given by the low_level_wcs property.

Attributes Summary


Returns a reference to the underlying low-level WCS object.

Methods Summary


Convert array indices to world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects).


Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates (represented by high-level objects).


Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to array indices.


Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to pixel coordinates.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation


Convert array indices to world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects).

If a single high-level object is used to represent the world coordinates (i.e., if len(wcs.world_axis_object_classes) == 1), it is returned as-is (not in a tuple/list), otherwise a tuple of high-level objects is returned. See array_index_to_world_values for pixel indexing and ordering conventions.


Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates (represented by high-level objects).

If a single high-level object is used to represent the world coordinates (i.e., if len(wcs.world_axis_object_classes) == 1), it is returned as-is (not in a tuple/list), otherwise a tuple of high-level objects is returned. See pixel_to_world_values for pixel indexing and ordering conventions.


Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to array indices.

If pixel_n_dim is 1, this method returns a single scalar or array, otherwise a tuple of scalars or arrays is returned. See world_to_array_index_values for pixel indexing and ordering conventions. The indices should be returned as rounded integers.


Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to pixel coordinates.

If pixel_n_dim is 1, this method returns a single scalar or array, otherwise a tuple of scalars or arrays is returned. See world_to_pixel_values for pixel indexing and ordering conventions.