.. currentmodule:: astropy.io.fits Header Data Unit **************** Header Data Units are the fundamental container structure of the FITS format consisting of a ``data`` member and its associated metadata in a ``header``. They are defined in ``astropy.io.fits.hdu``. The :class:`ImageHDU` and :class:`CompImageHDU` classes are discussed in the section on :ref:`Images`. The :class:`TableHDU` and :class:`BinTableHDU` classes are discussed in the section on :ref:`Tables`. :class:`PrimaryHDU` =================== .. autoclass:: PrimaryHDU :members: :inherited-members: :show-inheritance: :class:`GroupsHDU` ================== .. autoclass:: GroupsHDU :members: :inherited-members: :show-inheritance: :class:`GroupData` ================== .. autoclass:: GroupData :members: :show-inheritance: :class:`Group` -------------- .. autoclass:: Group :members: :show-inheritance: :class:`StreamingHDU` ===================== .. autoclass:: StreamingHDU :members: :inherited-members: :show-inheritance: