.. currentmodule:: astropy **************** Astropy Glossary **************** .. glossary:: (`n`,) A parenthesized number followed by a comma denotes a tuple with one element. The trailing comma distinguishes a one-element tuple from a parenthesized ``n``. This is from NumPy; see https://numpy.org/doc/stable/glossary.html. number Any numeric type. eg float or int or any of the ``numpy.number``. -like Used to indicate on object of that type or that can instantiate the type. E.g. :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`-like includes ``"2 * u.km"`` because ``astropy.units.Quantity("2 * u.km")`` works. unit-like Must be an :class:`~astropy.units.UnitBase` (subclass) instance or a string or other instance parseable by :class:`~astropy.units.Unit`. quantity-like Must be an `~astropy.units.Quantity` (or subclass) instance or a string parseable by `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Note that the interpretation of units in strings depends on the class -- ``Quantity("180d")`` is 180 **days**, while ``Angle("180d")`` is 180 **degrees** -- so check the string parses as intended for ``Quantity``. ['physical type'] The physical type of a quantity can be annotated in square brackets following a `~astropy.units.Quantity` (or similar :term:`quantity-like`). For example, ``distance : quantity-like ['length']`` angle-like :term:`quantity-like`, but interpreted by an angular `~astropy.units.SpecificTypeQuantity`, like `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` or `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude`. Note that the interpretation of units in strings depends on the class -- ``Quantity("180d")`` is 180 days, while ``Angle("180d")`` is 180 degrees -- so make sure the string parses as intended for ``Angle``. length-like :term:`quantity-like`, but interpretable by :class:`~astropy.coordinates.Distance`. frame-like A :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass instance or a string that can be converted to a Frame by :class:`~astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate_parsers._get_frame_class`. coordinate-like A Coordinate-type object such as a :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass instance or a :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` (or subclass) instance. table-like An astropy :class:`~astropy.table.Table` or any object that can initialize one. Anything marked as table-like will be processed through a :class:`~astropy.table.Table`. time-like :class:`~astropy.time.Time` or any valid initializer. buffer-like Anything that implements Python's buffer protocol. See https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/buffer.html#bufferobjects writable file-like object In the context of a :term:`python:file-like object` object, anything that supports writing with a method ``write``. readable file-like object In the context of a :term:`python:file-like object` object, anything that supports writing with a method ``read``. *************************** Optional Packages' Glossary *************************** .. currentmodule:: matplotlib.pyplot .. glossary:: color Any valid Matplotlib color.