Source code for astropy.uncertainty.distributions

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

Built-in distribution-creation functions.
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u

from .core import Distribution

__all__ = ["normal", "poisson", "uniform"]

[docs]def normal( center, *, std=None, var=None, ivar=None, n_samples, cls=Distribution, **kwargs ): """ Create a Gaussian/normal distribution. Parameters ---------- center : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The center of this distribution std : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or None The standard deviation/σ of this distribution. Shape must match and unit must be compatible with ``center``, or be `None` (if ``var`` or ``ivar`` are set). var : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or None The variance of this distribution. Shape must match and unit must be compatible with ``center``, or be `None` (if ``std`` or ``ivar`` are set). ivar : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or None The inverse variance of this distribution. Shape must match and unit must be compatible with ``center``, or be `None` (if ``std`` or ``var`` are set). n_samples : int The number of Monte Carlo samples to use with this distribution cls : class The class to use to create this distribution. Typically a `Distribution` subclass. Remaining keywords are passed into the constructor of the ``cls`` Returns ------- distr : `~astropy.uncertainty.Distribution` or object The sampled Gaussian distribution. The type will be the same as the parameter ``cls``. """ center = np.asanyarray(center) if var is not None: if std is None: std = np.asanyarray(var) ** 0.5 else: raise ValueError("normal cannot take both std and var") if ivar is not None: if std is None: std = np.asanyarray(ivar) ** -0.5 else: raise ValueError("normal cannot take both ivar and and std or var") if std is None: raise ValueError("normal requires one of std, var, or ivar") else: std = np.asanyarray(std) randshape = np.broadcast(std, center).shape + (n_samples,) samples = ( center[..., np.newaxis] + np.random.randn(*randshape) * std[..., np.newaxis] ) return cls(samples, **kwargs)
COUNT_UNITS = ( u.count, u.electron, u.dimensionless_unscaled, u.chan, u.bin, u.vox, u.bit, u.byte, )
[docs]def poisson(center, n_samples, cls=Distribution, **kwargs): """ Create a Poisson distribution. Parameters ---------- center : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The center value of this distribution (i.e., λ). n_samples : int The number of Monte Carlo samples to use with this distribution cls : class The class to use to create this distribution. Typically a `Distribution` subclass. Remaining keywords are passed into the constructor of the ``cls`` Returns ------- distr : `~astropy.uncertainty.Distribution` or object The sampled Poisson distribution. The type will be the same as the parameter ``cls``. """ # we convert to arrays because np.random.poisson has trouble with quantities has_unit = False if hasattr(center, "unit"): has_unit = True poissonarr = np.asanyarray(center.value) else: poissonarr = np.asanyarray(center) randshape = poissonarr.shape + (n_samples,) samples = np.random.poisson(poissonarr[..., np.newaxis], randshape) if has_unit: if center.unit == u.adu: warn( "ADUs were provided to poisson. ADUs are not strictly count" "units because they need the gain to be applied. It is " "recommended you apply the gain to convert to e.g. electrons." ) elif center.unit not in COUNT_UNITS: warn( f"Unit {center.unit} was provided to poisson, which is not one of" f' {COUNT_UNITS}, and therefore suspect as a "counting" unit. Ensure' " you mean to use Poisson statistics." ) # re-attach the unit samples = samples * center.unit return cls(samples, **kwargs)
[docs]def uniform( *, lower=None, upper=None, center=None, width=None, n_samples, cls=Distribution, **kwargs, ): """ Create a Uniform distriution from the lower and upper bounds. Note that this function requires keywords to be explicit, and requires either ``lower``/``upper`` or ``center``/``width``. Parameters ---------- lower : array-like The lower edge of this distribution. If a `~astropy.units.Quantity`, the distribution will have the same units as ``lower``. upper : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The upper edge of this distribution. Must match shape and if a `~astropy.units.Quantity` must have compatible units with ``lower``. center : array-like The center value of the distribution. Cannot be provided at the same time as ``lower``/``upper``. width : array-like The width of the distribution. Must have the same shape and compatible units with ``center`` (if any). n_samples : int The number of Monte Carlo samples to use with this distribution cls : class The class to use to create this distribution. Typically a `Distribution` subclass. Remaining keywords are passed into the constructor of the ``cls`` Returns ------- distr : `~astropy.uncertainty.Distribution` or object The sampled uniform distribution. The type will be the same as the parameter ``cls``. """ if center is None and width is None: lower = np.asanyarray(lower) upper = np.asanyarray(upper) if lower.shape != upper.shape: raise ValueError("lower and upper must have consistent shapes") elif upper is None and lower is None: center = np.asanyarray(center) width = np.asanyarray(width) lower = center - width / 2 upper = center + width / 2 else: raise ValueError( "either upper/lower or center/width must be given " "to uniform - other combinations are not valid" ) newshape = lower.shape + (n_samples,) if lower.shape == tuple() and upper.shape == tuple(): width = upper - lower # scalar else: width = (upper - lower)[:, np.newaxis] lower = lower[:, np.newaxis] samples = lower + width * np.random.uniform(size=newshape) return cls(samples, **kwargs)