
astroplan.observability_table(constraints, observer, targets, times=None, time_range=None, time_grid_resolution=<Quantity 0.5 h>)[source]

Creates a table with information about observability for all the targets over the requested time_range, given the constraints in constraints_list for observer.

constraintslist or Constraint

Observational constraint(s)


The observer who has constraints constraints

targets{list, SkyCoord, FixedTarget}

Target or list of targets

timesTime (optional)

Array of times on which to test the constraint

time_rangeTime (optional)

Lower and upper bounds on time sequence, with spacing time_resolution. This will be passed as the first argument into time_grid_from_range. If a single (scalar) time, the table will be for a 24 hour period centered on that time.

time_grid_resolutionQuantity (optional)

If time_range is specified, determine whether constraints are met between test times in time_range by checking constraint at linearly-spaced times separated by time_resolution. Default is 0.5 hours.


A Table containing the observability information for each of the targets. The table contains four columns with information about the target and it’s observability: 'target name', 'ever observable', 'always observable', and 'fraction of time observable'. The column 'time observable' will also be present if the time_range is given as a scalar. It also contains metadata entries 'times' (with an array of all the times), 'observer' (the Observer object), and 'constraints' (containing the supplied constraints).