Source code for ase.optimize.gpmin.gpmin

import numpy as np
import warnings

from scipy.optimize import minimize
from ase.parallel import world
from import write_json
from ase.optimize.optimize import Optimizer
from import GaussianProcess
from ase.optimize.gpmin.kernel import SquaredExponential
from ase.optimize.gpmin.prior import ConstantPrior

[docs]class GPMin(Optimizer, GaussianProcess): def __init__(self, atoms, restart=None, logfile='-', trajectory=None, prior=None, kernel=None, master=None, noise=None, weight=None, scale=None, force_consistent=None, batch_size=None, bounds=None, update_prior_strategy="maximum", update_hyperparams=False): """Optimize atomic positions using GPMin algorithm, which uses both potential energies and forces information to build a PES via Gaussian Process (GP) regression and then minimizes it. Default behaviour: -------------------- The default values of the scale, noise, weight, batch_size and bounds parameters depend on the value of update_hyperparams. In order to get the default value of any of them, they should be set up to None. Default values are: update_hyperparams = True scale : 0.3 noise : 0.004 weight: 2. bounds: 0.1 batch_size: 1 update_hyperparams = False scale : 0.4 noise : 0.005 weight: 1. bounds: irrelevant batch_size: irrelevant Parameters: ------------------ atoms: Atoms object The Atoms object to relax. restart: string JSON file used to store the training set. If set, file with such a name will be searched and the data in the file incorporated to the new training set, if the file exists. logfile: file object or str If *logfile* is a string, a file with that name will be opened. Use '-' for stdout trajectory: string File used to store trajectory of atomic movement. master: boolean Defaults to None, which causes only rank 0 to save files. If set to True, this rank will save files. force_consistent: boolean or None Use force-consistent energy calls (as opposed to the energy extrapolated to 0 K). By default (force_consistent=None) uses force-consistent energies if available in the calculator, but falls back to force_consistent=False if not. prior: Prior object or None Prior for the GP regression of the PES surface See ase.optimize.gpmin.prior If *prior* is None, then it is set as the ConstantPrior with the constant being updated using the update_prior_strategy specified as a parameter kernel: Kernel object or None Kernel for the GP regression of the PES surface See ase.optimize.gpmin.kernel If *kernel* is None the SquaredExponential kernel is used. Note: It needs to be a kernel with derivatives!!!!! noise: float Regularization parameter for the Gaussian Process Regression. weight: float Prefactor of the Squared Exponential kernel. If *update_hyperparams* is False, changing this parameter has no effect on the dynamics of the algorithm. update_prior_strategy: string Strategy to update the constant from the ConstantPrior when more data is collected. It does only work when Prior = None options: 'maximum': update the prior to the maximum sampled energy 'init' : fix the prior to the initial energy 'average': use the average of sampled energies as prior scale: float scale of the Squared Exponential Kernel update_hyperparams: boolean Update the scale of the Squared exponential kernel every batch_size-th iteration by maximizing the marginal likelihood. batch_size: int Number of new points in the sample before updating the hyperparameters. Only relevant if the optimizer is executed in update_hyperparams mode: (update_hyperparams = True) bounds: float, 0<bounds<1 Set bounds to the optimization of the hyperparameters. Let t be a hyperparameter. Then it is optimized under the constraint (1-bound)*t_0 <= t <= (1+bound)*t_0 where t_0 is the value of the hyperparameter in the previous step. If bounds is False, no constraints are set in the optimization of the hyperparameters. .. warning:: The memory of the optimizer scales as O(n²N²) where N is the number of atoms and n the number of steps. If the number of atoms is sufficiently high, this may cause a memory issue. This class prints a warning if the user tries to run GPMin with more than 100 atoms in the unit cell. """ # Warn the user if the number of atoms is very large if len(atoms) > 100: warning = ('Possible Memory Issue. There are more than ' '100 atoms in the unit cell. The memory ' 'of the process will increase with the number ' 'of steps, potentially causing a memory issue. ' 'Consider using a different optimizer.') warnings.warn(warning) # Give it default hyperparameters if update_hyperparams: # Updated GPMin if scale is None: scale = 0.3 if noise is None: noise = 0.004 if weight is None: weight = 2. if bounds is None: self.eps = 0.1 elif bounds is False: self.eps = None else: self.eps = bounds if batch_size is None: self.nbatch = 1 else: self.nbatch = batch_size else: # GPMin without updates if scale is None: scale = 0.4 if noise is None: noise = 0.001 if weight is None: weight = 1. if bounds is not None: warning = ('The parameter bounds is of no use ' 'if update_hyperparams is False. ' 'The value provided by the user ' 'is being ignored.') warnings.warn(warning, UserWarning) if batch_size is not None: warning = ('The parameter batch_size is of no use ' 'if update_hyperparams is False. ' 'The value provided by the user ' 'is being ignored.') warnings.warn(warning, UserWarning) # Set the variables to something anyways self.eps = False self.nbatch = None self.strategy = update_prior_strategy self.update_hp = update_hyperparams self.function_calls = 1 self.force_calls = 0 self.x_list = [] # Training set features self.y_list = [] # Training set targets Optimizer.__init__(self, atoms, restart, logfile, trajectory, master, force_consistent) if prior is None: self.update_prior = True prior = ConstantPrior(constant=None) else: self.update_prior = False if kernel is None: kernel = SquaredExponential() GaussianProcess.__init__(self, prior, kernel) self.set_hyperparams(np.array([weight, scale, noise])) def acquisition(self, r): e = self.predict(r) return e[0], e[1:] def update(self, r, e, f): """Update the PES Update the training set, the prior and the hyperparameters. Finally, train the model """ # update the training set self.x_list.append(r) f = f.reshape(-1) y = np.append(np.array(e).reshape(-1), -f) self.y_list.append(y) # Set/update the constant for the prior if self.update_prior: if self.strategy == 'average': av_e = np.mean(np.array(self.y_list)[:, 0]) self.prior.set_constant(av_e) elif self.strategy == 'maximum': max_e = np.max(np.array(self.y_list)[:, 0]) self.prior.set_constant(max_e) elif self.strategy == 'init': self.prior.set_constant(e) self.update_prior = False # update hyperparams if (self.update_hp and self.function_calls % self.nbatch == 0 and self.function_calls != 0): self.fit_to_batch() # build the model self.train(np.array(self.x_list), np.array(self.y_list)) def relax_model(self, r0): result = minimize(self.acquisition, r0, method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True) if result.success: return result.x else: self.dump() raise RuntimeError("The minimization of the acquisition function " "has not converged") def fit_to_batch(self): """Fit hyperparameters keeping the ratio noise/weight fixed""" ratio = self.noise/self.kernel.weight self.fit_hyperparameters(np.array(self.x_list), np.array(self.y_list), eps=self.eps) self.noise = ratio*self.kernel.weight def step(self, f=None): atoms = self.atoms if f is None: f = atoms.get_forces() fc = self.force_consistent r0 = atoms.get_positions().reshape(-1) e0 = atoms.get_potential_energy(force_consistent=fc) self.update(r0, e0, f) r1 = self.relax_model(r0) self.atoms.set_positions(r1.reshape(-1, 3)) e1 = self.atoms.get_potential_energy(force_consistent=fc) f1 = self.atoms.get_forces() self.function_calls += 1 self.force_calls += 1 count = 0 while e1 >= e0: self.update(r1, e1, f1) r1 = self.relax_model(r0) self.atoms.set_positions(r1.reshape(-1, 3)) e1 = self.atoms.get_potential_energy(force_consistent=fc) f1 = self.atoms.get_forces() self.function_calls += 1 self.force_calls += 1 if self.converged(f1): break count += 1 if count == 30: raise RuntimeError("A descent model could not be built") self.dump() def dump(self): """Save the training set""" if world.rank == 0 and self.restart is not None: with open(self.restart, 'wb') as fd: write_json(fd, (self.x_list, self.y_list)) def read(self): self.x_list, self.y_list = self.load()