# ******NOTICE***************
# optimize.py module by Travis E. Oliphant
# You may copy and use this module as you see fit with no
# guarantee implied provided you keep this notice in all copies.
# *****END NOTICE************
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy import eye, absolute, sqrt, isinf
from ase.utils.linesearch import LineSearch
from ase.optimize.optimize import Optimizer
# These have been copied from Numeric's MLab.py
# I don't think they made the transition to scipy_core
# Modified from scipy_optimize
abs = absolute
pymin = min
pymax = max
__version__ = '0.1'
[docs]class BFGSLineSearch(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, atoms, restart=None, logfile='-', maxstep=None,
trajectory=None, c1=0.23, c2=0.46, alpha=10.0, stpmax=50.0,
master=None, force_consistent=None):
"""Optimize atomic positions in the BFGSLineSearch algorithm, which
uses both forces and potential energy information.
atoms: Atoms object
The Atoms object to relax.
restart: string
Pickle file used to store hessian matrix. If set, file with
such a name will be searched and hessian matrix stored will
be used, if the file exists.
trajectory: string
Pickle file used to store trajectory of atomic movement.
maxstep: float
Used to set the maximum distance an atom can move per
iteration (default value is 0.2 Angstroms).
logfile: file object or str
If *logfile* is a string, a file with that name will be opened.
Use '-' for stdout.
master: boolean
Defaults to None, which causes only rank 0 to save files. If
set to true, this rank will save files.
force_consistent: boolean or None
Use force-consistent energy calls (as opposed to the energy
extrapolated to 0 K). By default (force_consistent=None) uses
force-consistent energies if available in the calculator, but
falls back to force_consistent=False if not.
if maxstep is None:
self.maxstep = self.defaults['maxstep']
self.maxstep = maxstep
self.stpmax = stpmax
self.alpha = alpha
self.H = None
self.c1 = c1
self.c2 = c2
self.force_calls = 0
self.function_calls = 0
self.r0 = None
self.g0 = None
self.e0 = None
self.load_restart = False
self.task = 'START'
self.rep_count = 0
self.p = None
self.alpha_k = None
self.no_update = False
self.replay = False
Optimizer.__init__(self, atoms, restart, logfile, trajectory,
master, force_consistent=force_consistent)
def read(self):
self.r0, self.g0, self.e0, self.task, self.H = self.load()
self.load_restart = True
def reset(self):
self.H = None
self.r0 = None
self.g0 = None
self.e0 = None
self.rep_count = 0
def step(self, f=None):
atoms = self.atoms
if f is None:
f = atoms.get_forces()
from ase.neb import NEB
if isinstance(atoms, NEB):
raise TypeError('NEB calculations cannot use the BFGSLineSearch'
' optimizer. Use BFGS or another optimizer.')
r = atoms.get_positions()
r = r.reshape(-1)
g = -f.reshape(-1) / self.alpha
p0 = self.p
self.update(r, g, self.r0, self.g0, p0)
# o,v = np.linalg.eigh(self.B)
e = self.func(r)
self.p = -np.dot(self.H, g)
p_size = np.sqrt((self.p**2).sum())
if p_size <= np.sqrt(len(atoms) * 1e-10):
self.p /= (p_size / np.sqrt(len(atoms)*1e-10))
ls = LineSearch()
self.alpha_k, e, self.e0, self.no_update = \
ls._line_search(self.func, self.fprime, r, self.p, g, e, self.e0,
maxstep=self.maxstep, c1=self.c1,
c2=self.c2, stpmax=self.stpmax)
if self.alpha_k is None:
raise RuntimeError("LineSearch failed!")
dr = self.alpha_k * self.p
atoms.set_positions((r + dr).reshape(len(atoms), -1))
self.r0 = r
self.g0 = g
self.dump((self.r0, self.g0, self.e0, self.task, self.H))
def update(self, r, g, r0, g0, p0):
self.I = eye(len(self.atoms) * 3, dtype=int)
if self.H is None:
self.H = eye(3 * len(self.atoms))
# self.B = np.linalg.inv(self.H)
dr = r - r0
dg = g - g0
# self.alpha_k can be None!!!
if not (((self.alpha_k or 0) > 0 and
abs(np.dot(g, p0)) - abs(np.dot(g0, p0)) < 0) or
if self.no_update is True:
print('skip update')
try: # this was handled in numeric, let it remain for more safety
rhok = 1.0 / (np.dot(dg, dr))
except ZeroDivisionError:
rhok = 1000.0
print("Divide-by-zero encountered: rhok assumed large")
if isinf(rhok): # this is patch for np
rhok = 1000.0
print("Divide-by-zero encountered: rhok assumed large")
A1 = self.I - dr[:, np.newaxis] * dg[np.newaxis, :] * rhok
A2 = self.I - dg[:, np.newaxis] * dr[np.newaxis, :] * rhok
self.H = (np.dot(A1, np.dot(self.H, A2)) +
rhok * dr[:, np.newaxis] * dr[np.newaxis, :])
# self.B = np.linalg.inv(self.H)
def func(self, x):
"""Objective function for use of the optimizers"""
self.atoms.set_positions(x.reshape(-1, 3))
self.function_calls += 1
# Scale the problem as SciPy uses I as initial Hessian.
return (self.atoms.get_potential_energy(
force_consistent=self.force_consistent) / self.alpha)
def fprime(self, x):
"""Gradient of the objective function for use of the optimizers"""
self.atoms.set_positions(x.reshape(-1, 3))
self.force_calls += 1
# Remember that forces are minus the gradient!
# Scale the problem as SciPy uses I as initial Hessian.
f = self.atoms.get_forces().reshape(-1)
return - f / self.alpha
def replay_trajectory(self, traj):
"""Initialize hessian from old trajectory."""
self.replay = True
from ase.utils import IOContext
with IOContext() as files:
if isinstance(traj, str):
from ase.io.trajectory import Trajectory
traj = files.closelater(Trajectory(traj, mode='r'))
r0 = None
g0 = None
for i in range(0, len(traj) - 1):
r = traj[i].get_positions().ravel()
g = - traj[i].get_forces().ravel() / self.alpha
self.update(r, g, r0, g0, self.p)
self.p = -np.dot(self.H, g)
r0 = r.copy()
g0 = g.copy()
self.r0 = r0
self.g0 = g0
def log(self, forces=None):
if self.logfile is None:
if forces is None:
forces = self.atoms.get_forces()
fmax = sqrt((forces**2).sum(axis=1).max())
e = self.atoms.get_potential_energy(
T = time.localtime()
name = self.__class__.__name__
w = self.logfile.write
if self.nsteps == 0:
w('%s %4s[%3s] %8s %15s %12s\n' %
(' '*len(name), 'Step', 'FC', 'Time', 'Energy', 'fmax'))
if self.force_consistent:
w('*Force-consistent energies used in optimization.\n')
w('%s: %3d[%3d] %02d:%02d:%02d %15.6f%1s %12.4f\n'
% (name, self.nsteps, self.force_calls, T[3], T[4], T[5], e,
{1: '*', 0: ''}[self.force_consistent], fmax))
def wrap_function(function, args):
ncalls = [0]
def function_wrapper(x):
ncalls[0] += 1
return function(x, *args)
return ncalls, function_wrapper