Source code for

import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom

from ase import Atoms
from ase.utils import writer

[docs]def read_xsd(fd): tree = ET.parse(fd) root = tree.getroot() atomtreeroot = root.find('AtomisticTreeRoot') # if periodic system if atomtreeroot.find('SymmetrySystem') is not None: symmetrysystem = atomtreeroot.find('SymmetrySystem') mappingset = symmetrysystem.find('MappingSet') mappingfamily = mappingset.find('MappingFamily') system = mappingfamily.find('IdentityMapping') coords = list() cell = list() formula = str() for atom in system: if atom.tag == 'Atom3d': symbol = atom.get('Components') formula += symbol xyz = atom.get('XYZ') if xyz: coord = [float(coord) for coord in xyz.split(',')] else: coord = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] coords.append(coord) elif atom.tag == 'SpaceGroup': avec = [float(vec) for vec in atom.get('AVector').split(',')] bvec = [float(vec) for vec in atom.get('BVector').split(',')] cvec = [float(vec) for vec in atom.get('CVector').split(',')] cell.append(avec) cell.append(bvec) cell.append(cvec) atoms = Atoms(formula, cell=cell, pbc=True) atoms.set_scaled_positions(coords) return atoms # if non-periodic system elif atomtreeroot.find('Molecule') is not None: system = atomtreeroot.find('Molecule') coords = list() formula = str() for atom in system: if atom.tag == 'Atom3d': symbol = atom.get('Components') formula += symbol xyz = atom.get('XYZ') coord = [float(coord) for coord in xyz.split(',')] coords.append(coord) atoms = Atoms(formula, pbc=False) atoms.set_scaled_positions(coords) return atoms
def CPK_or_BnS(element): """Determine how atom is visualized""" if element in ['C', 'H', 'O', 'S', 'N']: visualization_choice = 'Ball and Stick' else: visualization_choice = 'CPK' return visualization_choice def SetChild(parent, childname, props): Child = ET.SubElement(parent, childname) for key in props: Child.set(key, props[key]) return Child def SetBasicChilds(): """ Basic property setup for Material Studio File """ XSD = ET.Element('XSD') XSD.set('Version', '6.0') ATR = SetChild(XSD, 'AtomisticTreeRoot', dict( ID='1', NumProperties='40', NumChildren='1', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='AngleEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='BendBendEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='BendTorsionBendEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='BondEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Atom', Name='EFGAsymmetry', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Atom', Name='EFGQuadrupolarCoupling', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='ElectrostaticEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='GrowthFace', Name='FaceMillerIndex', Type='MillerIndex', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='GrowthFace', Name='FacetTransparency', Type='Float', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Bondable', Name='Force', Type='CoDirection', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='HydrogenBondEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Bondable', Name='ImportOrder', Type='UnsignedInteger', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='InversionEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Atom', Name='IsBackboneAtom', Type='Boolean', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Atom', Name='IsChiralCenter', Type='Boolean', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Atom', Name='IsOutOfPlane', Type='Boolean', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='BestFitLineMonitor', Name='LineExtentPadding', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Linkage', Name='LinkageGroupName', Type='String', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='PropertyList', Name='ListIdentifier', Type='String', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Atom', Name='NMRShielding', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='NonBondEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Bondable', Name='NormalMode', Type='Direction', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Bondable', Name='NormalModeFrequency', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Bondable', Name='OrbitalCutoffRadius', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='BestFitPlaneMonitor', Name='PlaneExtentPadding', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='PotentialEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ScalarFieldBase', Name='QuantizationValue', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='RestraintEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='SeparatedStretchStretchEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='Trajectory', Name='SimulationStep', Type='Integer', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='StretchBendStretchEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='StretchStretchEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='StretchTorsionStretchEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='TorsionBendBendEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='TorsionEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='TorsionStretchEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='ValenceCrossTermEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='ValenceDiagonalEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='ClassicalEnergyHolder', Name='VanDerWaalsEnergy', Type='Double', )) SetChild(ATR, 'Property', dict( DefinedOn='SymmetrySystem', Name='_Stress', Type='Matrix', )) return ATR, XSD def _write_xsd_html(images, connectivity=None): ATR, XSD = SetBasicChilds() natoms = len(images[0]) atom_element = images[0].get_chemical_symbols() atom_cell = images[0].get_cell() atom_positions = images[0].get_positions() # Set up bonds bonds = list() if connectivity is not None: for i in range(connectivity.shape[0]): for j in range(i + 1, connectivity.shape[0]): if connectivity[i, j]: bonds.append([i, j]) nbonds = len(bonds) # non-periodic system if not images[0].pbc.all(): Molecule = SetChild(ATR, 'Molecule', dict( ID='2', NumChildren=str(natoms + nbonds), Name='Lattice=&quot1.0', )) # writing images[0] for x in range(natoms): Props = dict( ID=str(x + 3), Name=(atom_element[x] + str(x + 1)), UserID=str(x + 1), DisplayStyle=CPK_or_BnS(atom_element[x]), XYZ=','.join('%1.16f' % xi for xi in atom_positions[x]), Components=atom_element[x], ) bondstr = [] for i, bond in enumerate(bonds): if x in bond: bondstr.append(str(i + 3 + natoms)) if bondstr: Props['Connections'] = ','.join(bondstr) SetChild(Molecule, 'Atom3d', Props) for x in range(nbonds): SetChild(Molecule, 'Bond', dict( ID=str(x + 3 + natoms), Connects='%i,%i' % (bonds[x][0] + 3, bonds[x][1] + 3), )) # periodic system else: atom_positions =, np.linalg.inv(atom_cell)) Props = dict( ID='2', Mapping='3', Children=','.join(map(str, range(4, natoms + nbonds + 5))), Normalized='1', Name='SymmSys', UserID=str(natoms + 18), XYZ='0.00000000000000,0.00000000000000,0.000000000000000', OverspecificationTolerance='0.05', PeriodicDisplayType='Original', ) SymmSys = SetChild(ATR, 'SymmetrySystem', Props) Props = dict( ID=str(natoms + nbonds + 5), SymmetryDefinition=str(natoms + 4), ActiveSystem='2', NumFamilies='1', OwnsTotalConstraintMapping='1', TotalConstraintMapping='3', ) MappngSet = SetChild(SymmSys, 'MappingSet', Props) Props = dict(ID=str(natoms + nbonds + 6), NumImageMappings='0') MappngFamily = SetChild(MappngSet, 'MappingFamily', Props) Props = dict( ID=str(natoms + len(bonds) + 7), Element='1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0', Constraint='1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0', MappedObjects=','.join(map(str, range(4, natoms + len(bonds) + 4))), DefectObjects='%i,%i' % (natoms + nbonds + 4, natoms + nbonds + 8), NumImages=str(natoms + len(bonds)), NumDefects='2', ) IdentMappng = SetChild(MappngFamily, 'IdentityMapping', Props) SetChild(MappngFamily, 'MappingRepairs', {'NumRepairs': '0'}) # writing atoms for x in range(natoms): Props = dict( ID=str(x + 4), Mapping=str(natoms + len(bonds) + 7), Parent='2', Name=(atom_element[x] + str(x + 1)), UserID=str(x + 1), DisplayStyle=CPK_or_BnS(atom_element[x]), Components=atom_element[x], XYZ=','.join(['%1.16f' % xi for xi in atom_positions[x]]), ) bondstr = [] for i, bond in enumerate(bonds): if x in bond: bondstr.append(str(i + 4 * natoms + 1)) if bondstr: Props['Connections'] = ','.join(bondstr) SetChild(IdentMappng, 'Atom3d', Props) for x in range(len(bonds)): SetChild(IdentMappng, 'Bond', dict( ID=str(x + 4 + natoms + 1), Mapping=str(natoms + len(bonds) + 7), Parent='2', Connects='%i,%i' % (bonds[x][0] + 4, bonds[x][1] + 4), )) Props = dict( ID=str(natoms + 4), Parent='2', Children=str(natoms + len(bonds) + 8), DisplayStyle='Solid', XYZ='0.00,0.00,0.00', Color='0,0,0,0', AVector=','.join(['%1.16f' % atom_cell[0, x] for x in range(3)]), BVector=','.join(['%1.16f' % atom_cell[1, x] for x in range(3)]), CVector=','.join(['%1.16f' % atom_cell[2, x] for x in range(3)]), OrientationBase='C along Z, B in YZ plane', Centering='3D Primitive-Centered', Lattice='3D Triclinic', GroupName='GroupName', Operators='1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0', DisplayRange='0,1,0,1,0,1', LineThickness='2', CylinderRadius='0.2', LabelAxes='1', ActiveSystem='2', ITNumber='1', LongName='P 1', Qualifier='Origin-1', SchoenfliesName='C1-1', System='Triclinic', Class='1', ) SetChild(IdentMappng, 'SpaceGroup', Props) SetChild(IdentMappng, 'ReciprocalLattice3D', dict( ID=str(natoms + len(bonds) + 8), Parent=str(natoms + 4), )) SetChild(MappngSet, 'InfiniteMapping', dict( ID='3', Element='1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0', MappedObjects='2', )) return XSD, ATR
[docs]@writer def write_xsd(fd, images, connectivity=None): """Takes Atoms object, and write materials studio file atoms: Atoms object filename: path of the output file connectivity: number of atoms by number of atoms matrix for connectivity between atoms (0 not connected, 1 connected) note: material studio file cannot use a partial periodic system. If partial perodic system was inputted, full periodicity was assumed. """ if hasattr(images, 'get_positions'): images = [images] XSD, ATR = _write_xsd_html(images, connectivity) # Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element. rough_string = ET.tostring(XSD, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) Document = reparsed.toprettyxml(indent='\t') fd.write(Document)