Source code for

Output support for X3D and X3DOM file types.
X3DOM outputs to html pages that should display 3-d manipulatable atoms in
modern web browsers.

from import covalent_radii
from import jmol_colors
from ase.utils import writer

[docs]@writer def write_x3d(fd, atoms, format='X3D'): """Writes to html using X3DOM. Args: filename - str or file-like object, filename or output file object atoms - Atoms object to be rendered format - str, either 'X3DOM' for web-browser compatibility or 'X3D' to be readable by Blender. `None` to detect format based on file extension ('.html' -> 'X3DOM', '.x3d' -> 'X3D')""" X3D(atoms).write(fd, datatype=format)
[docs]@writer def write_html(fd, atoms): """Writes to html using X3DOM. Args: filename - str or file-like object, filename or output file object atoms - Atoms object to be rendered""" write_x3d(fd, atoms, format='X3DOM')
class X3D: """Class to write either X3D (readable by open-source rendering programs such as Blender) or X3DOM html, readable by modern web browsers. """ def __init__(self, atoms): self._atoms = atoms def write(self, fileobj, datatype): """Writes output to either an 'X3D' or an 'X3DOM' file, based on the extension. For X3D, filename should end in '.x3d'. For X3DOM, filename should end in '.html'. Args: datatype - str, output format. 'X3D' or 'X3DOM'. """ # Write the header w = WriteToFile(fileobj) if datatype == 'X3DOM': w(0, '<html>') w(1, '<head>') w(2, '<title>ASE atomic visualization</title>') w(2, '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"') w(2, ' href="">') w(2, '</link>') w(2, '<script type="text/javascript"') w(2, ' src="">') w(2, '</script>') w(1, '</head>') w(1, '<body>') w(2, '<X3D>') elif datatype == 'X3D': w(0, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') w(0, '<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.2//EN" ' '"">') w(0, '<X3D profile="Interchange" version="3.2" ' 'xmlns:xsd="" ' 'xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=' '"">') else: raise ValueError("datatype not supported: " + str(datatype)) w(3, '<Scene>') for atom in self._atoms: for indent, line in atom_lines(atom): w(4 + indent, line) w(3, '</Scene>') if datatype == 'X3DOM': w(2, '</X3D>') w(1, '</body>') w(0, '</html>') elif datatype == 'X3D': w(0, '</X3D>') class WriteToFile: """Creates convenience function to write to a file.""" def __init__(self, fileobj): self._f = fileobj def __call__(self, indent, line): text = ' ' * indent print('%s%s\n' % (text, line), file=self._f) def atom_lines(atom): """Generates a segment of X3D lines representing an atom.""" x, y, z = atom.position lines = [(0, '<Transform translation="%.2f %.2f %.2f">' % (x, y, z))] lines += [(1, '<Shape>')] lines += [(2, '<Appearance>')] color = tuple(jmol_colors[atom.number]) color = 'diffuseColor="%.3f %.3f %.3f"' % color lines += [(3, '<Material %s specularColor="0.5 0.5 0.5">' % color)] lines += [(3, '</Material>')] lines += [(2, '</Appearance>')] lines += [(2, '<Sphere radius="%.2f">' % covalent_radii[atom.number])] lines += [(2, '</Sphere>')] lines += [(1, '</Shape>')] lines += [(0, '</Transform>')] return lines