import os
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from ase.calculators.calculator import KPoints, kpts2kpts
_special_kws = ['center', 'autosym', 'autoz', 'theory', 'basis', 'xc', 'task',
'set', 'symmetry', 'label', 'geompar', 'basispar', 'kpts',
'bandpath', 'restart_kw']
_system_type = {1: 'polymer', 2: 'surface', 3: 'crystal'}
def _get_geom(atoms, **params):
geom_header = ['geometry units angstrom']
for geomkw in ['center', 'autosym', 'autoz']:
geom_header.append(geomkw if params.get(geomkw) else 'no' + geomkw)
if 'geompar' in params:
geom = [' '.join(geom_header)]
outpos = atoms.get_positions()
pbc = atoms.pbc
if np.any(pbc):
scpos = atoms.get_scaled_positions()
for i, pbci in enumerate(pbc):
if pbci:
outpos[:, i] = scpos[:, i]
npbc = pbc.sum()
cellpars = atoms.cell.cellpar()
geom.append(' system {} units angstrom'.format(_system_type[npbc]))
if npbc == 3:
geom.append(' lattice_vectors')
for row in atoms.cell:
geom.append(' {:20.16e} {:20.16e} {:20.16e}'.format(*row))
if pbc[0]:
geom.append(' lat_a {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[0]))
if pbc[1]:
geom.append(' lat_b {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[1]))
if pbc[2]:
geom.append(' lat_c {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[2]))
if pbc[1] and pbc[2]:
geom.append(' alpha {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[3]))
if pbc[0] and pbc[2]:
geom.append(' beta {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[4]))
if pbc[1] and pbc[0]:
geom.append(' gamma {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[5]))
geom.append(' end')
for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
geom.append(' {:<2} {:20.16e} {:20.16e} {:20.16e}'
''.format(atom.symbol, *outpos[i]))
symm = params.get('symmetry')
if symm is not None:
geom.append(' symmetry {}'.format(symm))
return geom
def _get_basis(theory, **params):
if 'basis' not in params:
if theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
return []
basis_in = params.get('basis', '3-21G')
if 'basispar' in params:
header = 'basis {} noprint'.format(params['basispar'])
header = 'basis noprint'
basis_out = [header]
if isinstance(basis_in, str):
basis_out.append(' * library {}'.format(basis_in))
for symbol, ibasis in basis_in.items():
basis_out.append('{:>4} library {}'.format(symbol, ibasis))
return basis_out
_special_keypairs = [('nwpw', 'simulation_cell'),
('nwpw', 'carr-parinello'),
('nwpw', 'brillouin_zone'),
('tddft', 'grad'),
def _format_brillouin_zone(array, name=None):
out = [' brillouin_zone']
if name is not None:
out += [' zone_name {}'.format(name)]
template = ' kvector' + ' {:20.16e}' * array.shape[1]
for row in array:
out.append(' end')
return out
def _get_bandpath(bp):
if bp is None:
return []
out = ['nwpw']
out += _format_brillouin_zone(bp.kpts, name=bp.path)
out += [' zone_structure_name {}'.format(bp.path),
'task band structure']
return out
def _format_line(key, val):
if val is None:
return key
if isinstance(val, bool):
return '{} .{}.'.format(key, str(val).lower())
return ' '.join([key, str(val)])
def _format_block(key, val, nindent=0):
prefix = ' ' * nindent
prefix2 = ' ' * (nindent + 1)
if val is None:
return [prefix + key]
if not isinstance(val, dict):
return [prefix + _format_line(key, val)]
out = [prefix + key]
for subkey, subval in val.items():
if (key, subkey) in _special_keypairs:
if (key, subkey) == ('nwpw', 'brillouin_zone'):
out += _format_brillouin_zone(subval)
out += _format_block(subkey, subval, nindent + 1)
if isinstance(subval, dict):
subval = ' '.join([_format_line(a, b)
for a, b in subval.items()])
out.append(prefix2 + ' '.join([_format_line(subkey, subval)]))
out.append(prefix + 'end')
return out
def _get_other(**params):
out = []
for kw, block in params.items():
if kw in _special_kws:
out += _format_block(kw, block)
return out
def _get_set(**params):
return ['set ' + _format_line(key, val) for key, val in params.items()]
_gto_theories = ['tce', 'ccsd', 'mp2', 'tddft', 'scf', 'dft']
_pw_theories = ['band', 'pspw', 'paw']
_all_theories = _gto_theories + _pw_theories
def _get_theory(**params):
# Default: user-provided theory
theory = params.get('theory')
if theory is not None:
return theory
# Check if the user passed a theory to xc
xc = params.get('xc')
if xc in _all_theories:
return xc
# Check for input blocks that correspond to a particular level of
# theory. Correlated theories (e.g. CCSD) are checked first.
for kw in _gto_theories:
if kw in params:
return kw
# If the user passed an 'nwpw' block, then they want a plane-wave
# calculation, but what kind? If they request k-points, then
# they want 'band', otherwise assume 'pspw' (if the user wants
# to use 'paw', they will have to ask for it specifically).
nwpw = params.get('nwpw')
if nwpw is not None:
if 'monkhorst-pack' in nwpw or 'brillouin_zone' in nwpw:
return 'band'
return 'pspw'
# When all else fails, default to dft.
return 'dft'
_xc_conv = dict(lda='slater pw91lda',
pbe='xpbe96 cpbe96',
revpbe='revpbe cpbe96',
rpbe='rpbe cpbe96',
pw91='xperdew91 perdew91',
def _update_mult(magmom_tot, **params):
theory = params['theory']
if magmom_tot == 0:
magmom_mult = 1
magmom_mult = np.sign(magmom_tot) * (abs(magmom_tot) + 1)
if 'scf' in params:
for kw in ['nopen', 'singlet', 'doublet', 'triplet', 'quartet',
'quintet', 'sextet', 'septet', 'octet']:
if kw in params['scf']:
params['scf']['nopen'] = magmom_tot
elif theory in ['scf', 'mp2', 'ccsd', 'tce']:
params['scf'] = dict(nopen=magmom_tot)
if 'dft' in params:
if 'mult' not in params['dft']:
params['dft']['mult'] = magmom_mult
elif theory in ['dft', 'tddft']:
params['dft'] = dict(mult=magmom_mult)
if 'nwpw' in params:
if 'mult' not in params['nwpw']:
params['nwpw']['mult'] = magmom_mult
elif theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
params['nwpw'] = dict(mult=magmom_mult)
return params
def _get_kpts(atoms, **params):
"""Converts top-level 'kpts' argument to native keywords"""
kpts = params.get('kpts')
if kpts is None:
return params
nwpw = params.get('nwpw', dict())
if 'monkhorst-pack' in nwpw or 'brillouin_zone' in nwpw:
raise ValueError("Redundant k-points specified!")
if isinstance(kpts, KPoints):
nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts.kpts
elif isinstance(kpts, dict):
if kpts.get('gamma', False) or 'size' not in kpts:
nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts2kpts(kpts, atoms).kpts
nwpw['monkhorst-pack'] = ' '.join(map(str, kpts['size']))
elif isinstance(kpts, np.ndarray):
nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts
nwpw['monkhorst-pack'] = ' '.join(map(str, kpts))
params['nwpw'] = nwpw
return params
[docs]def write_nwchem_in(fd, atoms, properties=None, echo=False, **params):
"""Writes NWChem input file.
file descriptor
atomic configuration
list of properties to compute; by default only the
calculation of the energy is requested
if True include the `echo` keyword at the top of the file,
which causes the content of the input file to be included
in the output file
dict of instructions blocks to be included
params = deepcopy(params)
if properties is None:
properties = ['energy']
if 'stress' in properties:
if 'set' not in params:
params['set'] = dict()
params['set']['includestress'] = True
task = params.get('task')
if task is None:
if 'stress' in properties or 'forces' in properties:
task = 'gradient'
task = 'energy'
params = _get_kpts(atoms, **params)
theory = _get_theory(**params)
params['theory'] = theory
xc = params.get('xc')
if 'xc' in params:
xc = _xc_conv.get(params['xc'].lower(), params['xc'])
if theory in ['dft', 'tddft']:
if 'dft' not in params:
params['dft'] = dict()
params['dft']['xc'] = xc
elif theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
if 'nwpw' not in params:
params['nwpw'] = dict()
params['nwpw']['xc'] = xc
magmom_tot = int(atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().sum())
params = _update_mult(magmom_tot, **params)
label = params.get('label', 'nwchem')
perm = os.path.abspath(params.pop('perm', label))
scratch = os.path.abspath(params.pop('scratch', label))
restart_kw = params.get('restart_kw', 'start')
if restart_kw not in ('start', 'restart'):
raise ValueError("Unrecognised restart keyword: {}!"
short_label = label.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
if echo:
out = ['echo']
out = []
out.extend(['title "{}"'.format(short_label),
'permanent_dir {}'.format(perm),
'scratch_dir {}'.format(scratch),
'{} {}'.format(restart_kw, short_label),
'\n'.join(_get_geom(atoms, **params)),
'\n'.join(_get_set(**params.get('set', dict()))),
'task {} {}'.format(theory, task),
'\n'.join(_get_bandpath(params.get('bandpath', None)))])