Source code for

import os
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from ase.calculators.calculator import KPoints, kpts2kpts

_special_kws = ['center', 'autosym', 'autoz', 'theory', 'basis', 'xc', 'task',
                'set', 'symmetry', 'label', 'geompar', 'basispar', 'kpts',
                'bandpath', 'restart_kw']

_system_type = {1: 'polymer', 2: 'surface', 3: 'crystal'}

def _get_geom(atoms, **params):
    geom_header = ['geometry units angstrom']
    for geomkw in ['center', 'autosym', 'autoz']:
        geom_header.append(geomkw if params.get(geomkw) else 'no' + geomkw)
    if 'geompar' in params:
    geom = [' '.join(geom_header)]

    outpos = atoms.get_positions()
    pbc = atoms.pbc
    if np.any(pbc):
        scpos = atoms.get_scaled_positions()
        for i, pbci in enumerate(pbc):
            if pbci:
                outpos[:, i] = scpos[:, i]
        npbc = pbc.sum()
        cellpars = atoms.cell.cellpar()
        geom.append('  system {} units angstrom'.format(_system_type[npbc]))
        if npbc == 3:
            geom.append('    lattice_vectors')
            for row in atoms.cell:
                geom.append('      {:20.16e} {:20.16e} {:20.16e}'.format(*row))
            if pbc[0]:
                geom.append('    lat_a {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[0]))
            if pbc[1]:
                geom.append('    lat_b {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[1]))
            if pbc[2]:
                geom.append('    lat_c {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[2]))
            if pbc[1] and pbc[2]:
                geom.append('    alpha {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[3]))
            if pbc[0] and pbc[2]:
                geom.append('    beta {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[4]))
            if pbc[1] and pbc[0]:
                geom.append('    gamma {:20.16e}'.format(cellpars[5]))
        geom.append('  end')

    for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
        geom.append('  {:<2} {:20.16e} {:20.16e} {:20.16e}'
                    ''.format(atom.symbol, *outpos[i]))
    symm = params.get('symmetry')
    if symm is not None:
        geom.append('  symmetry {}'.format(symm))
    return geom

def _get_basis(theory, **params):
    if 'basis' not in params:
        if theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
            return []
    basis_in = params.get('basis', '3-21G')
    if 'basispar' in params:
        header = 'basis {} noprint'.format(params['basispar'])
        header = 'basis noprint'
    basis_out = [header]
    if isinstance(basis_in, str):
        basis_out.append('   * library {}'.format(basis_in))
        for symbol, ibasis in basis_in.items():
            basis_out.append('{:>4} library {}'.format(symbol, ibasis))
    return basis_out

_special_keypairs = [('nwpw', 'simulation_cell'),
                     ('nwpw', 'carr-parinello'),
                     ('nwpw', 'brillouin_zone'),
                     ('tddft', 'grad'),

def _format_brillouin_zone(array, name=None):
    out = ['  brillouin_zone']
    if name is not None:
        out += ['    zone_name {}'.format(name)]
    template = '    kvector' + ' {:20.16e}' * array.shape[1]
    for row in array:
    out.append('  end')
    return out

def _get_bandpath(bp):
    if bp is None:
        return []
    out = ['nwpw']
    out += _format_brillouin_zone(bp.kpts, name=bp.path)
    out += ['  zone_structure_name {}'.format(bp.path),
            'task band structure']
    return out

def _format_line(key, val):
    if val is None:
        return key
    if isinstance(val, bool):
        return '{} .{}.'.format(key, str(val).lower())
        return ' '.join([key, str(val)])

def _format_block(key, val, nindent=0):
    prefix = '  ' * nindent
    prefix2 = '  ' * (nindent + 1)
    if val is None:
        return [prefix + key]

    if not isinstance(val, dict):
        return [prefix + _format_line(key, val)]

    out = [prefix + key]
    for subkey, subval in val.items():
        if (key, subkey) in _special_keypairs:
            if (key, subkey) == ('nwpw', 'brillouin_zone'):
                out += _format_brillouin_zone(subval)
                out += _format_block(subkey, subval, nindent + 1)
            if isinstance(subval, dict):
                subval = ' '.join([_format_line(a, b)
                                   for a, b in subval.items()])
            out.append(prefix2 + ' '.join([_format_line(subkey, subval)]))
    out.append(prefix + 'end')
    return out

def _get_other(**params):
    out = []
    for kw, block in params.items():
        if kw in _special_kws:
        out += _format_block(kw, block)
    return out

def _get_set(**params):
    return ['set ' + _format_line(key, val) for key, val in params.items()]

_gto_theories = ['tce', 'ccsd', 'mp2', 'tddft', 'scf', 'dft']
_pw_theories = ['band', 'pspw', 'paw']
_all_theories = _gto_theories + _pw_theories

def _get_theory(**params):
    # Default: user-provided theory
    theory = params.get('theory')
    if theory is not None:
        return theory

    # Check if the user passed a theory to xc
    xc = params.get('xc')
    if xc in _all_theories:
        return xc

    # Check for input blocks that correspond to a particular level of
    # theory. Correlated theories (e.g. CCSD) are checked first.
    for kw in _gto_theories:
        if kw in params:
            return kw

    # If the user passed an 'nwpw' block, then they want a plane-wave
    # calculation, but what kind? If they request k-points, then
    # they want 'band', otherwise assume 'pspw' (if the user wants
    # to use 'paw', they will have to ask for it specifically).
    nwpw = params.get('nwpw')
    if nwpw is not None:
        if 'monkhorst-pack' in nwpw or 'brillouin_zone' in nwpw:
            return 'band'
        return 'pspw'

    # When all else fails, default to dft.
    return 'dft'

_xc_conv = dict(lda='slater pw91lda',
                pbe='xpbe96 cpbe96',
                revpbe='revpbe cpbe96',
                rpbe='rpbe cpbe96',
                pw91='xperdew91 perdew91',

def _update_mult(magmom_tot, **params):
    theory = params['theory']
    if magmom_tot == 0:
        magmom_mult = 1
        magmom_mult = np.sign(magmom_tot) * (abs(magmom_tot) + 1)
    if 'scf' in params:
        for kw in ['nopen', 'singlet', 'doublet', 'triplet', 'quartet',
                   'quintet', 'sextet', 'septet', 'octet']:
            if kw in params['scf']:
            params['scf']['nopen'] = magmom_tot
    elif theory in ['scf', 'mp2', 'ccsd', 'tce']:
        params['scf'] = dict(nopen=magmom_tot)

    if 'dft' in params:
        if 'mult' not in params['dft']:
            params['dft']['mult'] = magmom_mult
    elif theory in ['dft', 'tddft']:
        params['dft'] = dict(mult=magmom_mult)

    if 'nwpw' in params:
        if 'mult' not in params['nwpw']:
            params['nwpw']['mult'] = magmom_mult
    elif theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']:
        params['nwpw'] = dict(mult=magmom_mult)

    return params

def _get_kpts(atoms, **params):
    """Converts top-level 'kpts' argument to native keywords"""
    kpts = params.get('kpts')
    if kpts is None:
        return params

    nwpw = params.get('nwpw', dict())

    if 'monkhorst-pack' in nwpw or 'brillouin_zone' in nwpw:
        raise ValueError("Redundant k-points specified!")

    if isinstance(kpts, KPoints):
        nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts.kpts
    elif isinstance(kpts, dict):
        if kpts.get('gamma', False) or 'size' not in kpts:
            nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts2kpts(kpts, atoms).kpts
            nwpw['monkhorst-pack'] = ' '.join(map(str, kpts['size']))
    elif isinstance(kpts, np.ndarray):
        nwpw['brillouin_zone'] = kpts
        nwpw['monkhorst-pack'] = ' '.join(map(str, kpts))

    params['nwpw'] = nwpw
    return params

[docs]def write_nwchem_in(fd, atoms, properties=None, echo=False, **params): """Writes NWChem input file. Parameters ---------- fd file descriptor atoms atomic configuration properties list of properties to compute; by default only the calculation of the energy is requested echo if True include the `echo` keyword at the top of the file, which causes the content of the input file to be included in the output file params dict of instructions blocks to be included """ params = deepcopy(params) if properties is None: properties = ['energy'] if 'stress' in properties: if 'set' not in params: params['set'] = dict() params['set']['includestress'] = True task = params.get('task') if task is None: if 'stress' in properties or 'forces' in properties: task = 'gradient' else: task = 'energy' params = _get_kpts(atoms, **params) theory = _get_theory(**params) params['theory'] = theory xc = params.get('xc') if 'xc' in params: xc = _xc_conv.get(params['xc'].lower(), params['xc']) if theory in ['dft', 'tddft']: if 'dft' not in params: params['dft'] = dict() params['dft']['xc'] = xc elif theory in ['pspw', 'band', 'paw']: if 'nwpw' not in params: params['nwpw'] = dict() params['nwpw']['xc'] = xc magmom_tot = int(atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().sum()) params = _update_mult(magmom_tot, **params) label = params.get('label', 'nwchem') perm = os.path.abspath(params.pop('perm', label)) scratch = os.path.abspath(params.pop('scratch', label)) restart_kw = params.get('restart_kw', 'start') if restart_kw not in ('start', 'restart'): raise ValueError("Unrecognised restart keyword: {}!" .format(restart_kw)) short_label = label.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] if echo: out = ['echo'] else: out = [] out.extend(['title "{}"'.format(short_label), 'permanent_dir {}'.format(perm), 'scratch_dir {}'.format(scratch), '{} {}'.format(restart_kw, short_label), '\n'.join(_get_geom(atoms, **params)), '\n'.join(_get_basis(**params)), '\n'.join(_get_other(**params)), '\n'.join(_get_set(**params.get('set', dict()))), 'task {} {}'.format(theory, task), '\n'.join(_get_bandpath(params.get('bandpath', None)))]) fd.write('\n\n'.join(out))