Source code for

A module for reading and writing crystal structures from JSV

By Jesper Friis, Jan. 2012

import re

import numpy as np

import ase
from ase.spacegroup import Spacegroup, crystal
from ase.geometry import cellpar_to_cell, cell_to_cellpar

[docs]def read_jsv(f): """Reads a JSV file.""" natom = nbond = npoly = 0 symbols = [] labels = [] cellpar = basis = title = bonds = poly = origin = shell_numbers = None spacegroup = 1 headline = f.readline().strip() while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() m = re.match(r'^\[([^]]+)\]\s*(.*)', line) if m is None or not line: continue tag = m.groups()[0].lower() if len(m.groups()) > 1: args = m.groups()[1].split() else: args = [] if tag == 'cell': cellpar = [float(x) for x in args] elif tag == 'natom': natom = int(args[0]) elif tag == 'nbond': nbond = int(args[0]) # optional margin of the bondlengths elif tag == 'npoly': npoly = int(args[0]) elif tag == 'space_group': spacegroup = Spacegroup(*tuple(int(x) for x in args)) elif tag == 'title': title = m.groups()[1] elif tag == 'atoms': symbols = [] basis = np.zeros((natom, 3), dtype=float) shell_numbers = -np.ones((natom, ), dtype=int) # float? for i in range(natom): tokens = f.readline().strip().split() labels.append(tokens[0]) symbols.append([int(tokens[1])]) basis[i] = [float(x) for x in tokens[2:5]] if len(tokens) > 5: shell_numbers[i] = float(tokens[5]) # float? elif tag == 'bonds': for i in range(nbond): f.readline() bonds = NotImplemented elif tag == 'poly': for i in range(npoly): f.readline() poly = NotImplemented elif tag == 'origin': origin = NotImplemented else: raise ValueError('Unknown tag: "%s"' % tag) if headline == 'asymmetric_unit_cell': atoms = crystal(symbols=symbols, basis=basis, spacegroup=spacegroup, cellpar=cellpar, ) elif headline == 'full_unit_cell': atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols, scaled_positions=basis, cell=cellpar_to_cell(cellpar), )['spacegroup'] = Spacegroup(spacegroup) elif headline == 'cartesian_cell': atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=basis, cell=cellpar_to_cell(cellpar), )['spacegroup'] = Spacegroup(spacegroup) else: raise ValueError('Invalid JSV file type: "%s"' % headline)['title'] = title['labels'] = labels if bonds is not None:['bonds'] = bonds if poly is not None:['poly'] = poly if origin is not None:['origin'] = origin if shell_numbers is not None:['shell_numbers'] = shell_numbers return atoms
[docs]def write_jsv(fd, atoms): """Writes JSV file.""" fd.write('asymmetric_unit_cell\n') fd.write('[cell]') for v in cell_to_cellpar(atoms.cell): fd.write(' %g' % v) fd.write('\n') fd.write('[natom] %d\n' % len(atoms)) fd.write('[nbond] 0\n') # FIXME fd.write('[npoly] 0\n') # FIXME if 'spacegroup' in sg = Spacegroup(['spacegroup']) fd.write('[space_group] %d %d\n' % (, sg.setting)) else: fd.write('[space_group] 1 1\n') fd.write('[title] %s\n' %'title', 'untitled')) fd.write('\n') fd.write('[atoms]\n') if 'labels' in labels =['labels'] else: labels = ['%s%d' % (s, i + 1) for i, s in enumerate(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())] numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() scaled = atoms.get_scaled_positions() for l, n, p in zip(labels, numbers, scaled): fd.write('%-4s %2d %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n' % (l, n, p[0], p[1], p[2])) fd.write('Label AtomicNumber x y z (repeat natom times)\n') fd.write('\n') fd.write('[bonds]\n') fd.write('\n') fd.write('[poly]\n') fd.write('\n')