Source code for

""" Read/Write DL_POLY_4 CONFIG files """
import re

from numpy import zeros, isscalar

from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.units import _auf, _amu, _auv
from import chemical_symbols
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator

__all__ = ['read_dlp4', 'write_dlp4']

# dlp4 labels will be registered in atoms.arrays[DLP4_LABELS_KEY]
DLP4_LABELS_KEY = 'dlp4_labels'
DLP4_DISP_KEY = 'dlp4_displacements'
dlp_f_si = 1.0e-10 * _amu / (1.0e-12 * 1.0e-12)  # Å*Da/ps^2
dlp_f_ase = dlp_f_si / _auf
dlp_v_si = 1.0e-10 / 1.0e-12  # Å/ps
dlp_v_ase = dlp_v_si / _auv

def _get_frame_positions(f):
    """Get positions of frames in HISTORY file."""
    # header line contains name of system
    init_pos = f.tell()
    rl = len(f.readline())  # system name, and record size
    items = f.readline().strip().split()
    if len(items) == 5:
        classic = False
    elif len(items) == 3:
        classic = True
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine version of HISTORY file format.")

    levcfg, imcon, natoms = [int(x) for x in items[0:3]]
    if classic:
        # we have to iterate over the entire file
        startpos = f.tell()
        pos = []
        line = True
        while line:
            line = f.readline()
            if 'timestep' in line:
        nframes = int(items[3])
        pos = [((natoms * (levcfg + 2) + 4) * i + 3)
               * rl for i in range(nframes)]
    return levcfg, imcon, natoms, pos

[docs]def read_dlp_history(f, index=-1, symbols=None): """Read a HISTORY file. Compatible with DLP4 and DLP_CLASSIC. *Index* can be integer or slice. Provide a list of element strings to symbols to ignore naming from the HISTORY file. """ levcfg, imcon, natoms, pos = _get_frame_positions(f) if isscalar(index): selected = [pos[index]] else: selected = pos[index] images = [] for fpos in selected: + 1) images.append(read_single_image(f, levcfg, imcon, natoms, is_trajectory=True, symbols=symbols)) return images
def iread_dlp_history(f, symbols=None): """Generator version of read_history""" levcfg, imcon, natoms, pos = _get_frame_positions(f) for p in pos: + 1) yield read_single_image(f, levcfg, imcon, natoms, is_trajectory=True, symbols=symbols)
[docs]def read_dlp4(f, symbols=None): """Read a DL_POLY_4 config/revcon file. Typically used indirectly through read('filename', atoms, format='dlp4'). Can be unforgiven with custom chemical element names. Please complain to for bugs.""" line = f.readline() line = f.readline().split() levcfg = int(line[0]) imcon = int(line[1]) position = f.tell() line = f.readline() tokens = line.split() is_trajectory = tokens[0] == 'timestep' if not is_trajectory: # Difficult to distinguish between trajectory and non-trajectory # formats without reading one line too much. while line: if is_trajectory: tokens = line.split() natoms = int(tokens[2]) else: natoms = None yield read_single_image(f, levcfg, imcon, natoms, is_trajectory, symbols) line = f.readline()
def read_single_image(f, levcfg, imcon, natoms, is_trajectory, symbols=None): cell = zeros((3, 3)) ispbc = imcon > 0 if ispbc or is_trajectory: for j in range(3): line = f.readline() line = line.split() for i in range(3): try: cell[j, i] = float(line[i]) except ValueError: raise RuntimeError("error reading cell") if symbols: sym = symbols else: sym = [] positions = [] velocities = [] forces = [] charges = [] masses = [] disp = [] if is_trajectory: counter = range(natoms) else: from itertools import count counter = count() labels = [] mass = None ch = None d = None for a in counter: line = f.readline() if not line: a -= 1 break m = re.match(r'\s*([A-Za-z][a-z]?)(\S*)', line) assert m is not None, line symbol, label =, 2) symbol = symbol.capitalize() if is_trajectory: ll = line.split() if len(ll) == 5: mass, ch, d = [float(i) for i in line.split()[2:5]] else: mass, ch = [float(i) for i in line.split()[2:4]] charges.append(ch) masses.append(mass) disp.append(d) if not symbols: assert symbol in chemical_symbols sym.append(symbol) # make sure label is not empty if label: labels.append(label) else: labels.append('') x, y, z = f.readline().split()[:3] positions.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) if levcfg > 0: vx, vy, vz = f.readline().split()[:3] velocities.append([float(vx) * dlp_v_ase, float(vy) * dlp_v_ase, float(vz) * dlp_v_ase]) if levcfg > 1: fx, fy, fz = f.readline().split()[:3] forces.append([float(fx) * dlp_f_ase, float(fy) * dlp_f_ase, float(fz) * dlp_f_ase]) if symbols and (a + 1 != len(symbols)): raise ValueError("Counter is at {} but you gave {} symbols" .format(a + 1, len(symbols))) if imcon == 0: pbc = False elif imcon == 6: pbc = [True, True, False] else: assert imcon in [1, 2, 3] pbc = True atoms = Atoms(positions=positions, symbols=sym, cell=cell, pbc=pbc, # Cell is centered around (0, 0, 0) in dlp4: celldisp=-cell.sum(axis=0) / 2) if is_trajectory: atoms.set_masses(masses) atoms.set_array(DLP4_DISP_KEY, disp, float) atoms.set_initial_charges(charges) atoms.set_array(DLP4_LABELS_KEY, labels, str) if levcfg > 0: atoms.set_velocities(velocities) if levcfg > 1: atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, forces=forces) return atoms
[docs]def write_dlp4(fd, atoms, levcfg=0, title='CONFIG generated by ASE'): """Write a DL_POLY_4 config file. Typically used indirectly through write('filename', atoms, format='dlp4'). Can be unforgiven with custom chemical element names. Please complain to in case of bugs""" fd.write('{0:72s}\n'.format(title)) natoms = len(atoms) npbc = sum(atoms.pbc) if npbc == 0: imcon = 0 elif npbc == 3: imcon = 3 elif tuple(atoms.pbc) == (True, True, False): imcon = 6 else: raise ValueError('Unsupported pbc: {}. ' 'Supported pbc are 000, 110, and 000.' .format(atoms.pbc)) fd.write('{0:10d}{1:10d}{2:10d}\n'.format(levcfg, imcon, natoms)) if imcon > 0: cell = atoms.get_cell() for j in range(3): fd.write('{0:20.10f}{1:20.10f}{2:20.10f}\n'.format( cell[j, 0], cell[j, 1], cell[j, 2])) vels = [] forces = [] if levcfg > 0: vels = atoms.get_velocities() / dlp_v_ase if levcfg > 1: forces = atoms.get_forces() / dlp_f_ase labels = atoms.arrays.get(DLP4_LABELS_KEY) for i, a in enumerate(atoms): sym = a.symbol if labels is not None: sym += labels[i] fd.write("{0:8s}{1:10d}\n{2:20.10f}{3:20.10f}{4:20.10f}\n".format( sym, a.index + 1, a.x, a.y, a.z)) if levcfg > 0: if vels is None: fd.write("{0:20.10f}{1:20.10f}{2:20.10f}\n".format( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) else: fd.write("{0:20.10f}{1:20.10f}{2:20.10f}\n".format( vels[a.index, 0], vels[a.index, 1], vels[a.index, 2])) if levcfg > 1: if forces is None: fd.write("{0:20.10f}{1:20.10f}{2:20.10f}\n".format( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) else: fd.write("{0:20.10f}{1:20.10f}{2:20.10f}\n".format( forces[a.index, 0], forces[a.index, 1], forces[a.index, 2]))