Source code for ase.geometry.analysis

# flake8: noqa
"""Tools for analyzing instances of :class:`~ase.Atoms`

from ase.neighborlist import build_neighbor_list, get_distance_matrix, get_distance_indices
from import get_rdf
from ase import Atoms

__all__ = ['Analysis']

[docs]class Analysis: """Analysis class Parameters for initialization: images: :class:`~ase.Atoms` object or list of such Images to analyze. nl: None, :class:`~ase.neighborlist.NeighborList` object or list of such Neighborlist(s) for the given images. One or nImages, depending if bonding pattern changes or is constant. Using one Neigborlist greatly improves speed. kwargs: options, dict Arguments for constructing :class:`~ase.neighborlist.NeighborList` object if :data:`nl` is None. The choice of ``bothways=True`` for the :class:`~ase.neighborlist.NeighborList` object will not influence the amount of bonds/angles/dihedrals you get, all are reported in both directions. Use the *unique*-labeled properties to get lists without duplicates. """ def __init__(self, images, nl=None, **kwargs): self.images = images if isinstance(nl, list): assert len(nl) == self.nImages self._nl = nl elif nl is not None: self._nl = [ nl ] else: self._nl = [ build_neighbor_list(self.images[0], **kwargs) ] self._cache = {} def _get_slice(self, imageIdx): """Return a slice from user input. Using *imageIdx* (can be integer or slice) the analyzed frames can be specified. If *imageIdx* is None, all frames will be analyzed. """ #get slice from imageIdx if isinstance(imageIdx, int): sl = slice(imageIdx, imageIdx+1) elif isinstance(imageIdx, slice): sl = imageIdx elif imageIdx is None: sl = slice(0, None) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported type for imageIdx in ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis._get_slice") return sl @property def images(self): """Images. Set during initialization but can also be set later. """ return self._images @images.setter def images(self, images): """Set images""" if isinstance(images, list): self._images = images else: self._images = [ images ] @images.deleter def images(self): """Delete images""" self._images = None @property def nImages(self): """Number of Images in this instance. Cannot be set, is determined automatically. """ return len(self.images) @property def nl(self): """Neighbor Lists in this instance. Set during initialization. **No setter or deleter, only getter** """ return self._nl def _get_all_x(self, distance): """Helper function to get bonds, angles, dihedrals""" maxIter = self.nImages if len( == 1: maxIter = 1 xList = [] for i in range(maxIter): xList.append(get_distance_indices(self.distance_matrix[i], distance)) return xList @property def all_bonds(self): """All Bonds. A list with indices of bonded atoms for each neighborlist in *self*. Atom i is connected to all atoms inside result[i]. Duplicates from PBCs are removed. See also :data:`unique_bonds`. **No setter or deleter, only getter** """ if not 'allBonds' in self._cache: self._cache['allBonds'] = self._get_all_x(1) return self._cache['allBonds'] @property def all_angles(self): """All angles A list with indices of atoms in angles for each neighborlist in *self*. Atom i forms an angle to the atoms inside the tuples in result[i]: i -- result[i][x][0] -- result[i][x][1] where x is in range(number of angles from i). See also :data:`unique_angles`. **No setter or deleter, only getter** """ if not 'allAngles' in self._cache: self._cache['allAngles'] = [] distList = self._get_all_x(2) for imI in range(len(distList)): self._cache['allAngles'].append([]) #iterate over second neighbors of all atoms for iAtom, secNeighs in enumerate(distList[imI]): self._cache['allAngles'][-1].append([]) if len(secNeighs) == 0: continue firstNeighs = self.all_bonds[imI][iAtom] #iterate over second neighbors of iAtom for kAtom in secNeighs: relevantFirstNeighs = [ idx for idx in firstNeighs if kAtom in self.all_bonds[imI][idx] ] #iterate over all atoms that are connected to iAtom and kAtom for jAtom in relevantFirstNeighs: self._cache['allAngles'][-1][-1].append((jAtom, kAtom)) return self._cache['allAngles'] @property def all_dihedrals(self): """All dihedrals Returns a list with indices of atoms in dihedrals for each neighborlist in this instance. Atom i forms a dihedral to the atoms inside the tuples in result[i]: i -- result[i][x][0] -- result[i][x][1] -- result[i][x][2] where x is in range(number of dihedrals from i). See also :data:`unique_dihedrals`. **No setter or deleter, only getter** """ if not 'allDihedrals' in self._cache: self._cache['allDihedrals'] = [] distList = self._get_all_x(3) for imI in range(len(distList)): self._cache['allDihedrals'].append([]) for iAtom, thirdNeighs in enumerate(distList[imI]): self._cache['allDihedrals'][-1].append([]) if len(thirdNeighs) == 0: continue anglesI = self.all_angles[imI][iAtom] #iterate over third neighbors of iAtom for lAtom in thirdNeighs: secondNeighs = [ angle[-1] for angle in anglesI ] firstNeighs = [ angle[0] for angle in anglesI ] relevantSecondNeighs = [ idx for idx in secondNeighs if lAtom in self.all_bonds[imI][idx] ] relevantFirstNeighs = [ firstNeighs[secondNeighs.index(idx)] for idx in relevantSecondNeighs ] #iterate over all atoms that are connected to iAtom and lAtom for jAtom, kAtom in zip(relevantFirstNeighs, relevantSecondNeighs): #remove dihedrals in circles tupl = (jAtom, kAtom, lAtom) if len(set((iAtom, ) + tupl)) != 4: continue #avoid duplicates elif tupl in self._cache['allDihedrals'][-1][-1]: continue elif iAtom in tupl: raise RuntimeError("Something is wrong in analysis.all_dihedrals!") self._cache['allDihedrals'][-1][-1].append((jAtom, kAtom, lAtom)) return self._cache['allDihedrals'] @property def adjacency_matrix(self): """The adjacency/connectivity matrix. If not already done, build a list of adjacency matrices for all :data:`nl`. **No setter or deleter, only getter** """ if not 'adjacencyMatrix' in self._cache: self._cache['adjacencyMatrix'] = [] for i in range(len( self._cache['adjacencyMatrix'].append([i].get_connectivity_matrix()) return self._cache['adjacencyMatrix'] @property def distance_matrix(self): """The distance matrix. If not already done, build a list of distance matrices for all :data:`nl`. See :meth:`ase.neighborlist.get_distance_matrix`. **No setter or deleter, only getter** """ if not 'distanceMatrix' in self._cache: self._cache['distanceMatrix'] = [] for i in range(len( self._cache['distanceMatrix'].append(get_distance_matrix(self.adjacency_matrix[i])) return self._cache['distanceMatrix'] @property def unique_bonds(self): """Get Unique Bonds. :data:`all_bonds` i-j without j-i. This is the upper triangle of the connectivity matrix (i,j), `i < j` """ bonds = [] for imI in range(len(self.all_bonds)): bonds.append([]) for iAtom, bonded in enumerate(self.all_bonds[imI]): bonds[-1].append([ jAtom for jAtom in bonded if jAtom > iAtom ]) return bonds def _filter_unique(self, l): """Helper function to filter for unique lists in a list that also contains the reversed items. """ r = [] #iterate over images for imI in range(len(l)): r.append([]) #iterate over atoms for i, tuples in enumerate(l[imI]): #add the ones where i is smaller than the last element r[-1].append([ x for x in tuples if i < x[-1] ]) return r
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Delete all cached information.""" self._cache = {}
@property def unique_angles(self): """Get Unique Angles. :data:`all_angles` i-j-k without k-j-i. """ return self._filter_unique(self.all_angles) @property def unique_dihedrals(self): """Get Unique Dihedrals. :data:`all_dihedrals` i-j-k-l without l-k-j-i. """ return self._filter_unique(self.all_dihedrals) def _get_symbol_idxs(self, imI, sym): """Get list of indices of element *sym*""" if isinstance(imI, int): return [ idx for idx in range(len(self.images[imI])) if self.images[imI][idx].symbol == sym ] else: return [ idx for idx in range(len(imI)) if imI[idx].symbol == sym ] def _idxTuple2SymbolTuple(self, imI, tup): """Converts a tuple of indices to their symbols""" return ( self.images[imI][idx].symbol for idx in tup )
[docs] def get_bonds(self, A, B, unique=True): """Get bonds from element A to element B. Parameters: A, B: str Get Bonds between elements A and B unique: bool Return the bonds both ways or just one way (A-B and B-A or only A-B) Returns: return: list of lists of tuples return[imageIdx][atomIdx][bondI], each tuple starts with atomIdx. Use :func:`get_values` to convert the returned list to values. """ r = [] for imI in range(len(self.all_bonds)): r.append([]) aIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, A) if A != B: bIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, B) for idx in aIdxs: bonded = self.all_bonds[imI][idx] if A == B: r[-1].extend([ (idx, x) for x in bonded if ( x in aIdxs ) and ( x > idx ) ]) else: r[-1].extend([ (idx, x) for x in bonded if x in bIdxs ]) if not unique: r[-1] += [ x[::-1] for x in r[-1] ] return r
[docs] def get_angles(self, A, B, C, unique=True): """Get angles from given elements A-B-C. Parameters: A, B, C: str Get Angles between elements A, B and C. **B will be the central atom**. unique: bool Return the angles both ways or just one way (A-B-C and C-B-A or only A-B-C) Returns: return: list of lists of tuples return[imageIdx][atomIdx][angleI], each tuple starts with atomIdx. Use :func:`get_values` to convert the returned list to values. """ from itertools import product, combinations r = [] for imI in range(len(self.all_angles)): r.append([]) #Middle Atom is fixed bIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, B) for bIdx in bIdxs: bondedA = [ idx for idx in self.all_bonds[imI][bIdx] if self.images[imI][idx].symbol == A ] if len(bondedA) == 0: continue if A != C: bondedC = [ idx for idx in self.all_bonds[imI][bIdx] if self.images[imI][idx].symbol == C ] if len(bondedC) == 0: continue if A == C: extend = [ (x[0], bIdx, x[1]) for x in list(combinations(bondedA, 2)) ] else: extend = list(product(bondedA, [bIdx], bondedC)) if not unique: extend += [ x[::-1] for x in extend ] r[-1].extend(extend) return r
[docs] def get_dihedrals(self, A, B, C, D, unique=True): """Get dihedrals A-B-C-D. Parameters: A, B, C, D: str Get Dihedralss between elements A, B, C and D. **B-C will be the central axis**. unique: bool Return the dihedrals both ways or just one way (A-B-C-D and D-C-B-A or only A-B-C-D) Returns: return: list of lists of tuples return[imageIdx][atomIdx][dihedralI], each tuple starts with atomIdx. Use :func:`get_values` to convert the returned list to values. """ r = [] for imI in range(len(self.all_dihedrals)): r.append([]) #get indices of elements aIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, A) bIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, B) cIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, C) dIdxs = self._get_symbol_idxs(imI, D) for aIdx in aIdxs: dihedrals = [ (aIdx, ) + d for d in self.all_dihedrals[imI][aIdx] if ( d[0] in bIdxs ) and ( d[1] in cIdxs ) and ( d[2] in dIdxs ) ] if not unique: dihedrals += [ d[::-1] for d in dihedrals ] r[-1].extend(dihedrals) return r
[docs] def get_bond_value(self, imIdx, idxs, mic=True, **kwargs): """Get bond length. Parameters: imIdx: int Index of Image to get value from. idxs: tuple or list of integers Get distance between atoms idxs[0]-idxs[1]. mic: bool Passed on to :func:`ase.Atoms.get_distance` for retrieving the value, defaults to True. If the cell of the image is correctly set, there should be no reason to change this. kwargs: options or dict Passed on to :func:`ase.Atoms.get_distance`. Returns: return: float Value returned by image.get_distance. """ return self.images[imIdx].get_distance(idxs[0], idxs[1], mic=mic, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_angle_value(self, imIdx, idxs, mic=True, **kwargs): """Get angle. Parameters: imIdx: int Index of Image to get value from. idxs: tuple or list of integers Get angle between atoms idxs[0]-idxs[1]-idxs[2]. mic: bool Passed on to :func:`ase.Atoms.get_angle` for retrieving the value, defaults to True. If the cell of the image is correctly set, there should be no reason to change this. kwargs: options or dict Passed on to :func:`ase.Atoms.get_angle`. Returns: return: float Value returned by image.get_angle. """ return self.images[imIdx].get_angle(idxs[0], idxs[1], idxs[2], mic=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_dihedral_value(self, imIdx, idxs, mic=True, **kwargs): """Get dihedral. Parameters: imIdx: int Index of Image to get value from. idxs: tuple or list of integers Get angle between atoms idxs[0]-idxs[1]-idxs[2]-idxs[3]. mic: bool Passed on to :func:`ase.Atoms.get_dihedral` for retrieving the value, defaults to True. If the cell of the image is correctly set, there should be no reason to change this. kwargs: options or dict Passed on to :func:`ase.Atoms.get_dihedral`. Returns: return: float Value returned by image.get_dihedral. """ return self.images[imIdx].get_dihedral(idxs[0], idxs[1], idxs[2], idxs[3], mic=mic, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_values(self, inputList, imageIdx=None, mic=True, **kwargs): """Get Bond/Angle/Dihedral values. Parameters: inputList: list of lists of tuples Can be any list provided by :meth:`~ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.get_bonds`, :meth:`~ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.get_angles` or :meth:`~ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.get_dihedrals`. imageIdx: integer or slice The images from :data:`images` to be analyzed. If None, all frames will be analyzed. See :func:`~ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis._get_slice` for details. mic: bool Passed on to :class:`~ase.Atoms` for retrieving the values, defaults to True. If the cells of the images are correctly set, there should be no reason to change this. kwargs: options or dict Passed on to the :class:`~ase.Atoms` classes functions for retrieving the values. Returns: return: list of lists of floats return[imageIdx][valueIdx]. Has the same shape as the *inputList*, instead of each tuple there is a float with the value this tuple yields. The type of value requested is determined from the length of the tuple inputList[0][0]. The methods from the :class:`~ase.Atoms` class are used. """ sl = self._get_slice(imageIdx) #get method to call from length of inputList if len(inputList[0][0]) == 2: get = self.get_bond_value elif len(inputList[0][0]) == 3: get = self.get_angle_value elif len(inputList[0][0]) == 4: get = self.get_dihedral_value else: raise ValueError("inputList in ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.get_values has a bad shape.") #check if length of slice and inputList match singleNL = False if len(inputList) != len(self.images[sl]): #only one nl for all images if len(inputList) == 1 and len( == 1: singleNL = True else: raise RuntimeError("Length of inputList does not match length of \ images requested, but it also is not one item long.") r = [] for inputIdx, image in enumerate(self.images[sl]): imageIdx = self.images.index(image) r.append([]) #always use first list from input if only a single neighborlist was used if singleNL: inputIdx = 0 for tupl in inputList[inputIdx]: r[-1].append(get(imageIdx, tupl, mic=mic, **kwargs)) return r
[docs] def get_rdf(self, rmax, nbins, imageIdx=None, elements=None, return_dists=False): """Get RDF. Wrapper for :meth:`` with more selection possibilities. Parameters: rmax: float Maximum distance of RDF. nbins: int Number of bins to divide RDF. imageIdx: int/slice/None Images to analyze, see :func:`_get_slice` for details. elements: str/int/list/tuple Make partial RDFs. If elements is *None*, a full RDF is calculated. If elements is an *integer* or a *list/tuple of integers*, only those atoms will contribute to the RDF (like a mask). If elements is a *string* or a *list/tuple of strings*, only Atoms of those elements will contribute. Returns: return: list of lists / list of tuples of lists If return_dists is True, the returned tuples contain (rdf, distances). Otherwise only rdfs for each image are returned. """ sl = self._get_slice(imageIdx) r = [] el = None for image in self.images[sl]: if elements is None: tmpImage = image #integers elif isinstance(elements, int): tmpImage = Atoms(cell=image.get_cell(), pbc=image.get_pbc()) tmpImage.append(image[elements]) #strings elif isinstance(elements, str): tmpImage = Atoms(cell=image.get_cell(), pbc=image.get_pbc()) for idx in self._get_symbol_idxs(image, elements): tmpImage.append(image[idx]) #lists elif isinstance(elements, list) or isinstance(elements, tuple): #list of ints if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in elements): if len(elements) == 2: #use builtin get_rdf mask el = elements tmpImage = image else: #create dummy image tmpImage = Atoms(cell=image.get_cell(), pbc=image.get_pbc()) for idx in elements: tmpImage.append(image[idx]) #list of strings elif all(isinstance(x, str) for x in elements): tmpImage = Atoms(cell=image.get_cell(), pbc=image.get_pbc()) for element in elements: for idx in self._get_symbol_idxs(image, element): tmpImage.append(image[idx]) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported type of elements given in ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.get_rdf!") else: raise ValueError("Unsupported type of elements given in ase.geometry.analysis.Analysis.get_rdf!") r.append(get_rdf(tmpImage, rmax, nbins, elements=el, no_dists=(not return_dists))) return r