Source code for

import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from math import erf
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList
from ase.utils import pbc2pbc

[docs]class OFPComparator: """Implementation of comparison using Oganov's fingerprint (OFP) functions, based on: * `Oganov, Valle, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 104504 (2009)`__ __ * `Lyakhov, Oganov, Valle, Comp. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 1623-1632`__ __ Parameters: n_top: int or None The number of atoms to optimize (None = include all). dE: float Energy difference above which two structures are automatically considered to be different. (Default 1 eV) cos_dist_max: float Maximal cosine distance between two structures in order to be still considered the same structure. Default 5e-3 rcut: float Cutoff radius in Angstrom for the fingerprints. (Default 20 Angstrom) binwidth: float Width in Angstrom of the bins over which the fingerprints are discretized. (Default 0.05 Angstrom) pbc: list of three booleans or None Specifies whether to apply periodic boundary conditions along each of the three unit cell vectors when calculating the fingerprint. The default (None) is to apply PBCs in all 3 directions. Note: for isolated systems (pbc = [False, False, False]), the pair correlation function itself is always short-ranged (decays to zero beyond a certain radius), so unity is not subtracted for calculating the fingerprint. Also the volume normalization disappears. maxdims: list of three floats or None If PBCs in only 1 or 2 dimensions are specified, the maximal thicknesses along the non-periodic directions can be specified here (the values given for the periodic directions will not be used). If set to None (the default), the length of the cell vector along the non-periodic direction is used. Note: in this implementation, the cell vectors are assumed to be orthogonal. sigma: float Standard deviation of the gaussian smearing to be applied in the calculation of the fingerprints (in Angstrom). Default 0.02 Angstrom. nsigma: int Distance (as the number of standard deviations sigma) at which the gaussian smearing is cut off (i.e. no smearing beyond that distance). (Default 4) recalculate: boolean If True, ignores the fingerprints stored in and recalculates them. (Default False) """ def __init__(self, n_top=None, dE=1.0, cos_dist_max=5e-3, rcut=20., binwidth=0.05, sigma=0.02, nsigma=4, pbc=True, maxdims=None, recalculate=False): self.n_top = n_top or 0 self.dE = dE self.cos_dist_max = cos_dist_max self.rcut = rcut self.binwidth = binwidth self.pbc = pbc2pbc(pbc) if maxdims is None: self.maxdims = [None] * 3 else: self.maxdims = maxdims self.sigma = sigma self.nsigma = nsigma self.recalculate = recalculate self.dimensions = self.pbc.sum() if self.dimensions == 1 or self.dimensions == 2: for direction in range(3): if not self.pbc[direction]: if self.maxdims[direction] is not None: if self.maxdims[direction] <= 0: e = '''If a max thickness is specificed in maxdims for a non-periodic direction, it has to be strictly positive.''' raise ValueError(e) def looks_like(self, a1, a2): """ Return if structure a1 or a2 are similar or not. """ if len(a1) != len(a2): raise Exception('The two configurations are not the same size.') # first we check the energy criteria if a1.calc is not None and a2.calc is not None: dE = abs(a1.get_potential_energy() - a2.get_potential_energy()) if dE >= self.dE: return False # then we check the structure cos_dist = self._compare_structure(a1, a2) verdict = cos_dist < self.cos_dist_max return verdict def _json_encode(self, fingerprints, typedic): """ json does not accept tuples nor integers as dict keys, so in order to write the fingerprints to, we need to convert them to strings """ fingerprints_encoded = {} for key, val in fingerprints.items(): try: newkey = "_".join(map(str, list(key))) except TypeError: newkey = str(key) if isinstance(val, dict): fingerprints_encoded[newkey] = {} for key2, val2 in val.items(): fingerprints_encoded[newkey][str(key2)] = val2 else: fingerprints_encoded[newkey] = val typedic_encoded = {} for key, val in typedic.items(): newkey = str(key) typedic_encoded[newkey] = val return [fingerprints_encoded, typedic_encoded] def _json_decode(self, fingerprints, typedic): """ This is the reverse operation of _json_encode """ fingerprints_decoded = {} for key, val in fingerprints.items(): newkey = list(map(int, key.split("_"))) if len(newkey) > 1: newkey = tuple(newkey) else: newkey = newkey[0] if isinstance(val, dict): fingerprints_decoded[newkey] = {} for key2, val2 in val.items(): fingerprints_decoded[newkey][int(key2)] = np.array(val2) else: fingerprints_decoded[newkey] = np.array(val) typedic_decoded = {} for key, val in typedic.items(): newkey = int(key) typedic_decoded[newkey] = val return [fingerprints_decoded, typedic_decoded] def _compare_structure(self, a1, a2): """ Returns the cosine distance between the two structures, using their fingerprints. """ if len(a1) != len(a2): raise Exception('The two configurations are not the same size.') a1top = a1[-self.n_top:] a2top = a2[-self.n_top:] if 'fingerprints' in and not self.recalculate: fp1, typedic1 =['fingerprints'] fp1, typedic1 = self._json_decode(fp1, typedic1) else: fp1, typedic1 = self._take_fingerprints(a1top)['fingerprints'] = self._json_encode(fp1, typedic1) if 'fingerprints' in and not self.recalculate: fp2, typedic2 =['fingerprints'] fp2, typedic2 = self._json_decode(fp2, typedic2) else: fp2, typedic2 = self._take_fingerprints(a2top)['fingerprints'] = self._json_encode(fp2, typedic2) if sorted(fp1) != sorted(fp2): raise AssertionError('The two structures have fingerprints ' 'with different compounds.') for key in typedic1: if not np.array_equal(typedic1[key], typedic2[key]): raise AssertionError('The two structures have a different ' 'stoichiometry or ordering!') cos_dist = self._cosine_distance(fp1, fp2, typedic1) return cos_dist def _get_volume(self, a): ''' Calculates the normalizing value, and other parameters (pmin,pmax,qmin,qmax) that are used for surface area calculation in the case of 1 or 2-D periodicity.''' cell = a.get_cell() scalpos = a.get_scaled_positions() # defaults: volume = 1. pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax = [0.] * 4 if self.dimensions == 1 or self.dimensions == 2: for direction in range(3): if not self.pbc[direction]: if self.maxdims[direction] is None: maxdim = np.linalg.norm(cell[direction, :]) self.maxdims[direction] = maxdim pbc_dirs = [i for i in range(3) if self.pbc[i]] non_pbc_dirs = [i for i in range(3) if not self.pbc[i]] if self.dimensions == 3: volume = abs([0, :], cell[1, :]), cell[2, :])) elif self.dimensions == 2: non_pbc_dir = non_pbc_dirs[0] a = np.cross(cell[pbc_dirs[0], :], cell[pbc_dirs[1], :]) b = self.maxdims[non_pbc_dir] b /= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dir, :]) volume = np.abs(, b * cell[non_pbc_dir, :])) maxpos = np.max(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dir]) minpos = np.min(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dir]) pwidth = maxpos - minpos pmargin = 0.5 * (b - pwidth) # note: here is a place where we assume that the # non-periodic direction is orthogonal to the periodic ones: pmin = np.min(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dir]) - pmargin pmin *= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dir, :]) pmax = np.max(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dir]) + pmargin pmax *= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dir, :]) elif self.dimensions == 1: pbc_dir = pbc_dirs[0] v0 = cell[non_pbc_dirs[0], :] b0 = self.maxdims[non_pbc_dirs[0]] b0 /= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dirs[0], :]) v1 = cell[non_pbc_dirs[1], :] b1 = self.maxdims[non_pbc_dirs[1]] b1 /= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dirs[1], :]) volume = np.abs( * v0, b1 * v1), cell[pbc_dir, :])) # note: here is a place where we assume that the # non-periodic direction is orthogonal to the periodic ones: maxpos = np.max(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[0]]) minpos = np.min(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[0]]) pwidth = maxpos - minpos pmargin = 0.5 * (b0 - pwidth) pmin = np.min(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[0]]) - pmargin pmin *= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dirs[0], :]) pmax = np.max(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[0]]) + pmargin pmax *= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dirs[0], :]) maxpos = np.max(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[1]]) minpos = np.min(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[1]]) qwidth = maxpos - minpos qmargin = 0.5 * (b1 - qwidth) qmin = np.min(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[1]]) - qmargin qmin *= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dirs[1], :]) qmax = np.max(scalpos[:, non_pbc_dirs[1]]) + qmargin qmax *= np.linalg.norm(cell[non_pbc_dirs[1], :]) elif self.dimensions == 0: volume = 1. return [volume, pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax] def _take_fingerprints(self, atoms, individual=False): """ Returns a [fingerprints,typedic] list, where fingerprints is a dictionary with the fingerprints, and typedic is a dictionary with the list of atom indices for each element (or "type") in the atoms object. The keys in the fingerprints dictionary are the (A,B) tuples, which are the different element-element combinations in the atoms object (A and B are the atomic numbers). When A != B, the (A,B) tuple is sorted (A < B). If individual=True, a dict is returned, where each atom index has an {atomic_number:fingerprint} dict as value. If individual=False, the fingerprints from atoms of the same atomic number are added together.""" pos = atoms.get_positions() num = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() cell = atoms.get_cell() unique_types = np.unique(num) posdic = {} typedic = {} for t in unique_types: tlist = [i for i, atom in enumerate(atoms) if atom.number == t] typedic[t] = tlist posdic[t] = pos[tlist] # determining the volume normalization and other parameters volume, pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax = self._get_volume(atoms) # functions for calculating the surface area non_pbc_dirs = [i for i in range(3) if not self.pbc[i]] def surface_area_0d(r): return 4 * np.pi * (r**2) def surface_area_1d(r, pos): q0 = pos[non_pbc_dirs[1]] phi1 = np.lib.scimath.arccos((qmax - q0) / r).real phi2 = np.pi - np.lib.scimath.arccos((qmin - q0) / r).real factor = 1 - (phi1 + phi2) / np.pi return surface_area_2d(r, pos) * factor def surface_area_2d(r, pos): p0 = pos[non_pbc_dirs[0]] area = np.minimum(pmax - p0, r) + np.minimum(p0 - pmin, r) area *= 2 * np.pi * r return area def surface_area_3d(r): return 4 * np.pi * (r**2) # build neighborlist # this is computationally the most intensive part a = atoms.copy() a.set_pbc(self.pbc) nl = NeighborList([self.rcut / 2.] * len(a), skin=0., self_interaction=False, bothways=True) nl.update(a) # parameters for the binning: m = int(np.ceil(self.nsigma * self.sigma / self.binwidth)) x = 0.25 * np.sqrt(2) * self.binwidth * (2 * m + 1) * 1. / self.sigma smearing_norm = erf(x) nbins = int(np.ceil(self.rcut * 1. / self.binwidth)) bindist = self.binwidth * np.arange(1, nbins + 1) def take_individual_rdf(index, unique_type): # Computes the radial distribution function of atoms # of type unique_type around the atom with index "index". rdf = np.zeros(nbins) if self.dimensions == 3: weights = 1. / surface_area_3d(bindist) elif self.dimensions == 2: weights = 1. / surface_area_2d(bindist, pos[index]) elif self.dimensions == 1: weights = 1. / surface_area_1d(bindist, pos[index]) elif self.dimensions == 0: weights = 1. / surface_area_0d(bindist) weights /= self.binwidth indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(index) valid = np.where(num[indices] == unique_type) p = pos[indices[valid]] +[valid], cell) r = cdist(p, [pos[index]]) bins = np.floor(r / self.binwidth) for i in range(-m, m + 1): newbins = bins + i valid = np.where((newbins >= 0) & (newbins < nbins)) valid_bins = newbins[valid].astype(int) values = weights[valid_bins] c = 0.25 * np.sqrt(2) * self.binwidth * 1. / self.sigma values *= 0.5 * erf(c * (2 * i + 1)) - \ 0.5 * erf(c * (2 * i - 1)) values /= smearing_norm for j, valid_bin in enumerate(valid_bins): rdf[valid_bin] += values[j] rdf /= len(typedic[unique_type]) * 1. / volume return rdf fingerprints = {} if individual: for i in range(len(atoms)): fingerprints[i] = {} for unique_type in unique_types: fingerprint = take_individual_rdf(i, unique_type) if self.dimensions > 0: fingerprint -= 1 fingerprints[i][unique_type] = fingerprint else: for t1, t2 in combinations_with_replacement(unique_types, r=2): key = (t1, t2) fingerprint = np.zeros(nbins) for i in typedic[t1]: fingerprint += take_individual_rdf(i, t2) fingerprint /= len(typedic[t1]) if self.dimensions > 0: fingerprint -= 1 fingerprints[key] = fingerprint return [fingerprints, typedic] def _calculate_local_orders(self, individual_fingerprints, typedic, volume): """ Returns a list with the local order for every atom, using the definition of local order from Lyakhov, Oganov, Valle, Comp. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 1623-1632""" # total number of atoms: n_tot = sum([len(typedic[key]) for key in typedic]) local_orders = [] for index, fingerprints in individual_fingerprints.items(): local_order = 0 for unique_type, fingerprint in fingerprints.items(): term = np.linalg.norm(fingerprint)**2 term *= self.binwidth term *= (volume * 1. / n_tot)**3 term *= len(typedic[unique_type]) * 1. / n_tot local_order += term local_orders.append(np.sqrt(local_order)) return local_orders def get_local_orders(self, a): """ Returns the local orders of all the atoms.""" a_top = a[-self.n_top:] key = 'individual_fingerprints' if key in and not self.recalculate: fp, typedic = self._json_decode(*[key]) else: fp, typedic = self._take_fingerprints(a_top, individual=True)[key] = self._json_encode(fp, typedic) volume, pmin, pmax, qmin, qmax = self._get_volume(a_top) return self._calculate_local_orders(fp, typedic, volume) def _cosine_distance(self, fp1, fp2, typedic): """ Returns the cosine distance from two fingerprints. It also needs information about the number of atoms from each element, which is included in "typedic".""" keys = sorted(fp1) # calculating the weights: w = {} wtot = 0 for key in keys: weight = len(typedic[key[0]]) * len(typedic[key[1]]) wtot += weight w[key] = weight for key in keys: w[key] *= 1. / wtot # calculating the fingerprint norms: norm1 = 0 norm2 = 0 for key in keys: norm1 += (np.linalg.norm(fp1[key])**2) * w[key] norm2 += (np.linalg.norm(fp2[key])**2) * w[key] norm1 = np.sqrt(norm1) norm2 = np.sqrt(norm2) # calculating the distance: distance = 0 for key in keys: distance += np.sum(fp1[key] * fp2[key]) * w[key] / (norm1 * norm2) distance = 0.5 * (1 - distance) return distance def plot_fingerprints(self, a, prefix=''): """ Function for quickly plotting all the fingerprints. Prefix = a prefix you want to give to the resulting PNG file.""" try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: Warning("Matplotlib could not be loaded - plotting won't work") raise if 'fingerprints' in and not self.recalculate: fp, typedic =['fingerprints'] fp, typedic = self._json_decode(fp, typedic) else: a_top = a[-self.n_top:] fp, typedic = self._take_fingerprints(a_top)['fingerprints'] = self._json_encode(fp, typedic) npts = int(np.ceil(self.rcut * 1. / self.binwidth)) x = np.linspace(0, self.rcut, npts, endpoint=False) for key, val in fp.items(): plt.plot(x, val) suffix = "_fp_{0}_{1}.png".format(key[0], key[1]) plt.savefig(prefix + suffix) plt.clf() def plot_individual_fingerprints(self, a, prefix=''): """ Function for plotting all the individual fingerprints. Prefix = a prefix for the resulting PNG file.""" try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: Warning("Matplotlib could not be loaded - plotting won't work") raise if 'individual_fingerprints' in and not self.recalculate: fp, typedic =['individual_fingerprints'] else: a_top = a[-self.n_top:] fp, typedic = self._take_fingerprints(a_top, individual=True)['individual_fingerprints'] = [fp, typedic] npts = int(np.ceil(self.rcut * 1. / self.binwidth)) x = np.linspace(0, self.rcut, npts, endpoint=False) for key, val in fp.items(): for key2, val2 in val.items(): plt.plot(x, val2) plt.ylim([-1, 10]) suffix = "_individual_fp_{0}_{1}.png".format(key, key2) plt.savefig(prefix + suffix) plt.clf()