from math import pi, sqrt
import numpy as np
from ase.dft.kpoints import get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset
from ase.parallel import world
from ase.utils.cext import cextension
[docs]class DOS:
def __init__(self, calc, width=0.1, window=None, npts=401, comm=world):
"""Electronic Density Of States object.
calc: calculator object
Any ASE compliant calculator object.
width: float
Width of guassian smearing. Use width=0.0 for linear tetrahedron
window: tuple of two float
Use ``window=(emin, emax)``. If not specified, a window
big enough to hold all the eigenvalues will be used.
npts: int
Number of points.
comm: communicator object
MPI communicator for lti_dos
self.comm = comm
self.npts = npts
self.width = width
self.w_k = calc.get_k_point_weights()
self.nspins = calc.get_number_of_spins()
self.e_skn = np.array([[calc.get_eigenvalues(kpt=k, spin=s)
for k in range(len(self.w_k))]
for s in range(self.nspins)])
try: # two Fermi levels
for i, eF in enumerate(calc.get_fermi_level()):
self.e_skn[i] -= eF
except TypeError: # a single Fermi level
self.e_skn -= calc.get_fermi_level()
if window is None:
emin = None
emax = None
emin, emax = window
if emin is None:
emin = self.e_skn.min() - 5 * self.width
if emax is None:
emax = self.e_skn.max() + 5 * self.width
self.energies = np.linspace(emin, emax, npts)
if width == 0.0:
bzkpts = calc.get_bz_k_points()
size, offset = get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset(bzkpts)
bz2ibz = calc.get_bz_to_ibz_map()
shape = (self.nspins,) + tuple(size) + (-1,)
self.e_skn = self.e_skn[:, bz2ibz].reshape(shape)
self.cell = calc.atoms.cell
[docs] def get_energies(self):
"""Return the array of energies used to sample the DOS.
The energies are reported relative to the Fermi level.
return self.energies
def delta(self, energy):
"""Return a delta-function centered at 'energy'."""
x = -((self.energies - energy) / self.width)**2
return np.exp(x) / (sqrt(pi) * self.width)
[docs] def get_dos(self, spin=None):
"""Get array of DOS values.
The *spin* argument can be 0 or 1 (spin up or down) - if not
specified, the total DOS is returned.
if spin is None:
if self.nspins == 2:
# Return the total DOS
return self.get_dos(spin=0) + self.get_dos(spin=1)
return 2 * self.get_dos(spin=0)
elif spin == 1 and self.nspins == 1:
# For an unpolarized calculation, spin up and down are equivalent
spin = 0
if self.width == 0.0:
dos = linear_tetrahedron_integration(self.cell, self.e_skn[spin],
self.energies, comm=self.comm)
return dos
dos = np.zeros(self.npts)
for w, e_n in zip(self.w_k, self.e_skn[spin]):
for e in e_n:
dos += w *
return dos
[docs]def linear_tetrahedron_integration(cell, eigs, energies,
weights=None, comm=world):
"""DOS from linear tetrahedron interpolation.
cell: 3x3 ndarray-like
Unit cell.
eigs: (n1, n2, n3, nbands)-shaped ndarray
Eigenvalues on a Monkhorst-Pack grid (not reduced).
energies: 1-d array-like
Energies where the DOS is calculated (must be a uniform grid).
weights: ndarray of shape (n1, n2, n3, nbands) or (n1, n2, n3, nbands, nw)
Weights. Defaults to a (n1, n2, n3, nbands)-shaped ndarray
filled with ones. Can also have an extra dimednsion if there are
nw weights.
comm: communicator object
MPI communicator for lti_dos
DOS as an ndarray of same length as energies or as an
ndarray of shape (nw, len(energies)).
Extensions of the tetrahedron method for evaluating
spectral properties of solids,
A. H. MacDonald, S. H. Vosko and P. T. Coleridge,
1979 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 12 2991,
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
# Find the 6 tetrahedra:
size = eigs.shape[:3]
B = (np.linalg.inv(cell) / size).T
indices = np.array([[i, j, k]
for i in [0, 1] for j in [0, 1] for k in [0, 1]])
dt = Delaunay(, B))
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones_like(eigs)
if weights.ndim == 4:
extra_dimension_added = True
weights = weights[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]
extra_dimension_added = False
nweights = weights.shape[4]
dos = np.empty((nweights, len(energies)))
lti_dos(indices[dt.simplices], eigs, weights, energies, dos, comm)
dos /=
if extra_dimension_added:
return dos[0]
return dos
def lti_dos(simplices, eigs, weights, energies, dos, world):
shape = eigs.shape[:3]
nweights = weights.shape[-1]
dos[:] = 0.0
n = -1
for index in np.indices(shape).reshape((3, -1)).T:
n += 1
if n % world.size != world.rank:
i = ((index + simplices) % shape).T
E = eigs[i[0], i[1], i[2]].reshape((4, -1))
W = weights[i[0], i[1], i[2]].reshape((4, -1, nweights))
for e, w in zip(E.T, W.transpose((1, 0, 2))):
lti_dos1(e, w, energies, dos)
dos /= 6.0
def lti_dos1(e, w, energies, dos):
i = e.argsort()
e0, e1, e2, e3 = en = e[i]
w = w[i]
zero = energies[0]
if len(energies) > 1:
de = energies[1] - zero
nn = (np.floor((en - zero) / de).astype(int) + 1).clip(0,
nn = (en > zero).astype(int)
n0, n1, n2, n3 = nn
if n1 > n0:
s = slice(n0, n1)
x = energies[s] - e0
f10 = x / (e1 - e0)
f20 = x / (e2 - e0)
f30 = x / (e3 - e0)
f01 = 1 - f10
f02 = 1 - f20
f03 = 1 - f30
g = f20 * f30 / (e1 - e0)
dos[:, s] +=[f01 + f02 + f03,
f30]) * g
if n2 > n1:
delta = e3 - e0
s = slice(n1, n2)
x = energies[s]
f20 = (x - e0) / (e2 - e0)
f30 = (x - e0) / (e3 - e0)
f21 = (x - e1) / (e2 - e1)
f31 = (x - e1) / (e3 - e1)
f02 = 1 - f20
f03 = 1 - f30
f12 = 1 - f21
f13 = 1 - f31
g = 3 / delta * (f12 * f20 + f21 * f13)
dos[:, s] +=[g * f03 / 3 + f02 * f20 * f12 / delta,
g * f12 / 3 + f13 * f13 * f21 / delta,
g * f21 / 3 + f20 * f20 * f12 / delta,
g * f30 / 3 + f31 * f13 * f21 / delta])
if n3 > n2:
s = slice(n2, n3)
x = energies[s] - e3
f03 = x / (e0 - e3)
f13 = x / (e1 - e3)
f23 = x / (e2 - e3)
f30 = 1 - f03
f31 = 1 - f13
f32 = 1 - f23
g = f03 * f13 / (e3 - e2)
dos[:, s] +=[f03,
f30 + f31 + f32]) * g
def ltidos(*args, **kwargs):
raise DeprecationWarning('Please use linear_tetrahedron_integration().')