import functools
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ase.utils import IOContext
def get_band_gap(calc, direct=False, spin=None, output='-'):
warnings.warn('Please use ase.dft.bandgap.bandgap() instead!')
gap, (s1, k1, n1), (s2, k2, n2) = bandgap(calc, direct, spin, output)
ns = calc.get_number_of_spins()
if ns == 2 and spin is None:
return gap, (s1, k1), (s2, k2)
return gap, k1, k2
[docs]def bandgap(calc=None, direct=False, spin=None, output='-',
eigenvalues=None, efermi=None, kpts=None):
"""Calculates the band-gap.
calc: Calculator object
Electronic structure calculator object.
direct: bool
Calculate direct band-gap.
spin: int or None
For spin-polarized systems, you can use spin=0 or spin=1 to look only
at a single spin-channel.
output: file descriptor
Use output=None for no text output or '-' for stdout (default).
eigenvalues: ndarray of shape (nspin, nkpt, nband) or (nkpt, nband)
efermi: float
Fermi level (defaults to 0.0).
kpts: ndarray of shape (nkpt, 3)
For pretty text output only.
Returns a (gap, p1, p2) tuple where p1 and p2 are tuples of indices of the
valence and conduction points (s, k, n).
>>> gap, p1, p2 = bandgap(silicon.calc)
Gap: 1.2 eV
Transition (v -> c):
[0.000, 0.000, 0.000] -> [0.500, 0.500, 0.000]
>>> print(gap, p1, p2)
1.2 (0, 0, 3), (0, 5, 4)
>>> gap, p1, p2 = bandgap(silicon.calc, direct=True)
Direct gap: 3.4 eV
Transition at: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000]
>>> print(gap, p1, p2)
3.4 (0, 0, 3), (0, 0, 4)
if calc:
kpts = calc.get_ibz_k_points()
nk = len(kpts)
ns = calc.get_number_of_spins()
eigenvalues = np.array([[calc.get_eigenvalues(kpt=k, spin=s)
for k in range(nk)]
for s in range(ns)])
if efermi is None:
efermi = calc.get_fermi_level()
efermi = efermi or 0.0
e_skn = eigenvalues - efermi
if eigenvalues.ndim == 2:
e_skn = e_skn[np.newaxis] # spinors
if not np.isfinite(e_skn).all():
raise ValueError('Bad eigenvalues!')
gap, (s1, k1, n1), (s2, k2, n2) = _bandgap(e_skn, spin, direct)
with IOContext() as iocontext:
fd = iocontext.openfile(output)
p = functools.partial(print, file=fd)
def skn(s, k, n):
"""Convert k or (s, k) to string."""
if kpts is None:
return '(s={}, k={}, n={})'.format(s, k, n)
return '(s={}, k={}, n={}, [{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}])'.format(
s, k, n, *kpts[k])
if spin is not None:
p('spin={}: '.format(spin), end='')
if gap == 0.0:
p('No gap')
elif direct:
p('Direct gap: {:.3f} eV'.format(gap))
if s1 == s2:
p('Transition at:', skn(s1, k1, n1))
p('Transition at:', skn('{}->{}'.format(s1, s2), k1, n1))
p('Gap: {:.3f} eV'.format(gap))
p('Transition (v -> c):')
p(' ', skn(s1, k1, n1), '->', skn(s2, k2, n2))
if eigenvalues.ndim != 3:
p1 = (k1, n1)
p2 = (k2, n2)
p1 = (s1, k1, n1)
p2 = (s2, k2, n2)
return gap, p1, p2
def _bandgap(e_skn, spin, direct):
"""Helper function."""
ns, nk, nb = e_skn.shape
s1 = s2 = k1 = k2 = n1 = n2 = None
N_sk = (e_skn < 0.0).sum(2) # number of occupied bands
# Check for bands crossing the fermi-level
if ns == 1:
if N_sk[0].ptp() > 0:
return 0.0, (None, None, None), (None, None, None)
elif spin is None:
if (N_sk.ptp(axis=1) > 0).any():
return 0.0, (None, None, None), (None, None, None)
elif N_sk[spin].ptp() > 0:
return 0.0, (None, None, None), (None, None, None)
if (N_sk == 0).any() or (N_sk == nb).any():
raise ValueError('Too few bands!')
e_skn = np.array([[e_skn[s, k, N_sk[s, k] - 1:N_sk[s, k] + 1]
for k in range(nk)]
for s in range(ns)])
ev_sk = e_skn[:, :, 0] # valence band
ec_sk = e_skn[:, :, 1] # conduction band
if ns == 1:
s1 = 0
s2 = 0
gap, k1, k2 = find_gap(ev_sk[0], ec_sk[0], direct)
n1 = N_sk[0, 0] - 1
n2 = n1 + 1
return gap, (0, k1, n1), (0, k2, n2)
if spin is None:
gap, k1, k2 = find_gap(ev_sk.ravel(), ec_sk.ravel(), direct)
if direct:
# Check also spin flips:
for s in [0, 1]:
g, k, _ = find_gap(ev_sk[s], ec_sk[1 - s], direct)
if g < gap:
gap = g
k1 = k + nk * s
k2 = k + nk * (1 - s)
if gap > 0.0:
s1, k1 = divmod(k1, nk)
s2, k2 = divmod(k2, nk)
n1 = N_sk[s1, k1] - 1
n2 = N_sk[s2, k2]
return gap, (s1, k1, n1), (s2, k2, n2)
return 0.0, (None, None, None), (None, None, None)
gap, k1, k2 = find_gap(ev_sk[spin], ec_sk[spin], direct)
s1 = spin
s2 = spin
n1 = N_sk[s1, k1] - 1
n2 = n1 + 1
return gap, (s1, k1, n1), (s2, k2, n2)
def find_gap(ev_k, ec_k, direct):
"""Helper function."""
if direct:
gap_k = ec_k - ev_k
k = gap_k.argmin()
return gap_k[k], k, k
kv = ev_k.argmax()
kc = ec_k.argmin()
return ec_k[kc] - ev_k[kv], kv, kc