Source code for ase.calculators.mopac

"""This module defines an ASE interface to MOPAC.

Set $ASE_MOPAC_COMMAND to something like::

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib/ \
    MOPAC_LICENSE=/path/to/license \
    /path/to/MOPAC2012.exe PREFIX.mop 2> /dev/null

import os

import numpy as np

from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import FileIOCalculator, ReadError, Parameters
from ase.units import kcal, mol, Debye

[docs]class MOPAC(FileIOCalculator): implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'dipole', 'magmom'] command = 'mopac PREFIX.mop 2> /dev/null' discard_results_on_any_change = True default_parameters = dict( method='PM7', task='1SCF GRADIENTS', charge=0, relscf=0.0001) methods = ['AM1', 'MNDO', 'MNDOD', 'PM3', 'PM6', 'PM6-D3', 'PM6-DH+', 'PM6-DH2', 'PM6-DH2X', 'PM6-D3H4', 'PM6-D3H4X', 'PMEP', 'PM7', 'PM7-TS', 'RM1'] def __init__(self, restart=None, ignore_bad_restart_file=FileIOCalculator._deprecated, label='mopac', atoms=None, **kwargs): """Construct MOPAC-calculator object. Parameters: label: str Prefix for filenames (label.mop, label.out, ...) Examples: Use default values to do a single SCF calculation and print the forces (task='1SCF GRADIENTS'): >>> from import molecule >>> from ase.calculators.mopac import MOPAC >>> atoms = molecule('O2') >>> atoms.calc = MOPAC(label='O2') >>> atoms.get_potential_energy() >>> eigs = atoms.calc.get_eigenvalues() >>> somos = atoms.calc.get_somo_levels() >>> homo, lumo = atoms.calc.get_homo_lumo_levels() Use the internal geometry optimization of Mopac: >>> atoms = molecule('H2') >>> atoms.calc = MOPAC(label='H2', task='GRADIENTS') >>> atoms.get_potential_energy() Read in and start from output file: >>> atoms = MOPAC.read_atoms('H2') >>> atoms.calc.get_homo_lumo_levels() """ FileIOCalculator.__init__(self, restart, ignore_bad_restart_file, label, atoms, **kwargs) def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None): FileIOCalculator.write_input(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) p = self.parameters # Build string to hold .mop input file: s = p.method + ' ' + p.task + ' ' if p.relscf: s += 'RELSCF={0} '.format(p.relscf) # Write charge: if p.charge: charge = p.charge else: charge = atoms.get_initial_charges().sum() if charge != 0: s += 'CHARGE={0} '.format(int(round(charge))) magmom = int(round(abs(atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().sum()))) if magmom: s += (['DOUBLET', 'TRIPLET', 'QUARTET', 'QUINTET'][magmom - 1] + ' UHF ') s += '\nTitle: ASE calculation\n\n' # Write coordinates: for xyz, symbol in zip(atoms.positions, atoms.get_chemical_symbols()): s += ' {0:2} {1} 1 {2} 1 {3} 1\n'.format(symbol, *xyz) for v, p in zip(atoms.cell, atoms.pbc): if p: s += 'Tv {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*v) with open(self.label + '.mop', 'w') as fd: fd.write(s) def get_spin_polarized(self): return self.nspins == 2 def get_index(self, lines, pattern): for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find(pattern) != -1: return i def read(self, label):, label) if not os.path.isfile(self.label + '.out'): raise ReadError with open(self.label + '.out') as fd: lines = fd.readlines() self.parameters = Parameters(task='', method='') p = self.parameters parm_line = self.read_parameters_from_file(lines) for keyword in parm_line.split(): if 'RELSCF' in keyword: p.relscf = float(keyword.split('=')[-1]) elif keyword in self.methods: p.method = keyword else: p.task += keyword + ' ' p.task.rstrip() self.atoms = self.read_atoms_from_file(lines) self.read_results() def read_atoms_from_file(self, lines): """Read the Atoms from the output file stored as list of str in lines. Parameters: lines: list of str """ # first try to read from final point (last image) i = self.get_index(lines, 'FINAL POINT AND DERIVATIVES') if i is None: # XXX should we read it from the input file? assert 0, 'Not implemented' lines1 = lines[i:] i = self.get_index(lines1, 'CARTESIAN COORDINATES') j = i + 2 symbols = [] positions = [] while not lines1[j].isspace(): # continue until we hit a blank line l = lines1[j].split() symbols.append(l[1]) positions.append([float(c) for c in l[2: 2 + 3]]) j += 1 return Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions) def read_parameters_from_file(self, lines): """Find and return the line that defines a Mopac calculation Parameters: lines: list of str """ for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find('CALCULATION DONE:') != -1: break lines1 = lines[i:] for i, line in enumerate(lines1): if line.find('****') != -1: return lines1[i + 1] def read_results(self): """Read the results, such as energy, forces, eigenvalues, etc. """, self.label) if not os.path.isfile(self.label + '.out'): raise ReadError with open(self.label + '.out') as fd: lines = fd.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find('TOTAL ENERGY') != -1: self.results['energy'] = float(line.split()[3]) elif line.find('FINAL HEAT OF FORMATION') != -1: self.final_hof = float(line.split()[5]) * kcal / mol elif line.find('NO. OF FILLED LEVELS') != -1: self.nspins = 1 self.no_occ_levels = int(line.split()[-1]) elif line.find('NO. OF ALPHA ELECTRON') != -1: self.nspins = 2 self.no_alpha_electrons = int(line.split()[-1]) self.no_beta_electrons = int(lines[i+1].split()[-1]) self.results['magmom'] = abs(self.no_alpha_electrons - self.no_beta_electrons) elif line.find('FINAL POINT AND DERIVATIVES') != -1: forces = [-float(line.split()[6]) for line in lines[i + 3:i + 3 + 3 * len(self.atoms)]] self.results['forces'] = np.array( forces).reshape((-1, 3)) * kcal / mol elif line.find('EIGENVALUES') != -1: if line.find('ALPHA') != -1: j = i + 1 eigs_alpha = [] while not lines[j].isspace(): eigs_alpha += [float(eps) for eps in lines[j].split()] j += 1 elif line.find('BETA') != -1: j = i + 1 eigs_beta = [] while not lines[j].isspace(): eigs_beta += [float(eps) for eps in lines[j].split()] j += 1 eigs = np.array([eigs_alpha, eigs_beta]).reshape(2, 1, -1) self.eigenvalues = eigs else: eigs = [] j = i + 1 while not lines[j].isspace(): eigs += [float(e) for e in lines[j].split()] j += 1 self.eigenvalues = np.array(eigs).reshape(1, 1, -1) elif line.find('DIPOLE ') != -1: self.results['dipole'] = np.array( lines[i + 3].split()[1:1 + 3], float) * Debye def get_eigenvalues(self, kpt=0, spin=0): return self.eigenvalues[spin, kpt] def get_homo_lumo_levels(self): eigs = self.eigenvalues if self.nspins == 1: nocc = self.no_occ_levels return np.array([eigs[0, 0, nocc - 1], eigs[0, 0, nocc]]) else: na = self.no_alpha_electrons nb = self.no_beta_electrons if na == 0: return None, self.eigenvalues[1, 0, nb - 1] elif nb == 0: return self.eigenvalues[0, 0, na - 1], None else: eah, eal = eigs[0, 0, na - 1: na + 1] ebh, ebl = eigs[1, 0, nb - 1: nb + 1] return np.array([max(eah, ebh), min(eal, ebl)]) def get_somo_levels(self): assert self.nspins == 2 na, nb = self.no_alpha_electrons, self.no_beta_electrons if na == 0: return None, self.eigenvalues[1, 0, nb - 1] elif nb == 0: return self.eigenvalues[0, 0, na - 1], None else: return np.array([self.eigenvalues[0, 0, na - 1], self.eigenvalues[1, 0, nb - 1]]) def get_final_heat_of_formation(self): """Final heat of formation as reported in the Mopac output file """ return self.final_hof