"""This module defines an ASE interface to FLAPW code FLEUR.
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import re
import numpy as np
from ase.units import Hartree, Bohr
from ase.calculators.calculator import PropertyNotImplementedError
class FLEUR:
"""Class for doing FLEUR calculations.
In order to use fleur one has to define the following environment
FLEUR_INPGEN path to the input generator (inpgen.x) of fleur
FLEUR path to the fleur executable. Note that fleur uses different
executable for real and complex cases (systems with/without inversion
symmetry), so FLEUR must point to the correct executable.
The initialize_density step can be performed in parallel
only if run on one compute node. FLEUR_SERIAL is used for this step.
It is probable that user needs to tune manually the input file before
the actual calculation, so in addition to the standard
get_potential_energy function this class defines the following utility
generate the input file *inp*
creates the initial density after possible manual edits of *inp*
convergence the total energy. With fleur, one specifies always
only the number of SCF-iterations so this function launches
the executable several times and monitors the convergence.
Uses fleur's internal algorithm for structure
optimization. Requires that the proper optimization parameters
(atoms to optimize etc.) are specified by hand in *inp*
def __init__(self, xc='LDA', kpts=None, nbands=None, convergence=None,
width=None, kmax=None, mixer=None, maxiter=None,
maxrelax=20, workdir=None, equivatoms=True, rmt=None,
"""Construct FLEUR-calculator object.
xc: str
Exchange-correlation functional. Must be one of LDA, PBE,
kpts: list of three int
Monkhost-Pack sampling.
nbands: int
Number of bands. (not used at the moment)
convergence: dictionary
Convergence parameters (currently only energy in eV)
{'energy' : float}
width: float
Fermi-distribution width in eV.
kmax: float
Plane wave cutoff in a.u. If kmax is set then:
gmax = 3.0 * kmax
gmaxxc = int(2.5 * kmax * 10)/10. (from set_inp.f)
mixer: dictionary
Mixing parameters imix, alpha, spinf
{'imix' : int, 'alpha' : float, 'spinf' : float}
maxiter: int
Maximum number of SCF iterations (name in the code: itmax)
maxrelax: int
Maximum number of relaxation steps
workdir: str
Working directory for the calculation
equivatoms: bool
If False: generate inequivalent atoms (default is True).
Setting to False allows one for example to calculate spin-polarized dimers.
See http://www.flapw.de/pm/index.php?n=User-Documentation.InputFileForTheInputGenerator.
rmt: dictionary
rmt values in Angstrom., e.g: {'O': 1.1 * Bohr, 'N': -0.1}
Negative number with respect to the rmt set by FLEUR.
lenergy: float
Lower energy in eV. Default -1.8 * Hartree.
self.xc = xc
self.kpts = kpts
self.nbands = nbands
self.width = width
self.kmax = kmax
self.itmax_step_default = 9 # SCF steps per run (default)
self.itmax_step = 5 # SCF steps per run
assert self.itmax_step_default <= 9
assert self.itmax_step <= self.itmax_step_default
self.itmax_default = 40
if maxiter is None:
self.itmax = self.itmax_default
self.itmax = maxiter
self.maxrelax = maxrelax
self.mixer = mixer
if convergence:
self.convergence = convergence
self.convergence['energy'] /= Hartree
self.convergence = {'energy': 0.0001}
self.start_dir = None
self.workdir = workdir
if self.workdir:
self.start_dir = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.isdir(workdir):
self.workdir = '.'
self.start_dir = '.'
self.equivatoms = equivatoms
self.rmt = rmt
self.lenergy = lenergy
self.converged = False
def run_executable(self, mode='fleur', executable='FLEUR'):
assert executable in ['FLEUR', 'FLEUR_SERIAL']
executable_use = executable
if executable == 'FLEUR_SERIAL' and not os.environ.get(executable, ''):
executable_use = 'FLEUR' # use FLEUR if FLEUR_SERIAL not set
code_exe = os.environ[executable_use]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('Please set ' + executable_use)
p = Popen(code_exe, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
stat = p.wait()
out = p.stdout.read()
err = p.stderr.read()
print(mode, ': stat= ', stat, ' out= ', out, ' err=', err)
# special handling of exit status from density generation and regular fleur.x
if mode in ['density']:
if '!' in err:
raise RuntimeError(executable_use + ' exited with a code %s' % err)
if stat != 0:
raise RuntimeError(executable_use + ' exited with a code %d' % stat)
def update(self, atoms):
"""Update a FLEUR calculation."""
if (not self.converged or
len(self.numbers) != len(atoms) or
(self.numbers != atoms.get_atomic_numbers()).any()):
elif ((self.positions != atoms.get_positions()).any() or
(self.pbc != atoms.get_pbc()).any() or
(self.cell != atoms.get_cell()).any()):
self.converged = False
def initialize(self, atoms):
"""Create an input file inp and generate starting density."""
self.converged = False
def initialize_inp(self, atoms):
"""Create a inp file"""
self.numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers().copy()
self.positions = atoms.get_positions().copy()
self.cell = atoms.get_cell().copy()
self.pbc = atoms.get_pbc().copy()
# create the input
[docs] def initialize_density(self, atoms):
"""Creates a new starting density."""
# remove possible conflicting files
files2remove = ['cdn1', 'fl7para', 'stars', 'wkf2', 'enpara',
'kpts', 'broyd', 'broyd.7', 'tmat', 'tmas']
if 0:
# avoid STOP bzone3 error by keeping the kpts file
for f in files2remove:
if os.path.isfile(f):
# generate the starting density
os.system("sed -i -e 's/strho=./strho=T/' inp")
self.run_executable(mode='density', executable='FLEUR_SERIAL')
os.system("sed -i -e 's/strho=./strho=F/' inp")
# generate spin-polarized density
# http://www.flapw.de/pm/index.php?n=User-Documentation.Magnetism
if atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().sum() > 0.0:
# generate cdnc file (1 SCF step: swsp=F - non-magnetic)
os.system("sed -i -e 's/itmax=.*,maxiter/itmax= 1,maxiter/' inp")
self.run_executable(mode='cdnc', executable='FLEUR')
sedline = "'s/itmax=.*,maxiter/itmax= '"
sedline += str(self.itmax_step_default) + "',maxiter/'"
os.system("sed -i -e " + sedline + " inp")
# generate spin polarized density (swsp=T)
os.system("sed -i -e 's/swsp=./swsp=T/' inp")
self.run_executable(mode='swsp', executable='FLEUR_SERIAL')
# restore swsp=F
os.system("sed -i -e 's/swsp=./swsp=F/' inp")
def get_potential_energy(self, atoms, force_consistent=False):
if force_consistent:
return self.efree * Hartree
# Energy extrapolated to zero Kelvin:
return (self.etotal + self.efree) / 2 * Hartree
def get_number_of_iterations(self, atoms):
return self.niter
def get_forces(self, atoms):
# electronic structure is converged, so let's calculate forces:
return np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
def get_stress(self, atoms):
raise PropertyNotImplementedError
def get_dipole_moment(self, atoms):
"""Returns total dipole moment of the system."""
raise PropertyNotImplementedError
[docs] def calculate(self, atoms):
"""Converge a FLEUR calculation to self-consistency.
Input files should be generated before calling this function
FLEUR performs always fixed number of SCF steps. This function
reduces the number of iterations gradually, however, a minimum
of five SCF steps is always performed.
self.niter = 0
out = ''
err = ''
while not self.converged:
if self.niter > self.itmax:
raise RuntimeError('FLEUR failed to convergence in %d iterations' % self.itmax)
self.run_executable(mode='fleur', executable='FLEUR')
# catenate new output with the old one
os.system('cat out >> out.old')
if os.path.exists('out.old'):
os.rename('out.old', 'out')
# After convergence clean up broyd* files
os.system('rm -f broyd*')
return out, err
[docs] def relax(self, atoms):
"""Currently, user has to manually define relaxation parameters
(atoms to relax, relaxation directions, etc.) in inp file
before calling this function."""
nrelax = 0
relaxed = False
while not relaxed:
# Calculate electronic structure
# Calculate the Pulay forces
os.system("sed -i -e 's/l_f=./l_f=T/' inp")
while True:
self.converged = False
out, err = self.calculate(atoms)
if 'GEO new' in err:
os.rename('inp_new', 'inp')
if 'GEO: Des woas' in err:
relaxed = True
nrelax += 1
# save the out and cdn1 files
os.system('cp out out_%d' % nrelax)
os.system('cp cdn1 cdn1_%d' % nrelax)
if nrelax > self.maxrelax:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to relax in %d iterations' % self.maxrelax)
self.converged = False
[docs] def write_inp(self, atoms):
"""Write the *inp* input file of FLEUR.
First, the information from Atoms is written to the simple input
file and the actual input file *inp* is then generated with the
FLEUR input generator. The location of input generator is specified
in the environment variable FLEUR_INPGEN.
Finally, the *inp* file is modified according to the arguments of
the FLEUR calculator object.
with open('inp_simple', 'w') as fh:
self._write_inp(atoms, fh)
def _write_inp(self, atoms, fh):
fh.write('FLEUR input generated with ASE\n')
if atoms.pbc[2]:
film = 'f'
film = 't'
fh.write('&input film=%s /' % film)
for vec in atoms.get_cell():
fh.write(' ')
for el in vec:
fh.write(' %21.16f' % (el/Bohr))
fh.write(' %21.16f\n' % 1.0)
fh.write(' %21.16f %21.16f %21.16f\n' % (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
natoms = len(atoms)
fh.write(' %6d\n' % natoms)
positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions()
if not atoms.pbc[2]:
# in film calculations z position has to be in absolute
# coordinates and symmetrical
cart_pos = atoms.get_positions()
cart_pos[:, 2] -= atoms.get_cell()[2, 2]/2.0
positions[:, 2] = cart_pos[:, 2] / Bohr
atomic_numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
for n, (Z, pos) in enumerate(zip(atomic_numbers, positions)):
if self.equivatoms:
fh.write('%3d' % Z)
# generate inequivalent atoms, by using non-integer Z
# (only the integer part will be used as Z of the atom)
# see http://www.flapw.de/pm/index.php?n=User-Documentation.InputFileForTheInputGenerator
fh.write('%3d.%04d' % (Z, n)) # MDTMP don't think one can calculate more that 10**4 atoms
for el in pos:
fh.write(' %21.16f' % el)
# avoid "STOP read_record: ERROR reading input"
fh.write('&end /')
inpgen = os.environ['FLEUR_INPGEN']
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError('Please set FLEUR_INPGEN')
# rename the previous inp if it exists
if os.path.isfile('inp'):
os.rename('inp', 'inp.bak')
os.system('%s -old < inp_simple' % inpgen)
# read the whole inp-file for possible modifications
with open('inp', 'r') as fh:
lines = fh.readlines()
window_ln = -1
for ln, line in enumerate(lines):
# XC potential
if line.startswith('pbe'):
if self.xc == 'PBE':
elif self.xc == 'RPBE':
lines[ln] = 'rpbe non-relativi\n'
elif self.xc == 'LDA':
lines[ln] = 'mjw non-relativic\n'
del lines[ln+1]
raise RuntimeError('XC-functional %s is not supported' % self.xc)
if line.startswith('Window'):
# few things are set around this line
window_ln = ln
# kmax
if self.kmax and ln == window_ln:
line = '%10.5f\n' % self.kmax
lines[ln+2] = line
# lower energy
if self.lenergy is not None and ln == window_ln:
l0 = lines[ln+1].split()[0]
l = lines[ln+1].replace(l0, '%8.5f' % (self.lenergy / Hartree))
lines[ln+1] = l
# gmax cutoff for PW-expansion of potential & density ( > 2*kmax)
# gmaxxc cutoff for PW-expansion of XC-potential ( > 2*kmax, < gmax)
if self.kmax and line.startswith('vchk'):
gmax = 3. * self.kmax
line = ' %10.6f %10.6f\n' % (gmax, int(2.5 * self.kmax * 10)/10.)
lines[ln-1] = line
# Fermi width
if self.width and line.startswith('gauss'):
line = 'gauss=F %7.5ftria=F\n' % (self.width / Hartree)
lines[ln] = line
# kpts
if self.kpts and line.startswith('nkpt'):
line = 'nkpt= nx=%2d,ny=%2d,nz=%2d\n' % (self.kpts[0],
lines[ln] = line
# itmax
if self.itmax < self.itmax_step_default and line.startswith('itmax'):
# decrease number of SCF steps; increasing is done by 'while not self.converged:'
lsplit = line.split(',')
if lsplit[0].find('itmax') != -1:
lsplit[0] = 'itmax=' + ('%2d' % self.itmax)
lines[ln] = ",".join(lsplit)
# Mixing
if self.mixer and line.startswith('itmax'):
imix = self.mixer['imix']
alpha = self.mixer['alpha']
spinf = self.mixer['spinf']
line_end = 'imix=%2d,alpha=%6.2f,spinf=%6.2f\n' % (imix,
line = line[:21] + line_end
lines[ln] = line
# jspins and swsp
if atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().sum() > 0.0:
assert not self.equivatoms, 'equivatoms currently not allowed in magnetic systems'
if line.find('jspins=1') != -1:
lines[ln] = line.replace('jspins=1', 'jspins=2')
if line.startswith('swsp=F'):
# setting initial magnetic moments for all atom types
lines[ln] = 'swsp=F'
for m in atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments():
lines[ln] += (' %5.2f' % m)
lines[ln] += '\n'
# inpgen produces incorrect symbol 'J' for Iodine
if line.startswith(' J 53'):
lines[ln] = lines[ln].replace(' J 53', ' I 53')
# rmt
if self.rmt is not None:
for s in list(set(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())): # unique
if s in self.rmt:
# set the requested rmt
for ln, line in enumerate(lines):
ls = line.split()
if len(ls) == 7 and ls[0].strip() == s:
rorig = ls[5].strip()
if self.rmt[s] < 0.0:
r = float(rorig) + self.rmt[s] / Bohr
r = self.rmt[s] / Bohr
print(s, rorig, r)
lines[ln] = lines[ln].replace(rorig, ("%.6f" % r))
# write everything back to inp
with open('inp', 'w') as fh:
for line in lines:
def read(self):
"""Read results from FLEUR's text-output file `out`."""
with open('out', 'r') as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
# total energies
self.total_energies = []
pat = re.compile(r'(.*total energy=)(\s)*([-0-9.]*)')
for line in lines:
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
self.etotal = self.total_energies[-1]
# free_energies
self.free_energies = []
pat = re.compile(r'(.*free energy=)(\s)*([-0-9.]*)')
for line in lines:
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
self.efree = self.free_energies[-1]
# TODO forces, charge density difference...
def check_convergence(self):
"""Check the convergence of calculation"""
energy_error = np.ptp(self.total_energies[-3:])
self.converged = energy_error < self.convergence['energy']
# TODO check charge convergence
# reduce the itmax in inp
with open('inp', 'r') as fh:
lines = fh.readlines()
pat = re.compile('(itmax=)([ 0-9]*)')
with open('inp', 'w') as fh:
for line in lines:
m = pat.match(line)
if m:
itmax = int(m.group(2))
self.niter += itmax
itmax_new = itmax // 2
itmax = max(self.itmax_step, itmax_new)
line = 'itmax=%2d' % itmax + line[8:]