"""This module defines an ASE interface to CP2K.
Author: Ole Schuett <ole.schuett@mat.ethz.ch>
import os
import os.path
from warnings import warn
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import numpy as np
import ase.io
from ase.units import Rydberg
from ase.calculators.calculator import (Calculator, all_changes, Parameters,
[docs]class CP2K(Calculator):
"""ASE-Calculator for CP2K.
CP2K is a program to perform atomistic and molecular simulations of solid
state, liquid, molecular, and biological systems. It provides a general
framework for different methods such as e.g., density functional theory
(DFT) using a mixed Gaussian and plane waves approach (GPW) and classical
pair and many-body potentials.
CP2K is freely available under the GPL license.
It is written in Fortran 2003 and can be run efficiently in parallel.
Check https://www.cp2k.org about how to obtain and install CP2K.
Make sure that you also have the CP2K-shell available, since it is required
by the CP2K-calulator.
The CP2K-calculator relies on the CP2K-shell. The CP2K-shell was originally
designed for interactive sessions. When a calculator object is
instantiated, it launches a CP2K-shell as a subprocess in the background
and communications with it through stdin/stdout pipes. This has the
advantage that the CP2K process is kept alive for the whole lifetime of
the calculator object, i.e. there is no startup overhead for a sequence
of energy evaluations. Furthermore, the usage of pipes avoids slow file-
system I/O. This mechanism even works for MPI-parallelized runs, because
stdin/stdout of the first rank are forwarded by the MPI-environment to the
The command used by the calculator to launch the CP2K-shell is
``cp2k_shell``. To run a parallelized simulation use something like this:
>>> CP2K.command="env OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 mpiexec -np 4 cp2k_shell.psmp"
auto_write: bool
Flag to enable the auto-write mode. If enabled the
``write()`` routine is called after every
calculation, which mimics the behavior of the
``FileIOCalculator``. Default is ``False``.
basis_set: str
Name of the basis set to be use.
The default is ``DZVP-MOLOPT-SR-GTH``.
basis_set_file: str
Filename of the basis set file.
Default is ``BASIS_MOLOPT``.
Set the environment variable $CP2K_DATA_DIR
to enabled automatic file discovered.
charge: float
The total charge of the system. Default is ``0``.
command: str
The command used to launch the CP2K-shell.
If ``command`` is not passed as an argument to the
constructor, the class-variable ``CP2K.command``,
and then the environment variable
``$ASE_CP2K_COMMAND`` are checked.
Eventually, ``cp2k_shell`` is used as default.
cutoff: float
The cutoff of the finest grid level. Default is ``400 * Rydberg``.
debug: bool
Flag to enable debug mode. This will print all
communication between the CP2K-shell and the
CP2K-calculator. Default is ``False``.
force_eval_method: str
The method CP2K uses to evaluate energies and forces.
The default is ``Quickstep``, which is CP2K's
module for electronic structure methods like DFT.
inp: str
CP2K input template. If present, the calculator will
augment the template, e.g. with coordinates, and use
it to launch CP2K. Hence, this generic mechanism
gives access to all features of CP2K.
Note, that most keywords accept ``None`` to disable the generation
of the corresponding input section.
This input template is important for advanced CP2K
inputs, but is also needed for e.g. controlling the Brillouin
zone integration. The example below illustrates some common
>>> inp = '''&FORCE_EVAL
>>> &DFT
>>> &SCF
>>> ADDED_MOS 10
>>> &SMEAR
>>> &END SCF
>>> &END DFT
>>> '''
max_scf: int
Maximum number of SCF iteration to be performed for
one optimization. Default is ``50``.
poisson_solver: str
The poisson solver to be used. Currently, the only supported
values are ``auto`` and ``None``. Default is ``auto``.
potential_file: str
Filename of the pseudo-potential file.
Default is ``POTENTIAL``.
Set the environment variable $CP2K_DATA_DIR
to enabled automatic file discovered.
pseudo_potential: str
Name of the pseudo-potential to be use.
Default is ``auto``. This tries to infer the
potential from the employed XC-functional,
otherwise it falls back to ``GTH-PBE``.
stress_tensor: bool
Indicates whether the analytic stress-tensor should be calculated.
Default is ``True``.
uks: bool
Requests an unrestricted Kohn-Sham calculations.
This is need for spin-polarized systems, ie. with an
odd number of electrons. Default is ``False``.
xc: str
Name of exchange and correlation functional.
Accepts all functions supported by CP2K itself or libxc.
Default is ``LDA``.
print_level: str
PRINT_LEVEL of global output.
Possible options are:
DEBUG Everything is written out, useful for debugging purposes only
HIGH Lots of output
LOW Little output
MEDIUM Quite some output
SILENT Almost no output
Default is 'LOW'
implemented_properties = ['energy', 'free_energy', 'forces', 'stress']
command = None
default_parameters = dict(
cutoff=400 * Rydberg,
def __init__(self, restart=None,
label='cp2k', atoms=None, command=None,
debug=False, **kwargs):
"""Construct CP2K-calculator object."""
self._debug = debug
self._force_env_id = None
self._shell = None
self.label = None
self.parameters = None
self.results = None
self.atoms = None
# Several places are check to determine self.command
if command is not None:
self.command = command
elif CP2K.command is not None:
self.command = CP2K.command
elif 'ASE_CP2K_COMMAND' in os.environ:
self.command = os.environ['ASE_CP2K_COMMAND']
self.command = 'cp2k_shell' # default
Calculator.__init__(self, restart=restart,
label=label, atoms=atoms, **kwargs)
self._shell = Cp2kShell(self.command, self._debug)
if restart is not None:
def __del__(self):
"""Release force_env and terminate cp2k_shell child process"""
if self._shell:
def set(self, **kwargs):
"""Set parameters like set(key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)."""
msg = '"%s" is not a known keyword for the CP2K calculator. ' \
'To access all features of CP2K by means of an input ' \
'template, consider using the "inp" keyword instead.'
for key in kwargs:
if key not in self.default_parameters:
raise CalculatorSetupError(msg % key)
changed_parameters = Calculator.set(self, **kwargs)
if changed_parameters:
def write(self, label):
'Write atoms, parameters and calculated results into restart files.'
if self._debug:
print("Writing restart to: ", label)
self.atoms.write(label + '_restart.traj')
self.parameters.write(label + '_params.ase')
from ase.io.jsonio import write_json
with open(label + '_results.json', 'w') as fd:
write_json(fd, self.results)
def read(self, label):
'Read atoms, parameters and calculated results from restart files.'
self.atoms = ase.io.read(label + '_restart.traj')
self.parameters = Parameters.read(label + '_params.ase')
from ase.io.jsonio import read_json
with open(label + '_results.json') as fd:
self.results = read_json(fd)
def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=None,
"""Do the calculation."""
if not properties:
properties = ['energy']
Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
if self._debug:
print("system_changes:", system_changes)
if 'numbers' in system_changes:
if self._force_env_id is None:
# enable eV and Angstrom as units
self._shell.expect('* READY')
n_atoms = len(self.atoms)
if 'cell' in system_changes:
cell = self.atoms.get_cell()
self._shell.send('SET_CELL %d' % self._force_env_id)
for i in range(3):
self._shell.send('%.18e %.18e %.18e' % tuple(cell[i, :]))
self._shell.expect('* READY')
if 'positions' in system_changes:
self._shell.send('SET_POS %d' % self._force_env_id)
self._shell.send('%d' % (3 * n_atoms))
for pos in self.atoms.get_positions():
self._shell.send('%.18e %.18e %.18e' % tuple(pos))
max_change = float(self._shell.recv())
assert max_change >= 0 # sanity check
self._shell.expect('* READY')
self._shell.send('EVAL_EF %d' % self._force_env_id)
self._shell.expect('* READY')
self._shell.send('GET_E %d' % self._force_env_id)
self.results['energy'] = float(self._shell.recv())
self.results['free_energy'] = self.results['energy']
self._shell.expect('* READY')
forces = np.zeros(shape=(n_atoms, 3))
self._shell.send('GET_F %d' % self._force_env_id)
nvals = int(self._shell.recv())
assert nvals == 3 * n_atoms # sanity check
for i in range(n_atoms):
line = self._shell.recv()
forces[i, :] = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
self._shell.expect('* END')
self._shell.expect('* READY')
self.results['forces'] = forces
self._shell.send('GET_STRESS %d' % self._force_env_id)
line = self._shell.recv()
self._shell.expect('* READY')
stress = np.array([float(x) for x in line.split()]).reshape(3, 3)
assert np.all(stress == np.transpose(stress)) # should be symmetric
# Convert 3x3 stress tensor to Voigt form as required by ASE
stress = np.array([stress[0, 0], stress[1, 1], stress[2, 2],
stress[1, 2], stress[0, 2], stress[0, 1]])
self.results['stress'] = -1.0 * stress # cp2k uses the opposite sign
if self.parameters.auto_write:
def _create_force_env(self):
"""Instantiates a new force-environment"""
assert self._force_env_id is None
label_dir = os.path.dirname(self.label)
if len(label_dir) > 0 and not os.path.exists(label_dir):
print('Creating directory: ' + label_dir)
os.makedirs(label_dir) # cp2k expects dirs to exist
inp = self._generate_input()
inp_fn = self.label + '.inp'
out_fn = self.label + '.out'
self._write_file(inp_fn, inp)
self._shell.send('LOAD %s %s' % (inp_fn, out_fn))
self._force_env_id = int(self._shell.recv())
assert self._force_env_id > 0
self._shell.expect('* READY')
def _write_file(self, fn, content):
"""Write content to a file"""
if self._debug:
print('Writting to file: ' + fn)
if self._shell.version < 2.0:
with open(fn, 'w') as fd:
lines = content.split('\n')
if self._shell.version < 2.1:
lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] # save chars
self._shell.send('%d' % len(lines))
for line in lines:
self._shell.expect('* READY')
def _release_force_env(self):
"""Destroys the current force-environment"""
if self._force_env_id:
if self._shell.isready:
self._shell.send('DESTROY %d' % self._force_env_id)
self._shell.expect('* READY')
msg = "CP2K-shell not ready, could not release force_env."
warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
self._force_env_id = None
def _generate_input(self):
"""Generates a CP2K input file"""
p = self.parameters
root = parse_input(p.inp)
root.add_keyword('GLOBAL', 'PROJECT ' + self.label)
if p.print_level:
root.add_keyword('GLOBAL', 'PRINT_LEVEL ' + p.print_level)
if p.force_eval_method:
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL', 'METHOD ' + p.force_eval_method)
if p.stress_tensor:
if p.basis_set_file:
'BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME ' + p.basis_set_file)
if p.potential_file:
'POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME ' + p.potential_file)
if p.cutoff:
'CUTOFF [eV] %.18e' % p.cutoff)
if p.max_scf:
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/DFT/SCF', 'MAX_SCF %d' % p.max_scf)
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/DFT/LS_SCF', 'MAX_SCF %d' % p.max_scf)
if p.xc:
legacy_libxc = ""
for functional in p.xc.split():
functional = functional.replace("LDA", "PADE") # resolve alias
xc_sec = root.get_subsection('FORCE_EVAL/DFT/XC/XC_FUNCTIONAL')
# libxc input section changed over time
if functional.startswith("XC_") and self._shell.version < 3.0:
legacy_libxc += " " + functional # handled later
elif functional.startswith("XC_"):
s = InputSection(name='LIBXC')
s.keywords.append('FUNCTIONAL ' + functional)
s = InputSection(name=functional.upper())
if legacy_libxc:
'FUNCTIONAL ' + legacy_libxc)
if p.uks:
if p.charge and p.charge != 0:
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/DFT', 'CHARGE %d' % p.charge)
# add Poisson solver if needed
if p.poisson_solver == 'auto' and not any(self.atoms.get_pbc()):
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/DFT/POISSON', 'PSOLVER MT')
# write coords
syms = self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
atoms = self.atoms.get_positions()
for elm, pos in zip(syms, atoms):
line = '%s %.18e %.18e %.18e' % (elm, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/SUBSYS/COORD', line, unique=False)
# write cell
pbc = ''.join([a for a, b in zip('XYZ', self.atoms.get_pbc()) if b])
if len(pbc) == 0:
pbc = 'NONE'
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/SUBSYS/CELL', 'PERIODIC ' + pbc)
c = self.atoms.get_cell()
for i, a in enumerate('ABC'):
line = '%s %.18e %.18e %.18e' % (a, c[i, 0], c[i, 1], c[i, 2])
root.add_keyword('FORCE_EVAL/SUBSYS/CELL', line)
# determine pseudo-potential
potential = p.pseudo_potential
if p.pseudo_potential == 'auto':
if p.xc and p.xc.upper() in ('LDA', 'PADE', 'BP', 'BLYP', 'PBE',):
potential = 'GTH-' + p.xc.upper()
msg = 'No matching pseudo potential found, using GTH-PBE'
warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
potential = 'GTH-PBE' # fall back
# write atomic kinds
subsys = root.get_subsection('FORCE_EVAL/SUBSYS').subsections
kinds = dict([(s.params, s) for s in subsys if s.name == "KIND"])
for elem in set(self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols()):
if elem not in kinds.keys():
s = InputSection(name='KIND', params=elem)
kinds[elem] = s
if p.basis_set:
kinds[elem].keywords.append('BASIS_SET ' + p.basis_set)
if potential:
kinds[elem].keywords.append('POTENTIAL ' + potential)
output_lines = ['!!! Generated by ASE !!!'] + root.write()
return '\n'.join(output_lines)
class Cp2kShell:
"""Wrapper for CP2K-shell child-process"""
def __init__(self, command, debug):
"""Construct CP2K-shell object"""
self.isready = False
self.version = 1.0 # assume oldest possible version until verified
self._child = None
self._debug = debug
# launch cp2k_shell child process
assert 'cp2k_shell' in command
if self._debug:
self._child = Popen(command, shell=True, universal_newlines=True,
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1)
self.expect('* READY')
# check version of shell
line = self.recv()
if not line.startswith('CP2K Shell Version:'):
raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine version of CP2K shell. '
'Probably the shell version is too old. '
'Please update to CP2K 3.0 or newer.')
shell_version = line.rsplit(":", 1)[1]
self.version = float(shell_version)
assert self.version >= 1.0
self.expect('* READY')
# enable harsh mode, stops on any error
self.expect('* READY')
def __del__(self):
"""Terminate cp2k_shell child process"""
if self.isready:
rtncode = self._child.wait()
assert rtncode == 0 # child process exited properly?
warn("CP2K-shell not ready, sending SIGTERM.", RuntimeWarning)
self._child = None
self.version = None
self.isready = False
def send(self, line):
"""Send a line to the cp2k_shell"""
assert self._child.poll() is None # child process still alive?
if self._debug:
print('Sending: ' + line)
if self.version < 2.1 and len(line) >= 80:
raise Exception('Buffer overflow, upgrade CP2K to r16779 or later')
assert(len(line) < 800) # new input buffer size
self.isready = False
self._child.stdin.write(line + '\n')
def recv(self):
"""Receive a line from the cp2k_shell"""
assert self._child.poll() is None # child process still alive?
line = self._child.stdout.readline().strip()
if self._debug:
print('Received: ' + line)
self.isready = line == '* READY'
return line
def expect(self, line):
"""Receive a line and asserts that it matches the expected one"""
received = self.recv()
assert received == line
class InputSection:
"""Represents a section of a CP2K input file"""
def __init__(self, name, params=None):
self.name = name.upper()
self.params = params
self.keywords = []
self.subsections = []
def write(self):
"""Outputs input section as string"""
output = []
for k in self.keywords:
for s in self.subsections:
if s.params:
output.append('&%s %s' % (s.name, s.params))
output.append('&%s' % s.name)
for l in s.write():
output.append(' %s' % l)
output.append('&END %s' % s.name)
return output
def add_keyword(self, path, line, unique=True):
"""Adds a keyword to section."""
parts = path.upper().split('/', 1)
candidates = [s for s in self.subsections if s.name == parts[0]]
if len(candidates) == 0:
s = InputSection(name=parts[0])
candidates = [s]
elif len(candidates) != 1:
raise Exception('Multiple %s sections found ' % parts[0])
key = line.split()[0].upper()
if len(parts) > 1:
candidates[0].add_keyword(parts[1], line, unique)
elif key == '_SECTION_PARAMETERS_':
if candidates[0].params is not None:
msg = 'Section parameter of section %s already set' % parts[0]
raise Exception(msg)
candidates[0].params = line.split(' ', 1)[1].strip()
old_keys = [k.split()[0].upper() for k in candidates[0].keywords]
if unique and key in old_keys:
msg = 'Keyword %s already present in section %s'
raise Exception(msg % (key, parts[0]))
def get_subsection(self, path):
"""Finds a subsection"""
parts = path.upper().split('/', 1)
candidates = [s for s in self.subsections if s.name == parts[0]]
if len(candidates) > 1:
raise Exception('Multiple %s sections found ' % parts[0])
if len(candidates) == 0:
s = InputSection(name=parts[0])
candidates = [s]
if len(parts) == 1:
return candidates[0]
return candidates[0].get_subsection(parts[1])
def parse_input(inp):
"""Parses the given CP2K input string"""
root_section = InputSection('CP2K_INPUT')
section_stack = [root_section]
for line in inp.split('\n'):
line = line.split('!', 1)[0].strip()
if len(line) == 0:
if line.upper().startswith('&END'):
s = section_stack.pop()
elif line[0] == '&':
parts = line.split(' ', 1)
name = parts[0][1:]
if len(parts) > 1:
s = InputSection(name=name, params=parts[1].strip())
s = InputSection(name=name)
return root_section