arrayfire.blas module

BLAS functions (matmul, dot, etc), rhs, lhs_opts=<arrayfire.library.MATPROP object>, rhs_opts=<arrayfire.library.MATPROP object>)[source]

Dot product of two input vectors.


lhs : af.Array

A 1 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

rhs : af.Array

A 1 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

lhs_opts: optional: af.MATPROP. default: af.MATPROP.NONE.

Can be one of
  • af.MATPROP.NONE - If no op should be done on lhs.
  • No other options are currently supported.

rhs_opts: optional: af.MATPROP. default: af.MATPROP.NONE.

Can be one of
  • af.MATPROP.NONE - If no op should be done on rhs.
  • No other options are currently supported.

out : af.Array

Output of dot product of lhs and rhs.

arrayfire.blas.matmul(lhs, rhs, lhs_opts=<arrayfire.library.MATPROP object>, rhs_opts=<arrayfire.library.MATPROP object>)[source]

Generalized matrix multiplication for two matrices.


lhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

rhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

lhs_opts: optional: af.MATPROP. default: af.MATPROP.NONE.

Can be one of
  • af.MATPROP.NONE - If no op should be done on lhs.
  • af.MATPROP.TRANS - If lhs has to be transposed before multiplying.
  • af.MATPROP.CTRANS - If lhs has to be hermitian transposed before multiplying.

rhs_opts: optional: af.MATPROP. default: af.MATPROP.NONE.

Can be one of
  • af.MATPROP.NONE - If no op should be done on rhs.
  • af.MATPROP.TRANS - If rhs has to be transposed before multiplying.
  • af.MATPROP.CTRANS - If rhs has to be hermitian transposed before multiplying.

out : af.Array

Output of the matrix multiplication on lhs and rhs.

arrayfire.blas.matmulNT(lhs, rhs)[source]

Matrix multiplication after transposing the second matrix.


lhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

rhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.


out : af.Array

Output of the matrix multiplication on lhs and transpose(rhs).

arrayfire.blas.matmulTN(lhs, rhs)[source]

Matrix multiplication after transposing the first matrix.


lhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

rhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.


out : af.Array

Output of the matrix multiplication on transpose(lhs) and rhs.

arrayfire.blas.matmulTT(lhs, rhs)[source]

Matrix multiplication after transposing both inputs.


lhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.

rhs : af.Array

A 2 dimensional, real or complex arrayfire array.


out : af.Array

Output of the matrix multiplication on transpose(lhs) and transpose(rhs).