Source code for arrayfire.algorithm

# Copyright (c) 2015, ArrayFire
# All rights reserved.
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Vector algorithms (sum, min, sort, etc).

from .library import *
from .array import *

def _parallel_dim(a, dim, c_func):
    out = Array()
    safe_call(c_func(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr, ct.c_int(dim)))
    return out

def _reduce_all(a, c_func):
    real = ct.c_double(0)
    imag = ct.c_double(0)

    safe_call(c_func(ct.pointer(real), ct.pointer(imag), a.arr))

    real = real.value
    imag = imag.value
    return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j

def _nan_parallel_dim(a, dim, c_func, nan_val):
    out = Array()
    safe_call(c_func(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr, ct.c_int(dim), ct.c_double(nan_val)))
    return out

def _nan_reduce_all(a, c_func, nan_val):
    real = ct.c_double(0)
    imag = ct.c_double(0)

    safe_call(c_func(ct.pointer(real), ct.pointer(imag), a.arr, ct.c_double(nan_val)))

    real = real.value
    imag = imag.value
    return real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j

[docs]def sum(a, dim=None, nan_val=None): """ Calculate the sum of all the elements along a specified dimension. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the sum is required. nan_val: optional: scalar. default: None The value that replaces NaN in the array Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number The sum of all elements in `a` along dimension `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, sum of the entire Array is returned. """ if (nan_val is not None): if dim is not None: return _nan_parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_sum_nan, nan_val) else: return _nan_reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_sum_nan_all, nan_val) else: if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_sum) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_sum_all)
[docs]def product(a, dim=None, nan_val=None): """ Calculate the product of all the elements along a specified dimension. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the product is required. nan_val: optional: scalar. default: None The value that replaces NaN in the array Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number The product of all elements in `a` along dimension `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, product of the entire Array is returned. """ if (nan_val is not None): if dim is not None: return _nan_parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_product_nan, nan_val) else: return _nan_reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_product_nan_all, nan_val) else: if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_product) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_product_all)
[docs]def min(a, dim=None): """ Find the minimum value of all the elements along a specified dimension. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the minimum value is required. Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number The minimum value of all elements in `a` along dimension `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, minimum value of the entire Array is returned. """ if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_min) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_min_all)
[docs]def max(a, dim=None): """ Find the maximum value of all the elements along a specified dimension. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the maximum value is required. Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number The maximum value of all elements in `a` along dimension `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, maximum value of the entire Array is returned. """ if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_max) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_max_all)
[docs]def all_true(a, dim=None): """ Check if all the elements along a specified dimension are true. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the product is required. Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number Af.array containing True if all elements in `a` along the dimension are True. If `dim` is `None`, output is True if `a` does not have any zeros, else False. """ if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_all_true) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_all_true_all)
[docs]def any_true(a, dim=None): """ Check if any the elements along a specified dimension are true. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the product is required. Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number Af.array containing True if any elements in `a` along the dimension are True. If `dim` is `None`, output is True if `a` does not have any zeros, else False. """ if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_any_true) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_any_true_all)
[docs]def count(a, dim=None): """ Count the number of non zero elements in an array along a specified dimension. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the the non zero elements are to be counted. Returns ------- out: af.Array or scalar number The count of non zero elements in `a` along `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, the total number of non zero elements in `a`. """ if dim is not None: return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_count) else: return _reduce_all(a, backend.get().af_count_all)
[docs]def imin(a, dim=None): """ Find the value and location of the minimum value along a specified dimension Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the minimum value is required. Returns ------- (val, idx): tuple of af.Array or scalars `val` contains the minimum value of `a` along `dim`. `idx` contains the location of where `val` occurs in `a` along `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, `val` and `idx` value and location of global minimum. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() idx = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_imin(ct.pointer(out.arr), ct.pointer(idx.arr), a.arr, ct.c_int(dim))) return out,idx else: real = ct.c_double(0) imag = ct.c_double(0) idx = ct.c_uint(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_imin_all(ct.pointer(real), ct.pointer(imag), ct.pointer(idx), a.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value val = real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j return val,idx.value
[docs]def imax(a, dim=None): """ Find the value and location of the maximum value along a specified dimension Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: None Dimension along which the maximum value is required. Returns ------- (val, idx): tuple of af.Array or scalars `val` contains the maximum value of `a` along `dim`. `idx` contains the location of where `val` occurs in `a` along `dim`. If `dim` is `None`, `val` and `idx` value and location of global maximum. """ if dim is not None: out = Array() idx = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_imax(ct.pointer(out.arr), ct.pointer(idx.arr), a.arr, ct.c_int(dim))) return out,idx else: real = ct.c_double(0) imag = ct.c_double(0) idx = ct.c_uint(0) safe_call(backend.get().af_imax_all(ct.pointer(real), ct.pointer(imag), ct.pointer(idx), a.arr)) real = real.value imag = imag.value val = real if imag == 0 else real + imag * 1j return val,idx.value
[docs]def accum(a, dim=0): """ Cumulative sum of an array along a specified dimension Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: 0 Dimension along which the cumulative sum is required. Returns ------- out: af.Array array of same size as `a` containing the cumulative sum along `dim`. """ return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_accum)
[docs]def where(a): """ Find the indices of non zero elements Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. Returns ------- idx: af.Array Linear indices for non zero elements. """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_where(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr)) return out
[docs]def diff1(a, dim=0): """ Find the first order differences along specified dimensions Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: 0 Dimension along which the differences are required. Returns ------- out: af.Array Array whose length along `dim` is 1 less than that of `a`. """ return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_diff1)
[docs]def diff2(a, dim=0): """ Find the second order differences along specified dimensions Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: 0 Dimension along which the differences are required. Returns ------- out: af.Array Array whose length along `dim` is 2 less than that of `a`. """ return _parallel_dim(a, dim, backend.get().af_diff2)
[docs]def sort(a, dim=0, is_ascending=True): """ Sort the array along a specified dimension Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: 0 Dimension along which sort is to be performed. is_ascending: optional: bool. default: True Specifies the direction of the sort Returns ------- out: af.Array array containing the sorted values Note ------- Currently `dim` is only supported for 0. """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sort(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr, ct.c_uint(dim), ct.c_bool(is_ascending))) return out
[docs]def sort_index(a, dim=0, is_ascending=True): """ Sort the array along a specified dimension and get the indices. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array Multi dimensional arrayfire array. dim: optional: int. default: 0 Dimension along which sort is to be performed. is_ascending: optional: bool. default: True Specifies the direction of the sort Returns ------- (val, idx): tuple of af.Array `val` is an af.Array containing the sorted values. `idx` is an af.Array containing the original indices of `val` in `a`. Note ------- Currently `dim` is only supported for 0. """ out = Array() idx = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sort_index(ct.pointer(out.arr), ct.pointer(idx.arr), a.arr, ct.c_uint(dim), ct.c_bool(is_ascending))) return out,idx
[docs]def sort_by_key(iv, ik, dim=0, is_ascending=True): """ Sort an array based on specified keys Parameters ---------- iv : af.Array An Array containing the values ik : af.Array An Array containing the keys dim: optional: int. default: 0 Dimension along which sort is to be performed. is_ascending: optional: bool. default: True Specifies the direction of the sort Returns ------- (ov, ok): tuple of af.Array `ov` contains the values from `iv` after sorting them based on `ik` `ok` contains the values from `ik` in sorted order Note ------- Currently `dim` is only supported for 0. """ ov = Array() ok = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_sort_by_key(ct.pointer(ov.arr), ct.pointer(ok.arr), iv.arr, ik.arr, ct.c_uint(dim), ct.c_bool(is_ascending))) return ov,ok
[docs]def set_unique(a, is_sorted=False): """ Find the unique elements of an array. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array A 1D arrayfire array. is_sorted: optional: bool. default: False Specifies if the input is pre-sorted. Returns ------- out: af.Array an array containing the unique values from `a` """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_set_unique(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr, ct.c_bool(is_sorted))) return out
[docs]def set_union(a, b, is_unique=False): """ Find the union of two arrays. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array A 1D arrayfire array. b : af.Array A 1D arrayfire array. is_unique: optional: bool. default: False Specifies if the both inputs contain unique elements. Returns ------- out: af.Array an array values after performing the union of `a` and `b`. """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_set_union(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr, b.arr, ct.c_bool(is_unique))) return out
[docs]def set_intersect(a, b, is_unique=False): """ Find the intersect of two arrays. Parameters ---------- a : af.Array A 1D arrayfire array. b : af.Array A 1D arrayfire array. is_unique: optional: bool. default: False Specifies if the both inputs contain unique elements. Returns ------- out: af.Array an array values after performing the intersect of `a` and `b`. """ out = Array() safe_call(backend.get().af_set_intersect(ct.pointer(out.arr), a.arr, b.arr, ct.c_bool(is_unique))) return out