#!/usr/bin/python3 # example how to deal with the depcache import apt import sys from apt.progress import InstallProgress class TextInstallProgress(InstallProgress): def __init__(self): apt.progress.InstallProgress.__init__(self) self.last = 0.0 def updateInterface(self): InstallProgress.updateInterface(self) if self.last >= self.percent: return sys.stdout.write("\r[%s] %s\n" % (self.percent, self.status)) sys.stdout.flush() self.last = self.percent def conffile(self, current, new): print("conffile prompt: %s %s" % (current, new)) def error(self, errorstr): print("got dpkg error: '%s'" % errorstr) cache = apt.Cache(apt.progress.OpTextProgress()) fprogress = apt.progress.TextFetchProgress() iprogress = TextInstallProgress() pkg = cache["3dchess"] # install or remove, the importend thing is to keep us busy :) if pkg.is_installed: print("Going to delete %s" % pkg.name) pkg.mark_delete() else: print("Going to install %s" % pkg.name) pkg.mark_install() res = cache.commit(fprogress, iprogress) print(res) sys.exit(0)