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differences", "Shell", "Tips", "Types", "Virtual File System (VFS)", "Virtual Tables"], "terms": {"The": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "i": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22], "main": [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22], "interfac": [0, 5, 6, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22], "method": [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22], "data": [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22], "have": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "process": [0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22], "wide": [0, 5, 17, 19], "effect": [0, 1, 5, 6, 11, 14, 19], "comprehens": 0, "ar": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "includ": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "your": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22], "code": [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 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18], "singl": [0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 18, 19], "being": [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22], "rais": [0, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22], "except": [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22], "creation": [0, 1], "fail": [0, 5, 12, 19, 21], "want": [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "store": [0, 3, 9, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22], "own": [0, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22], "defin": [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21], "databas": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22], "got": [0, 5, 6, 11, 12], "turn": [0, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21], "enablesharedcach": 0, "enabl": [0, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 18, 20], "same": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "across": [0, 2, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 17, 21], "thread": [0, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21], "multipl": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "access": [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 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[11, 14], "bind": [11, 19], "provid": 11, "valu": 11, "sequenc": 11, "dict": 11, "differ": [11, 17, 19], "transact": [11, 19], "executemani": 11, "trace": [11, 12, 13], "return": 11, "row": [11, 13, 14], "defin": 11, "own": 11, "function": [11, 14], "aggreg": 11, "collat": 11, "sort": 11, "access": [11, 14], "result": [11, 14], "column": [11, 14], "name": [11, 14], "convers": 11, "out": [11, 14], "queri": [11, 14], "i": [11, 19], "o": 11, "author": 11, "what": [11, 17], "can": 11, "do": 11, "progress": 11, "handler": 11, "commit": 11, "hook": 11, "updat": [11, 19], "virtual": [11, 21, 22], "tabl": [11, 22], "vf": [11, 21], "file": [11, 21], "system": [11, 21], "limit": 11, "an": 11, "shell": [11, 18], "statist": 11, "cleanup": 11, "except": [12, 21], "specif": 12, "gener": 12, "error": [12, 21], "intern": 12, "permiss": 12, "etc": 12, "abort": 12, "busi": [12, 19], "memori": 12, "disk": 12, "augment": 12, "stack": 12, "model": 13, "multi": 13, "thread": 13, "re": 13, "entranc": 13, "64": 13, "bit": [13, 14], "host": 13, "statement": 13, "cach": [13, 19], "tracer": 13, "variou": 14, "interest": 14, "convert": 14, "inform": 14, "fts3": 15, "icu": 15, "json1": 15, "rbu": 15, "rtree": 15, "document": 16, "sqlite3": 17, "doe": 17, "better": 17, "command": 18, "line": 18, "usag": 18, "unicod": [18, 20], "tip": 19, "about": 19, "python": 19, "diagnost": 19, "manag": 19, "schema": 19, "pars": 19, "unexpect": 19, "behaviour": 19, "custom": 19, "handl": 19, "share": 19, "mode": 19, "write": 19, "ahead": 19, "log": 19, "map": 20, "vfsfile": 21, "urifilenam": 21, "vtmodul": 22, "vttabl": 22, "vtcursor": 22, "troubleshoot": 22}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"Copyright and License": [[7, "copyright-and-license"]], "Benchmarking": [[2, "benchmarking"]], "speedtest": [[2, "speedtest"]], "Backup": [[1, "backup"]], "Important details": [[1, "important-details"]], "Backup class": [[1, "backup-class"]], "Blob Input/Output": [[3, "blob-input-output"]], "zeroblob class": [[3, "zeroblob-class"]], "Blob class": [[3, "blob-class"]], "Building": [[4, "building"]], "": [[4, "setup-py"]], "Additional flags": [[4, "additional-setup-py-flags"]], "fetch": [[4, "fetch"]], "build/build_ext": [[4, "build-build-ext"]], "Matching APSW and SQLite options": [[4, "matching-apsw-and-sqlite-options"]], "Finding SQLite 3": [[4, "finding-sqlite-3"]], "Recommended": [[4, "recommended"]], "Source distribution (advanced)": [[4, "source-distribution-advanced"]], "Testing": [[4, "testing"]], "Cursors (executing SQL)": [[8, "cursors-executing-sql"]], "Cursor class": [[8, "cursor-class"]], "DBAPI notes": [[9, "dbapi-notes"]], "Module Interface": [[9, "module-interface"]], "Connection Objects": [[9, "connection-objects"]], "Cursor Objects": [[9, "cursor-objects"]], "Type objects": [[9, "type-objects"]], "Optional DB API Extensions": [[9, "optional-db-api-extensions"]], "Download": [[10, "download"]], "PyPI/pip": [[10, "pypi-pip"]], "Source": [[10, "source"]], "Verifying your download": [[10, "verifying-your-download"]], "Source code control": [[10, "source-code-control"]], "Example/Tour": [[11, "example-tour"]], "Checking APSW and SQLite versions": [[11, "checking-apsw-and-sqlite-versions"]], "Opening the database": [[11, "opening-the-database"]], "Executing SQL": [[11, "executing-sql"]], "Why you use bindings to provide values": [[11, "why-you-use-bindings-to-provide-values"]], "Bindings (sequence)": [[11, "bindings-sequence"]], "Bindings (dict)": [[11, "bindings-dict"]], "Using different types": [[11, "using-different-types"]], "Transactions": [[11, "transactions"], [19, "transactions"]], "executemany": [[11, "executemany"]], "Tracing execution": [[11, "tracing-execution"]], "Tracing returned rows": [[11, "tracing-returned-rows"]], "Defining your own functions": [[11, "defining-your-own-functions"]], "Defining aggregate functions": [[11, "defining-aggregate-functions"]], "Defining collations (sorting)": [[11, "defining-collations-sorting"]], "Accessing results by column name": [[11, "accessing-results-by-column-name"]], "Type conversion into/out of database": [[11, "type-conversion-into-out-of-database"]], "Query details": [[11, "query-details"]], "Blob I/O": [[11, "blob-i-o"]], "Authorizer (control what SQL can do)": [[11, "authorizer-control-what-sql-can-do"]], "Progress handler": [[11, "progress-handler"]], "Commit hook": [[11, "commit-hook"]], "Update hook": [[11, "update-hook"]], "Virtual tables": [[11, "virtual-tables"]], "VFS - Virtual File System": [[11, "vfs-virtual-file-system"]], "Limits": [[11, "limits"]], "Backup an open database": [[11, "backup-an-open-database"]], "Shell": [[11, "shell"], [18, "shell"]], "Statistics": [[11, "statistics"]], "Cleanup": [[11, "cleanup"]], "Exceptions": [[12, "exceptions"]], "APSW specific exceptions": [[12, "apsw-specific-exceptions"]], "SQLite Exceptions": [[12, "sqlite-exceptions"]], "General Errors": [[12, "general-errors"]], "Internal Errors": [[12, "internal-errors"]], "Permissions Etc": [[12, "permissions-etc"]], "Abort/Busy Etc": [[12, "abort-busy-etc"]], "Memory/Disk": [[12, "memory-disk"]], "Augmented stack traces": [[12, "augmented-stack-traces"]], "Execution and tracing": [[13, "execution-and-tracing"]], "Execution model": [[13, "execution-model"]], "Multi-threading and re-entrancy": [[13, "multi-threading-and-re-entrancy"]], "64 bit hosts": [[13, "bit-hosts"]], "Statement Cache": [[13, "statement-cache"]], "Tracing": [[13, "tracing"]], "Execution Tracer": [[13, "execution-tracer"]], "Row Tracer": [[13, "row-tracer"]], "APSW Trace": [[13, "apsw-trace"]], "Extensions": [[15, "extensions"]], "FTS3/4/5": [[15, "fts3-4-5"]], "ICU": [[15, "icu"]], "JSON1": [[15, "json1"]], "RBU": [[15, "rbu"]], "RTree": [[15, "rtree"]], "APSW documentation": [[16, "apsw-documentation"]], "sqlite3 module differences": [[17, "sqlite3-module-differences"]], "What APSW does better": [[17, "what-apsw-does-better"]], "What sqlite3 does better": [[17, "what-sqlite3-does-better"]], "Tips": [[19, "tips"]], "About Python, APSW, and SQLite versions": [[19, "about-python-apsw-and-sqlite-versions"]], "SQLite is different": [[19, "sqlite-is-different"]], "Cursors": [[19, "cursors"]], "Bindings": [[19, "bindings"]], "Diagnostics": [[19, "diagnostics"]], "Managing and updating your schema": [[19, "managing-and-updating-your-schema"]], "Parsing SQL": [[19, "parsing-sql"]], "Unexpected behaviour": [[19, "unexpected-behaviour"]], "Customizing Connections": [[19, "customizing-connections"]], "Customizing Cursors": [[19, "customizing-cursors"]], "Busy handling": [[19, "busy-handling"]], "Database schema": [[19, "database-schema"]], "Shared Cache Mode": [[19, "shared-cache-mode"]], "Write Ahead Logging": [[19, "write-ahead-logging"]], "Types": [[20, "types"]], "Mapping": [[20, "mapping"]], "Unicode": [[20, "unicode"], [18, "unicode"]], "Virtual File System (VFS)": [[21, "virtual-file-system-vfs"]], "Exceptions and errors": [[21, "exceptions-and-errors"]], "VFS class": [[21, "vfs-class"]], "VFSFile class": [[21, "vfsfile-class"]], "URIFilename class": [[21, "urifilename-class"]], "Virtual Tables": [[22, "virtual-tables"]], "VTModule class": [[22, "vtmodule-class"]], "VTTable class": [[22, "vttable-class"]], "VTCursor class": [[22, "vtcursor-class"]], "Troubleshooting virtual tables": [[22, "troubleshooting-virtual-tables"]], "Change History": [[5, "change-history"]], "": [[5, "id1"]], "": [[5, "id2"]], "": [[5, "id3"]], "": [[5, "id4"]], "": [[5, "id5"]], "3.38.5-r1": [[5, "r1"]], "3.38.1-r1": [[5, "id6"]], "3.37.0-r1": [[5, "id7"]], "3.36.0-r1": [[5, "id8"]], "3.35.4-r1": [[5, "id9"]], "3.34.0-r1": [[5, "id10"]], "3.33.0-r1": [[5, "id11"]], "3.32.2-r1": [[5, "id12"]], "3.31.1-r1": [[5, "id13"]], "3.30.1-r1": [[5, "id14"]], "3.29.0-r1": [[5, "id15"]], "3.28.0-r1": [[5, "id16"]], "3.27.2-r1": [[5, "id17"]], "3.26.0-r1": [[5, "id18"]], "3.25.2-r1": [[5, "id19"]], "3.24.0-r1": [[5, "id20"]], "3.23.1-r1": [[5, "id21"]], "3.22.0-r1": [[5, "id22"]], "3.21.0-r1": [[5, "id23"]], "3.20.1-r1": [[5, "id24"]], "3.19.3-r1": [[5, "id25"]], "3.18.0-r1": [[5, "id26"]], "3.17.0-r1": [[5, "id27"]], "3.16.2-r1": [[5, "id28"]], "3.15.2-r1": [[5, "id29"]], "3.15.1-r1": [[5, "id30"]], "3.15.0-r1": [[5, "id31"]], "3.14.1-r1": [[5, "id32"]], "3.13.0-r1": [[5, "id33"]], "3.12.2-r1": [[5, "id34"]], "3.11.1-r1": [[5, "id35"]], "3.11.0-r1": [[5, "id36"]], "3.9.2-r1": [[5, "id37"]], "": [[5, "id38"]], "": [[5, "id39"]], "3.8.9-r1": [[5, "id40"]], "": [[5, "id41"]], "": [[5, "id42"]], "": [[5, "id43"]], "": [[5, "id44"]], "": [[5, "id45"]], "3.8.6-r1": [[5, "id46"]], "3.8.5-r1": [[5, "id47"]], "": [[5, "id48"]], "": [[5, "id49"]], "": [[5, "id50"]], "": [[5, "id51"]], "3.8.3-r1": [[5, "id52"]], "3.8.2-r1": [[5, "id53"]], "3.8.1-r1": [[5, "id54"]], "": [[5, "id55"]], "": [[5, "id56"]], "3.8.0-r2": [[5, "r2"]], "3.8.0-r1": [[5, "id57"]], "3.7.17-r1": [[5, "id58"]], "": [[5, "id59"]], "": [[5, "id60"]], "3.7.16-r1": [[5, "id61"]], "": [[5, "id62"]], "": [[5, "id63"]], "3.7.15-r1": [[5, "id64"]], "": [[5, "id65"]], "3.7.14-r2": [[5, "id66"]], "3.7.14-r1": [[5, "id67"]], "3.7.13-r1": [[5, "id68"]], "": [[5, "id69"]], "3.7.12-r1": [[5, "id70"]], "3.7.11-r1": [[5, "id71"]], "3.7.10-r1": [[5, "id72"]], "3.7.9-r1": [[5, "id73"]], "3.7.8-r1": [[5, "id74"]], "": [[5, "id75"]], "": [[5, "id76"]], "": [[5, "id77"]], "3.7.5-r1": [[5, "id78"]], "3.7.4-r1": [[5, "id79"]], "3.7.3-r1": [[5, "id80"]], "3.7.2-r1": [[5, "id81"]], "3.7.1-r1": [[5, "id82"]], "": [[5, "id83"]], "3.7.0-r1": [[5, "id84"]], "": [[5, "id85"]], "3.6.23-r1": [[5, "id86"]], "3.6.22-r1": [[5, "id87"]], "3.6.21-r1": [[5, "id88"]], "3.6.20-r1": [[5, "id89"]], "3.6.19-r1": [[5, "id90"]], "3.6.18-r1": [[5, "id91"]], "3.6.17-r1": [[5, "id92"]], "3.6.16-r1": [[5, "id93"]], "3.6.15-r1": [[5, "id94"]], "": [[5, "id95"]], "": [[5, "id96"]], "3.6.13-r1": [[5, "id97"]], "3.6.11-r1": [[5, "id98"]], "3.6.10-r1": [[5, "id99"]], "": [[5, "id100"]], "3.6.5-r1": [[5, "id101"]], "3.6.3-r1": [[5, "id102"]], "3.5.9-r2": [[5, "id103"]], "3.5.9-r1": [[5, "id104"]], "3.3.13-r1": [[5, "id105"]], "3.3.10-r1": [[5, "id106"]], "3.3.9-r1": [[5, "id107"]], "3.3.8-r1": [[5, "id109"]], "3.3.7-r1": [[5, "id110"]], "3.3.5-r1": [[5, "id111"]], "3.2.7-r1": [[5, "id112"]], "3.2.2-r1": [[5, "id113"]], "3.2.1-r1": [[5, "id114"]], "3.1.3-r1": [[5, "id115"]], "3.0.8-r3": [[5, "r3"]], "3.0.8-r2": [[5, "id116"]], "3.0.8-r1": [[5, "id117"]], "APSW Module": [[0, "apsw-module"]], "Type Annotations": [[0, "type-annotations"]], "API Reference": [[0, "api-reference"], [14, "module-apsw.ext"]], "SQLite constants": [[0, "sqlite-constants"]], "Connections to a database": [[6, "connections-to-a-database"]], "Connection class": [[6, "connection-class"]], "Various interesting and useful bits of functionality": [[14, "various-interesting-and-useful-bits-of-functionality"]], "Accessing result rows by column name": [[14, "accessing-result-rows-by-column-name"]], "Converting types into and out of SQLite": [[14, "converting-types-into-and-out-of-sqlite"]], "Detailed Query Information": [[14, "detailed-query-information"]], "Notes": [[18, "notes"]], "Commands": [[18, "commands"]], "Command Line Usage": [[18, "command-line-usage"]], "Example": [[18, "example"]], "Shell class": [[18, "shell-class"]]}, "indexentries": {"aggregatefactory (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.AggregateFactory"]], "aggregatefinal (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.AggregateFinal"]], "aggregatestep (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.AggregateStep"]], "aggregatet (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.AggregateT"]], "authorizer (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.Authorizer"]], "bindings (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.Bindings"]], "commithook (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.CommitHook"]], "exectracer (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.ExecTracer"]], "rowtracer (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.RowTracer"]], "sqlite_version_number (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER"]], "sqlitevalue (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.SQLiteValue"]], "sqlitevalues (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.SQLiteValues"]], "scalarprotocol (class in apsw)": [[0, "apsw.ScalarProtocol"]], "apsw": [[0, "module-apsw"]], "apswversion() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.apswversion"]], "compile_options (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.compile_options"]], "complete() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.complete"]], "config() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.config"]], "connection_hooks (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.connection_hooks"]], "enablesharedcache() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.enablesharedcache"]], "exceptionfor() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.exceptionfor"]], "fork_checker() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.fork_checker"]], "format_sql_value() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.format_sql_value"]], "initialize() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.initialize"]], "keywords (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.keywords"]], "log() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.log"]], "mapping_access (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_access"]], "mapping_authorizer_function (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_authorizer_function"]], "mapping_authorizer_return (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_authorizer_return"]], "mapping_bestindex_constraints (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_bestindex_constraints"]], "mapping_config (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_config"]], "mapping_conflict_resolution_modes (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_conflict_resolution_modes"]], "mapping_db_config (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_db_config"]], "mapping_db_status (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_db_status"]], "mapping_device_characteristics (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_device_characteristics"]], "mapping_extended_result_codes (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_extended_result_codes"]], "mapping_file_control (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_file_control"]], "mapping_limits (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_limits"]], "mapping_locking_level (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_locking_level"]], "mapping_open_flags (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_open_flags"]], "mapping_prepare_flags (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_prepare_flags"]], "mapping_result_codes (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_result_codes"]], "mapping_status (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_status"]], "mapping_sync (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_sync"]], "mapping_txn_state (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_txn_state"]], "mapping_virtual_table_configuration_options (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_virtual_table_configuration_options"]], "mapping_virtual_table_scan_flags (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_virtual_table_scan_flags"]], "mapping_wal_checkpoint (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_wal_checkpoint"]], "mapping_xshmlock_flags (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.mapping_xshmlock_flags"]], "memoryhighwater() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.memoryhighwater"]], "memoryused() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.memoryused"]], "module": [[0, "module-apsw"], [14, "module-apsw.ext"], [18, ""]], "randomness() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.randomness"]], "releasememory() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.releasememory"]], "shutdown() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.shutdown"]], "softheaplimit() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.softheaplimit"]], "sqlite3_compileoption_get": [[0, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_complete": [[0, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_config": [[0, "index-2"]], "sqlite3_enable_shared_cache": [[0, "index-3"]], "sqlite3_initialize": [[0, "index-4"]], "sqlite3_keyword_count": [[0, "index-5"]], "sqlite3_keyword_name": [[0, "index-5"]], "sqlite3_libversion": [[0, "index-14"]], "sqlite3_log": [[0, "index-6"]], "sqlite3_memory_highwater": [[0, "index-7"]], "sqlite3_memory_used": [[0, "index-8"]], "sqlite3_randomness": [[0, "index-9"]], "sqlite3_release_memory": [[0, "index-10"]], "sqlite3_shutdown": [[0, "index-11"]], "sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64": [[0, "index-12"]], "sqlite3_sourceid": [[0, "index-13"]], "sqlite3_sourceid() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.sqlite3_sourceid"]], "sqlite3_status64": [[0, "index-15"]], "sqlitelibversion() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.sqlitelibversion"]], "status() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.status"]], "using_amalgamation (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.using_amalgamation"]], "vfsnames() (in module apsw)": [[0, "apsw.vfsnames"]], "backup (class in apsw)": [[1, "apsw.Backup"]], "pep 0343": [[1, "index-0"], [3, "index-0"], [5, "index-0"], [6, "index-1"]], "python enhancement proposals": [[1, "index-0"], [3, "index-0"], [4, "index-0"], [4, "index-1"], [5, "index-0"], [6, "index-1"], [9, "index-0"], [16, "index-0"]], "__enter__() (backup method)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.__enter__"]], "__exit__() (backup method)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.__exit__"]], "close() (backup method)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.close"]], "done (backup attribute)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.done"]], "finish() (backup method)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.finish"]], "pagecount (backup attribute)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.pagecount"]], "remaining (backup attribute)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.remaining"]], "sqlite3_backup_finish": [[1, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_backup_pagecount": [[1, "index-2"]], "sqlite3_backup_remaining": [[1, "index-3"]], "sqlite3_backup_step": [[1, "index-4"]], "step() (backup method)": [[1, "apsw.Backup.step"]], "blob (class in apsw)": [[3, "apsw.Blob"]], "__enter__() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.__enter__"]], "__exit__() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.__exit__"]], "close() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.close"]], "length() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.length"]], "length() (zeroblob method)": [[3, "apsw.zeroblob.length"]], "read() (blob method)": [[3, ""]], "readinto() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.readinto"]], "reopen() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.reopen"]], "seek() (blob method)": [[3, ""]], "sqlite3_blob_bytes": [[3, "index-2"]], "sqlite3_blob_close": [[3, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_blob_read": [[3, "index-3"], [3, "index-4"]], "sqlite3_blob_reopen": [[3, "index-5"]], "sqlite3_blob_write": [[3, "index-6"]], "tell() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.tell"]], "write() (blob method)": [[3, "apsw.Blob.write"]], "zeroblob (class in apsw)": [[3, "apsw.zeroblob"]], "pep 370": [[4, "index-0"], [4, "index-1"]], "connection (class in apsw)": [[6, "apsw.Connection"]], "__enter__() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.__enter__"]], "__exit__() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.__exit__"]], "authorizer (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.authorizer"]], "autovacuum_pages() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.autovacuum_pages"]], "backup() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.backup"]], "blobopen() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.blobopen"]], "cache_stats() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.cache_stats"]], "changes() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.changes"]], "close() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.close"]], "collationneeded() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.collationneeded"]], "config() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.config"]], "createaggregatefunction() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.createaggregatefunction"]], "createcollation() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.createcollation"]], "createmodule() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.createmodule"]], "createscalarfunction() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.createscalarfunction"]], "cursor() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.cursor"]], "cursor_factory (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.cursor_factory"]], "db_filename() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.db_filename"]], "db_names() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.db_names"]], "deserialize() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.deserialize"]], "enableloadextension() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.enableloadextension"]], "exectrace (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.exectrace"]], "execute() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.execute"]], "executemany() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.executemany"]], "filecontrol() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.filecontrol"]], "filename (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.filename"]], "getautocommit() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.getautocommit"]], "getexectrace() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.getexectrace"]], "getrowtrace() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.getrowtrace"]], "in_transaction (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.in_transaction"]], "interrupt() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.interrupt"]], "last_insert_rowid() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.last_insert_rowid"]], "limit() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.limit"]], "loadextension() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.loadextension"]], "open_flags (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.open_flags"]], "open_vfs (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.open_vfs"]], "overloadfunction() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.overloadfunction"]], "readonly() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.readonly"]], "rowtrace (connection attribute)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.rowtrace"]], "serialize() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.serialize"]], "set_last_insert_rowid() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.set_last_insert_rowid"]], "setauthorizer() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setauthorizer"]], "setbusyhandler() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setbusyhandler"]], "setbusytimeout() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setbusytimeout"]], "setcommithook() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setcommithook"]], "setexectrace() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setexectrace"]], "setprofile() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setprofile"]], "setprogresshandler() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setprogresshandler"]], "setrollbackhook() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setrollbackhook"]], "setrowtrace() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setrowtrace"]], "setupdatehook() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setupdatehook"]], "setwalhook() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.setwalhook"]], "sqlite3_autovacuum_pages": [[6, "index-3"]], "sqlite3_backup_init": [[6, "index-4"]], "sqlite3_blob_open": [[6, "index-5"]], "sqlite3_busy_handler": [[6, "index-30"]], "sqlite3_busy_timeout": [[6, "index-31"]], "sqlite3_changes64": [[6, "index-6"]], "sqlite3_close": [[6, "index-7"]], "sqlite3_collation_needed": [[6, "index-8"]], "sqlite3_commit_hook": [[6, "index-32"]], "sqlite3_create_collation_v2": [[6, "index-11"]], "sqlite3_create_function_v2": [[6, "index-10"], [6, "index-13"]], "sqlite3_create_module_v2": [[6, "index-12"]], "sqlite3_db_config": [[6, "index-9"]], "sqlite3_db_filename": [[6, "index-14"], [6, "index-19"]], "sqlite3_db_name": [[6, "index-15"]], "sqlite3_db_readonly": [[6, "index-27"]], "sqlite3_db_status": [[6, "index-38"]], "sqlite3_deserialize": [[6, "index-16"]], "sqlite3_enable_load_extension": [[6, "index-17"]], "sqlite3_file_control": [[6, "index-18"]], "sqlite3_get_autocommit": [[6, "index-20"], [6, "index-21"]], "sqlite3_interrupt": [[6, "index-22"]], "sqlite3_last_insert_rowid": [[6, "index-23"]], "sqlite3_limit": [[6, "index-24"]], "sqlite3_load_extension": [[6, "index-25"]], "sqlite3_open_v2": [[6, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_overload_function": [[6, "index-26"]], "sqlite3_profile": [[6, "index-33"]], "sqlite3_progress_handler": [[6, "index-34"]], "sqlite3_rollback_hook": [[6, "index-35"]], "sqlite3_serialize": [[6, "index-28"]], "sqlite3_set_authorizer": [[6, "index-2"]], "sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid": [[6, "index-29"]], "sqlite3_total_changes64": [[6, "index-39"]], "sqlite3_txn_state": [[6, "index-40"]], "sqlite3_update_hook": [[6, "index-36"]], "sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint": [[6, "index-41"]], "sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2": [[6, "index-42"]], "sqlite3_wal_hook": [[6, "index-37"]], "sqlite3pointer() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.sqlite3pointer"]], "status() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.status"]], "totalchanges() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.totalchanges"]], "txn_state() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.txn_state"]], "wal_autocheckpoint() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.wal_autocheckpoint"]], "wal_checkpoint() (connection method)": [[6, "apsw.Connection.wal_checkpoint"]], "cursor (class in apsw)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor"]], "__iter__() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.__iter__"]], "__next__() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.__next__"]], "close() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.close"]], "connection (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.connection"]], "description (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.description"]], "description_full (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.description_full"]], "exectrace (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.exectrace"]], "execute() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.execute"]], "executemany() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.executemany"]], "expanded_sql (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.expanded_sql"]], "fetchall() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.fetchall"]], "fetchone() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.fetchone"]], "getconnection() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.getconnection"]], "getdescription() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.getdescription"]], "getexectrace() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.getexectrace"]], "getrowtrace() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.getrowtrace"]], "is_explain (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.is_explain"]], "is_readonly (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.is_readonly"]], "rowtrace (cursor attribute)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.rowtrace"]], "setexectrace() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.setexectrace"]], "setrowtrace() (cursor method)": [[8, "apsw.Cursor.setrowtrace"]], "sqlite3_bind_blob": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_bind_double": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_bind_int64": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_bind_null": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_bind_text": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_bind_zeroblob": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_column_database_name": [[8, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_column_decltype": [[8, "index-0"], [8, "index-3"]], "sqlite3_column_name": [[8, "index-0"], [8, "index-3"]], "sqlite3_column_origin_name": [[8, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_column_table_name": [[8, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_expanded_sql": [[8, "index-2"]], "sqlite3_prepare_v3": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_step": [[8, "index-1"]], "sqlite3_stmt_isexplain": [[8, "index-4"]], "sqlite3_stmt_readonly": [[8, "index-5"]], "pep 249": [[9, "index-0"], [16, "index-0"]], "accessing results by column name (example code)": [[11, "index-14"]], "authorizer (control what sql can do) (example code)": [[11, "index-18"]], "backup an open database (example code)": [[11, "index-25"]], "bindings (dict) (example code)": [[11, "index-5"]], "bindings (sequence) (example code)": [[11, "index-4"]], "blob i/o (example code)": [[11, "index-17"]], "checking apsw and sqlite versions (example code)": [[11, "index-0"]], "cleanup (example code)": [[11, "index-28"]], "commit hook (example code)": [[11, "index-20"]], "defining aggregate functions (example code)": [[11, "index-12"]], "defining collations (sorting) (example code)": [[11, "index-13"]], "defining your own functions (example code)": [[11, "index-11"]], "executing sql (example code)": [[11, "index-2"]], "limits (example code)": [[11, "index-24"]], "opening the database (example code)": [[11, "index-1"]], "progress handler (example code)": [[11, "index-19"]], "query details (example code)": [[11, "index-16"]], "shell (example code)": [[11, "index-26"]], "statistics (example code)": [[11, "index-27"]], "tracing execution (example code)": [[11, "index-9"]], "tracing returned rows (example code)": [[11, "index-10"]], "transactions (example code)": [[11, "index-7"]], "type conversion into/out of database (example code)": [[11, "index-15"]], "update hook (example code)": [[11, "index-21"]], "using different types (example code)": [[11, "index-6"]], "vfs - virtual file system (example code)": [[11, "index-23"]], "virtual tables (example code)": [[11, "index-22"]], "why you use bindings to provide values (example code)": [[11, "index-3"]], "executemany (example code)": [[11, "index-8"]], "aborterror": [[12, "apsw.AbortError"]], "autherror": [[12, "apsw.AuthError"]], "bindingserror": [[12, "apsw.BindingsError"]], "busyerror": [[12, "apsw.BusyError"]], "cantopenerror": [[12, "apsw.CantOpenError"]], "connectionclosederror": [[12, "apsw.ConnectionClosedError"]], "connectionnotclosederror": [[12, "apsw.ConnectionNotClosedError"]], "constrainterror": [[12, "apsw.ConstraintError"]], "corrupterror": [[12, "apsw.CorruptError"]], "cursorclosederror": [[12, "apsw.CursorClosedError"]], "emptyerror": [[12, "apsw.EmptyError"]], "error": [[12, "apsw.Error"]], "exectraceabort": [[12, "apsw.ExecTraceAbort"]], "executioncompleteerror": [[12, "apsw.ExecutionCompleteError"]], "extensionloadingerror": [[12, "apsw.ExtensionLoadingError"]], "forkingviolationerror": [[12, "apsw.ForkingViolationError"]], "formaterror": [[12, "apsw.FormatError"]], "fullerror": [[12, "apsw.FullError"]], "ioerror": [[12, "apsw.IOError"]], "incompleteexecutionerror": [[12, "apsw.IncompleteExecutionError"]], "internalerror": [[12, "apsw.InternalError"]], "interrupterror": [[12, "apsw.InterruptError"]], "lockederror": [[12, "apsw.LockedError"]], "mismatcherror": [[12, "apsw.MismatchError"]], "misuseerror": [[12, "apsw.MisuseError"]], "nolfserror": [[12, "apsw.NoLFSError"]], "nomemerror": [[12, "apsw.NoMemError"]], "notadberror": [[12, "apsw.NotADBError"]], "notfounderror": [[12, "apsw.NotFoundError"]], "permissionserror": [[12, "apsw.PermissionsError"]], "protocolerror": [[12, "apsw.ProtocolError"]], "rangeerror": [[12, "apsw.RangeError"]], "readonlyerror": [[12, "apsw.ReadOnlyError"]], "sqlerror": [[12, "apsw.SQLError"]], "schemachangeerror": [[12, "apsw.SchemaChangeError"]], "threadingviolationerror": [[12, "apsw.ThreadingViolationError"]], "toobigerror": [[12, "apsw.TooBigError"]], "vfsfileclosederror": [[12, "apsw.VFSFileClosedError"]], "vfsnotimplementederror": [[12, "apsw.VFSNotImplementedError"]], "extendedresult (error attribute)": [[12, "apsw.Error.extendedresult"]], "result (error attribute)": [[12, "apsw.Error.result"]], "dataclassrowfactory (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.DataClassRowFactory"]], "queryaction (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction"]], "querydetails (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails"]], "queryplan (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryPlan"]], "sqlitetypeadapter (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.SQLiteTypeAdapter"]], "typesconvertercursorfactory (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory"]], "typesconvertercursorfactory.dictadapter (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.DictAdapter"]], "typesconvertercursorfactory.typeconvertercursor (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.TypeConverterCursor"]], "vdbeinstruction (class in apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction"]], "__call__() (dataclassrowfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.DataClassRowFactory.__call__"]], "__call__() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.__call__"]], "action (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.action"]], "action_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.action_name"]], "actions (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.actions"]], "adapt_value() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.adapt_value"]], "addr (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.addr"]], "apsw.ext": [[14, "module-apsw.ext"]], "bindings (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.bindings"]], "column_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.column_name"]], "comment (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.comment"]], "convert_value() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.convert_value"]], "database_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.database_name"]], "description (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.description"]], "description_full (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.description_full"]], "detail (queryplan attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryPlan.detail"]], "execute() (typesconvertercursorfactory.typeconvertercursor method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.TypeConverterCursor.execute"]], "executemany() (typesconvertercursorfactory.typeconvertercursor method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.TypeConverterCursor.executemany"]], "expanded_sql (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.expanded_sql"]], "explain (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.explain"]], "file_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.file_name"]], "first_query (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.first_query"]], "function_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.function_name"]], "get_dataclass() (dataclassrowfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.DataClassRowFactory.get_dataclass"]], "get_type() (dataclassrowfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.DataClassRowFactory.get_type"]], "is_explain (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.is_explain"]], "is_readonly (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.is_readonly"]], "module_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.module_name"]], "opcode (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.opcode"]], "operation (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.operation"]], "p1 (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.p1"]], "p2 (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.p2"]], "p3 (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.p3"]], "p4 (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.p4"]], "p5 (vdbeinstruction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.VDBEInstruction.p5"]], "pragma_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.pragma_name"]], "pragma_value (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.pragma_value"]], "query (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.query"]], "query_info() (in module apsw.ext)": [[14, "apsw.ext.query_info"]], "query_plan (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.query_plan"]], "query_remaining (querydetails attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryDetails.query_remaining"]], "register_adapter() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.register_adapter"]], "register_converter() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.register_converter"]], "sub (queryplan attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryPlan.sub"]], "table_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.table_name"]], "to_sqlite_value() (sqlitetypeadapter method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.SQLiteTypeAdapter.to_sqlite_value"]], "trigger_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.trigger_name"]], "trigger_or_view (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.trigger_or_view"]], "view_name (queryaction attribute)": [[14, "apsw.ext.QueryAction.view_name"]], "wrap_bindings() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.wrap_bindings"]], "wrap_sequence_bindings() (typesconvertercursorfactory method)": [[14, "apsw.ext.TypesConverterCursorFactory.wrap_sequence_bindings"]], "shell (class in": [[18, ""]], "shell.error": [[18, ""]], "": [[18, ""]], "cmdloop() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "complete() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "complete_command() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "complete_sql() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "db (shell property)": [[18, ""]], "display_timing() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "fixup_backslashes() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "get_resource_usage() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "getcompleteline() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "getline() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "handle_exception() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "handle_interrupt() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "main() (in module": [[18, ""]], "pop_input() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "pop_output() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "process_args() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "process_command() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "process_complete_line() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "process_sql() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "process_unknown_args() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "push_input() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "push_output() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "set_encoding() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "usage() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "write() (shell method)": [[18, ""]], "urifilename (class in apsw)": [[21, "apsw.URIFilename"]], "vfs (class in apsw)": [[21, "apsw.VFS"]], "vfsfile (class in apsw)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile"]], "excepthook() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.excepthook"]], "excepthook() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.excepthook"]], "filename() (urifilename method)": [[21, "apsw.URIFilename.filename"]], "sqlite3_uri_boolean": [[21, "index-2"]], "sqlite3_uri_int64": [[21, "index-3"]], "sqlite3_uri_parameter": [[21, "index-4"]], "sqlite3_vfs_find": [[21, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_vfs_register": [[21, "index-0"]], "sqlite3_vfs_unregister": [[21, "index-1"]], "unregister() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.unregister"]], "uri_boolean() (urifilename method)": [[21, "apsw.URIFilename.uri_boolean"]], "uri_int() (urifilename method)": [[21, "apsw.URIFilename.uri_int"]], "uri_parameter() (urifilename method)": [[21, "apsw.URIFilename.uri_parameter"]], "xaccess() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xAccess"]], "xcheckreservedlock() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xCheckReservedLock"]], "xclose() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xClose"]], "xcurrenttime() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xCurrentTime"]], "xdelete() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xDelete"]], "xdevicecharacteristics() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xDeviceCharacteristics"]], "xdlclose() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xDlClose"]], "xdlerror() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xDlError"]], "xdlopen() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xDlOpen"]], "xdlsym() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xDlSym"]], "xfilecontrol() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xFileControl"]], "xfilesize() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xFileSize"]], "xfullpathname() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xFullPathname"]], "xgetlasterror() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xGetLastError"]], "xgetsystemcall() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xGetSystemCall"]], "xlock() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xLock"]], "xnextsystemcall() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xNextSystemCall"]], "xopen() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xOpen"]], "xrandomness() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xRandomness"]], "xread() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xRead"]], "xsectorsize() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xSectorSize"]], "xsetsystemcall() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xSetSystemCall"]], "xsleep() (vfs method)": [[21, "apsw.VFS.xSleep"]], "xsync() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xSync"]], "xtruncate() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xTruncate"]], "xunlock() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xUnlock"]], "xwrite() (vfsfile method)": [[21, "apsw.VFSFile.xWrite"]], "begin() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Begin"]], "bestindex() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.BestIndex"]], "close() (vtcursor method)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor.Close"]], "column() (vtcursor method)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor.Column"]], "commit() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Commit"]], "connect() (vtmodule method)": [[22, "apsw.VTModule.Connect"]], "create() (vtmodule method)": [[22, "apsw.VTModule.Create"]], "destroy() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Destroy"]], "disconnect() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Disconnect"]], "eof() (vtcursor method)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor.Eof"]], "filter() (vtcursor method)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor.Filter"]], "findfunction() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.FindFunction"]], "next() (vtcursor method)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor.Next"]], "open() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Open"]], "rename() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Rename"]], "rollback() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Rollback"]], "rowid() (vtcursor method)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor.Rowid"]], "sync() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.Sync"]], "updatechangerow() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.UpdateChangeRow"]], "updatedeleterow() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.UpdateDeleteRow"]], "updateinsertrow() (vttable method)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable.UpdateInsertRow"]], "vtcursor (class in apsw)": [[22, "apsw.VTCursor"]], "vtmodule (class in apsw)": [[22, "apsw.VTModule"]], "vttable (class in apsw)": [[22, "apsw.VTTable"]]}})