Change History ************** .. currentmodule:: apsw ======== Fixed regression in statement cache update (version 3.38.1-r1) where trailing whitespace in queries would be incorrectly treated as incomplete execution (:issue:`376`) Added :doc:`ext` (:issue:`369`) Added more Pythonic attributes as an alternative to getters and setters, including :attr:`Connection.in_transaction`, :attr:`Connection.exectrace`, :attr:`Connection.rowtrace`, :attr:`Cursor.exectrace`, :attr:`Cursor.rowtrace`, :attr:`Cursor.connection` (:issue:`371`) Completed: To the extent permitted by CPython APIs every item has the same docstring as this documentation. Every API can use named parameters. The `type stubs `__ cover everything including constants. The type stubs also include documentation for everything, which for example Visual Studio Code displays as you type or hover. There is a single source of documentation in the source code, which is then automatically extracted to make this documentation, docstrings, and docstrings in the type stubs. :doc:`example` updated and appearance improved (:issue:`367`). ======== Added :meth:`Connection.cache_stats` to provide more information about the statement cache. :meth:`Cursor.execute` now uses `sqlite_prepare_v3 `__ which allows supplying `flags `__. :meth:`Cursor.execute` has a new `can_cache` parameter to control whether the query can use the statement cache. One example use is with :meth:`authorizers ` because they only run during prepare, which doesn't happen with already cached statements. (The :meth:`Cursor.execute` additional parameters are keyword only and also present in :meth:`Cursor.executemany`, and the corresponding :meth:`Connection.execute` and :meth:`Connection.executemany` methods.) Added :attr:`Cursor.is_readonly`, :attr:`Cursor.is_explain`, and :attr:`Cursor.expanded_sql`. Updated processing named bindings so that types registered with :class:`` (such as :class:`collections.UserDict`) will also be treated as dictionaries. (:issue:`373`) ======== Test no longer fails if APSW was compiled without SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA but sqlite3 was separately compiled with it. APSW should be compiled with the same flags as sqlite3 to match functionality and APIs. (:issue:`363`) `--use-system-sqlite-config` `build_ext` option added to allow :ref:`matching_sqlite_options`. (:issue:`364`) ======== PyPI now includes Python 3.11 builds. Instead of using scripts, you can now run several tools directly: * :ref:`tests `: python3 **-m apsw.tests** *[options]* * :ref:`tracer `: python3 **-m apsw.trace** *[options]* * :ref:`speed tester `: python3 **-m apsw.speedtest** *[options]* * :ref:`shell `: python3 **-m apsw** *[options]* The shell class has moved from apsw.Shell to :class:`` (:issue:`356`). You can still reference it via the old name (ie existing code will not break, except on Python 3.6). :ref:`shell`: On Windows the native console support for colour is now used (previously a third party module was supported). You :ref:`can use --definevalues in build_ext ` to provide compiler defines used for configuring SQLite. (:issue:`357`) If SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA is enabled then :attr:`Cursor.description_full` is available providing all the column metadata available. (:issue:`354`) :attr:`Connection.cursor_factory` attribute is now present and is used when :meth:`Connection.cursor` is called. Added :meth:`Connection.execute` and :meth:`Connection.executemany` which automatically obtain the underlying cursor. See :ref:`customizing connections and cursors ` in the :doc:`tips`. (:issue:`361`) ======== **Version numbering scheme change:** Instead of a *-r1* style suffix, there is *.0* style suffix (:issue:`340`) Updated building for PyPI to include more compiled platforms, including aarch64 (Linux) and universal (MacOS). Windows binaries are no longer separately provided since PyPI has them. When the amalgamation is included into APSW, `SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED `__ is set to 125 if not defined, up from the default of 10. Updated typing information stubs with more detail and include docstrings. This is still ongoing, but core functionality is well covered. (:issue:`338`) (:issue:`381`) Corrected the :ref:`tips ` log handler of extended result code (:issue:`342`) Added :func:`Connection.db_names` (:issue:`343`) 3.38.5-r1 ========= APSW is now on PyPI, so you can:: pip install apsw (Thanks to several people behind the scenes who helped with the various pieces to make this happen.) Removed support for downloading the in-development (aka fossil) version of SQLite. Shell exit for --version etc cleanly exits (:issue:`210`) Python 3.11 (:issue:`326`) now works. PyPy3 compiles and mostly works (:issue:`323`). 3.38.1-r1 ========= All items now have full docstrings including type information. (Previously just one line summaries). Note the C implemented functions and data (ie almost all of APSW) can't provide the same level of type information as regular Python code. A pyi file is included which does provide all the typing information in `type stub `__ format, and shown by most IDEs. Removal of code, tests, and documentation only relevant to CPython before 3.7. (Python 3.6 does still work, but is end of life.) Keyword arguments can be used everywhere. The statement cache implementation changed from a dictionary to a list. This allows the cache to be used for the same query text multiple times. (The code is also a quarter of the size and simpler). The default for's fetch command is to get the SQLite version corresponding to APSW's release. (Previously it got the latest release.) Added constants: * SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_OFFSET, SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LIMIT 3.37.0-r1 ========= Allow breaking of reference cycles between objects that contain a :obj:`Connection` or :obj:`Cursor`, and also use callbacks from that object (eg busy handler). (:issue:`314`) This is the last release supporting Python 2 and Python 3 before 3.7. If you still use those Python versions then you should pin to this APSW version. (`More information `__). Windows Python 3.10 binaries are available to download. The .exe format is no longer available with this Python version. Fixed custom VFS extension loading failure could leave the error message unterminated. Updated size of mutex array used by the :func:`fork checker ` Connections are opened with SQLITE_OPEN_EXRESCODE so open errors will also include extended result codes. :meth:`Connection.changes` and :meth:`Connection.totalchanges` use the new SQLite APIs that return 64 bit values (ie can now return values greater than 2 billion). Added :meth:`Connection.autovacuum_pages`. Added constants: * SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_DATATYPE, SQLITE_OPEN_EXRESCODE 3.36.0-r1 ========= Implemented :meth:`Connection.serialize` and :meth:`Connection.deserialize`. They turn a database into bytes, and bytes into a database respectively. Allow any subclass of VFS to implement WAL, not just direct subclasses. (:issue:`311`) Added constants: * SQLITE_FCNTL_EXTERNAL_READER, SQLITE_FCNTL_CKSM_FILE 3.35.4-r1 ========= Updates for SQLite download url (the year is part of the urls). Added enable flag for built-in SQL math functions, and enable it by default with --enable-all-extensions. Use the newer buffer API for Python 3 (old API removed in Python 3.10). 3.34.0-r1 ========= Windows MSI installer files are now provided in addition to the exe files (:issue:`294`), as well as wheels for Python 3.6+. Python 3.9 binaries are also now available. The wheels can be installed via pip. Added :meth:`Connection.txn_state` Added constants: * SQLITE_IOERR_CORRUPTFS 3.33.0-r1 ========= Small performance improvement in string handling apsw module exposes Cursor, Blob, and Backup types (:issue:`273`) pkg-config is used to detect `International Components for Unicode (ICU) sdk `__ when the `SQLite ICU extension `__ is enabled. It falls back to icu-config as before. (:issue:`268`). Added constants: * SQLITE_OPEN_SUPER_JOURNAL 3.32.2-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_IOERR_DATA, SQLITE_CORRUPT_INDEX, SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT, SQLITE_FCNTL_CKPT_START, SQLITE_FCNTL_RESERVE_BYTES Minor documentation updates 3.31.1-r1 ========= Various updates due to year change Fix deprecated universal newline use in shell (:issue:`283`) Shell now uses `pragma function_list` to get list of functions for tab completion Added constants: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRUSTED_SCHEMA, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PINNED, SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK, SQLITE_CANTOPEN_SYMLINK, SQLITE_FCNTL_CKPT_DONE, SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW, SQLITE_VTAB_DIRECTONLY 3.30.1-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_VIEW Updated hashing of SQL statements (:issue:`274`) Python 3.8 Windows binaries available. 3.29.0-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DDL, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE Updated :meth:`Connection.config` with all current `SQLITE_DBCONFIG `__ constants. Also fixes :issue:`249`. 3.28.0-r1 ========= Added constant: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA 3.27.2-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMDB_MAXSIZE, SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_LIMIT Added support for the geopoly extension (:issue:`253`) Removed hash optimisation that isn't useful any more (:issue:`256`) 3.26.0-r1 ========= Added constant: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE 3.25.2-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_FUNCTION, SQLITE_CANTOPEN_DIRTYWAL, SQLITE_ERROR_SNAPSHOT, SQLITE_FCNTL_DATA_VERSION Shell output mode now has lines and columns for compatibility (:issue:`214`) Example now runs under both Python 2 and 3. 3.24.0-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE, and support for it in :meth:`Connection.config` * SQLITE_LOCKED_VTAB, and SQLITE_CORRUPT_SEQUENCE extended result codes Added :attr:`keywords` and updated the shell to use it. Python 3.7 Windows binaries are provided. 3.23.1-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_SPILL, SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCK_TIMEOUT 3.22.0-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAX * SQLITE_READONLY_CANTINIT, SQLITE_ERROR_RETRY, SQLITE_ERROR_MISSING_COLLSEQ, SQLITE_READONLY_DIRECTORY 3.21.0-r1 ========= Added constants: * SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_ISNULL, SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_ISNOT, SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_ISNOTNULL, SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_IS and SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_NE * SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC * SQLITE_IOCAP_BATCH_ATOMIC * SQLITE_IOERR_ROLLBACK_ATOMIC, SQLITE_IOERR_COMMIT_ATOMIC and SQLITE_IOERR_BEGIN_ATOMIC * SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_ATOMIC_WRITE, SQLITE_FCNTL_ROLLBACK_ATOMIC_WRITE and SQLITE_FCNTL_BEGIN_ATOMIC_WRITE Many spelling fixes (thanks to Edward Betts for the review) 3.20.1-r1 ========= Added `SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG `__ constant. Added shell .open command (:issue:`240`) 3.19.3-r1 ========= No APSW changes. 3.18.0-r1 ========= Updated completions in shell (eg added pragmas). `Resumable Bulk Update (RBU) `__ extension is now built by default for :doc:`--enable-all-extensions `. Added :meth:`Connection.set_last_insert_rowid`. 3.17.0-r1 ========= No APSW changes. 3.16.2-r1 ========= Python 3.6 builds added. Added SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE and SQLITE_FCNTL_PDB constants. 3.15.2-r1 ========= No APSW changes. 3.15.1-r1 ========= Added SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_GET_HANDLE constant. 3.15.0-r1 ========= Added SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME constant. 3.14.1-r1 ========= Added SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED_SHARED and SQLITE_OK_LOAD_PERMANENTLY constants. 3.13.0-r1 ========= Added SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION constant. Added a pip command line in the :doc:`download` page. 3.12.2-r1 ========= Call `PyUnicode_READY `__ for Python 3.3 onwards. Fixes :issue:`208`, :issue:`132`, :issue:`168`. SQLite 3.12 completely changed the semantics of :meth:`VFS.xGetLastError` in an incompatible way. This required a rewrite of the relevant C, Python and test code. If you implement or use this method then you have to rewrite your code too. Also note that running the test suite from an earlier version of APSW against this or future SQLite versions will result in consuming all memory, swap or address space (an underlying integer changed meaning). Added SQLITE_CONFIG_STMTJRNL_SPILL and SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER constants. Added support for SQLITE_CONFIG_STMTJRNL_SPILL in :meth:`apsw.config`. 3.11.1-r1 ========= attempts to use setuptools if present, before falling back to distutils. This allows setuptools only commands such as bdist_wheel to work. You can force use of distutils by setting the environment variable APSW_FORCE_DISTUTILS to any value. Note that setuptools may also affect the output file names. (:issue:`207`) 3.11.0-r1 ========== The shell dump command now outputs the page size and user version. They were both output before as comments. Updated SQLite download logic for 2016 folder. Updated VFS test suite due to changes in SQLite default VFS implemented methods. Added SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_LIKE, SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_REGEXP, SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_GLOB, SQLITE_IOERR_AUTH, SQLITE_FCNTL_JOURNAL_POINTER, and SQLITE_FCNTL_VFS_POINTER constants. Allow :class:`Connection` subclasses for backup api (:issue:`199`). `FTS5 `__ and `JSON1 `__ extensions are now built by default for :doc:`--enable-all-extensions `. It is recommended you wait a few more releases for these extensions to mature. Added a mapping for `virtual table scan flags `__ Use `SQLITE_ENABLE_API_ARMOR `__ for extra error checking. 3.9.2-r1 ======== Added SQLITE_IOERR_VNODE constant. Windows builds for Python 3.5 are now provided. =========== Added SQLITE_FCNTL_RBU and SQLITE_FCNTL_ZIPVFS constants. setup's fetch command can now get arbitrary fossil versions. For example specify ``fossil-e596a6b6``. Update tests due to a change in Python 3.5 (exception returned with invalid strings for system calls changed from TypeError to ValueError). Adjusted some internal detection related to the :func:`fork checker ` =========== Added deterministic parameter to :func:`Connection.createscalarfunction` (:issue:`187`) Switched to new SQLite API returning 64 bit values for :func:`status` (:issue:`191`) 3.8.9-r1 ======== Fixed column description caching which could be preserved between multiple statements in the same execution (:issue:`186`) Updated documentation building tool to use new database of information from the SQLite site. This is simpler and more reliable. (Previously used site scraping.) Added SQLITE_AUTH_USER, SQLITE_FCNTL_LAST_ERRNO, SQLITE_FCNTL_WAL_BLOCK, SQLITE_FCNTL_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE, and SQLITE_FCNTL_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE constants. Removed SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE, SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE, SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO file control constants. These are deprecated - use the versions with FCNTL in their name (eg SQLITE_FCNTL_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE). Added :ref:`mappings ` for conflict resolution modes, virtual table configuration options and xShmLock VFS flags. ========== No APSW changes. ========== The column description is now cached on first request during a query so getting it is quick if called for every row. Added SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ and SQLITE_CONFIG_PMASZ constants, and support for them in :func:`config`. Added SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE constant. Update year in various places to 2015. ========== No APSW changes. ========== Fixed parsing of icu-config flags ========== Added SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS constant 3.8.6-r1 ======== Updated test suite for Python 3.4 unittest garbage collection changes (:issue:`164` :issue:`169`) Using the :ref:`recommended ` build option of **--enable-all-extensions** turns on `STAT4 `__. Windows binaries include this too. 3.8.5-r1 ======== Added SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE and SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_SET_HANDLE constants. ========== Added :meth:`Cursor.fetchone` ========== No APSW code changes. Rebuild due to updated SQLite version. ========== Windows 64 bit binary builds for Python 3.3+ are back - thanks to Mike C. Fletcher for `pointing the way `__ Correct detection of current SQLite version from download page for :doc:` ` fetch command Tested against Python 3.4 and binaries for Windows. ========== Updated :doc:`shell` completions for keywords, functions and pragmas. 3.8.3-r1 ======== APSW is now hosted at Github - Added SQLITE_RECURSIVE, SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED, SQLITE_FCNTL_COMMIT_PHASETWO, SQLITE_FCNTL_HAS_MOVED and SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC constants. 3.8.2-r1 ======== Added SQLITE_CONFIG_WIN32_HEAPSIZE, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_ROWID and SQLITE_FCNTL_TRACE constants. 3.8.1-r1 ======== Added SQLITE_CANTOPEN_CONVPATH and SQLITE_IOERR_CONVPATH extended error codes. Updated pysqlite urls to point to github. Various minor build/download documentation updates. ========== No APSW code changes. Rebuild due to updated SQLite version. Updated documentation tips to show how to :ref:`get detailed diagnostics `. ========== No APSW changes. Rebuild due to updated SQLite version. Windows binaries for Python 3.3 64 bit are no longer available as a Visual Studio update obliterated the ability to compile them, and I have no patience left to fight Microsoft's tools. 3.8.0-r2 ======== No APSW changes - updated checksums because SQLite changed the released archive to address an autoconf issue on some platforms 3.8.0-r1 ======== Windows binaries for Python 3.3 64 bit are now available after managing to get several pieces of Microsoft software to cooperate. Fixed shell dump issue when system routines (eg timestamp, username, hostname) couldn't automatically be promoted to unicode. They are used in comments in the output. (:issue:`142`) Added SQLITE_DBSTATUS_DEFERRED_FKS, SQLITE_IOERR_GETTEMPPATH, SQLITE_WARNING_AUTOINDEX and SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT constants. 3.7.17-r1 ========= Removed tests that checked directly calling VFS read/write with negative offsets or amounts returns errors. This version of SQLite no longer returns errors in those circumstances and typically crashes instead. Various new constants. =========== No APSW changes - just a binary rebuild. Windows users are recommended to upgrade their SQLite version. =========== Updated tables of functions and pragmas in the :doc:`shell` to match current SQLite version. 3.7.16-r1 ========= Adjust to different SQLite download URLs Added SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_* and SQLITE_READONLY_ROLLBACK `extended error codes `__ Removed CouchDB virtual table =========== No APSW changes - binary rebuild to pickup new SQLite version =========== Use https (SSL) for SQLite web site references (downloads and documentation links). On some platforms/versions/SSL libraries, Python's SSL module `doesn't work `__ with the SQLite website so a fallback to http is used - the downloads still have their checksum verified. 3.7.15-r1 ========= Work around changed semantics for error handling when the VFS xDelete method is asked to delete a file that does not exist. Completely removed all `AsyncVFS `__ related code. This extension is `no longer maintained nor supported `__ by the SQLite team. `WAL `__ is a good way of getting similar functionality. Added :func:`config` support for SQLITE_CONFIG_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN. Added several new constants: SQLITE_CONFIG_COVERING_INDEX_SCAN, SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG, SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER, SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME, SQLITE_CANTOPEN_FULLPATH, SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT =========== Updated setup and test suite so that all files are explicitly closed instead of relying on garbage collection. Added Windows binaries for Python 3.3. (Only 32 bit as Python doesn't provide a free way of making 64 bit Windows binaries.) Updated to work with changed SQLite download page formatting when detecting latest version. Due to a `Python 3.3.0 regression bug `__ using the csv output mode in the shell can result in bad data or Python crashing. The bug has been fixed for Python 3.3.1 which is due in November 2012. 3.7.14-r2 ========= Fixed an issue with the GIL in the destructor for functions. The bug would be encountered if you create a function with the same name as an existing function and are using an upcoming version of Python (eg 2.7.4). Thanks to Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis for finding it (:issue:`134`). Added shell .print command to match upcoming SQLite shell changes. 3.7.14-r1 ========= Added support for :meth:`Connection.status` (calls `sqlite3_db_status `__). The legacy Windows `Compiled Help Format `__ documentation is no longer produced - the help compiler setup program can't cope with modern machines. 3.7.13-r1 ========= Do not free a structure on failure to register a virtual table module as SQLite does that anyway. Added SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY constant. =========== No changes to APSW. Binary rebuilds due to SQLite bugfixes. 3.7.12-r1 ========= Re-enabled the asyncvfs. Added :attr:`Cursor.description` to make DB API interoperability a little easier (:issue:`131`). Added SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE and SQLITE_CANTOPEN_ISDIR constants. 3.7.11-r1 ========= Added SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK and SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA constants. Added :meth:`Connection.readonly`. Changed :attr:`Connection.filename` which used to return the string used to open the database and now returns the absolute pathname. Added :meth:`Connection.db_filename`. 3.7.10-r1 ========= The default sector size returned in VFS routines is 4,096 to match SQLite's new default. Several links to SQLite tickets and documentation were updated (:issue:`122`). The async vfs is disabled due to a bug in its code that leads to random memory reads when dealing with filenames. Added SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2, SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2, SQLITE_FCNTL_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE, SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME and SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE constants. Fix shell dumping when SQLite doesn't strip trailing comments from view declarations (`discussed here `__) Added a :class:`URIFilename` class to encapsulate how SQLite provides URI parameters to VFS routines (:issue:`124`). Compatibility break: Depending on flags your VFS xOpen method may get a :class:`URIFilename` or a string for the filename. You can still pass either to the :class:`VFSFile`. Compatibility break: The :doc:`vfs` code used to always run strings you provided through :meth:`VFS.xFullPathname`. This isn't possible with URI pathnames so that code has been removed. If you construct filenames for :meth:`VFS.xOpen` directly (ie bypassing the SQLite database open call) then you must call :meth:`VFS.xFullPathname` yourself first to ensure relative pathnames are turned into absolute pathnames. The SQLite API guarantees that filenames passed to :meth:`VFS.xOpen` are exactly what was returned from :meth:`VFS.xFullPathname`. 3.7.9-r1 ======== Added SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS and SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE constants. 3.7.8-r1 ======== Updated documentation and tests due to an undocumented change in VFS xDelete semantics. Added SQLITE3_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL and SQLITE3_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY `file controls `__. Wrapped sqlite3_sourceid (:issue:`120`) ========== Added `SQLITE_CONFIG_URI `__ and support for it in :meth:`config`, and the open flag `SQLITE_OPEN_URI `__. This makes it easy to use `URI filenames `__. The :ref:`shell` now uses `URI filenames `__ by default. New `extended error constants `__: SQLITE_CORRUPT_VTAB, SQLITE_IOERR_SEEK, SQLITE_IOERR_SHMMAP, SQLITE_READONLY_CANTLOCK and SQLITE_READONLY_RECOVERY. 64 bit platforms (`LP64 - most non-Windows `__) and Python 2: The Python int type is returned for 64 bit integers instead of Python long type. ========== When invoking the shell by calling :func:`` it will not become interactive if you supply SQL commands as command line arguments. This is to have the same behaviour as the SQLite shell (:issue:`115`). The shell has a *.find* command making it easy to search for values across all columns of some or all tables. The shell has a *.autoimport* command making it easy to import a data file automatically deducing separators, column names and data types. Detect attempted use of a cursor as input data for itself. ========== Fixed :issue:`117` where the shell could report an I/O error on changing output target for some operating systems. Thanks to Edzard Pasma for finding and diagnosing this. Added support for VFS version 3 which allows redirecting :meth:`system calls ` used by some VFS implementations (eg for testing or sandboxing). :exc:`NotFoundError` exception added. Added :meth:`Connection.config`. Updated :meth:`Connection.wal_checkpoint` to use `sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2 `__ which provides more fine grained control over checkpointing and returns useful information. 3.7.5-r1 ======== Backwards incompatible change in SQLite 3.7.5 for handling of :meth:`~VFSFile.xFileControl`. If you implement this method in a VFS then you must return True or False to indicate if the operation was understood. :meth:`Connection.filecontrol` now returns that value. (Previously you could not tell the difference between an op being understood and an error resulting, or the op not being understood at all.) Windows Python 3.2 binaries now available. 3.7.4-r1 ======== Binary downloads for Windows 64 bit Python versions 2.6 and above including Python 3 are now available. :meth:`apsw.softheaplimit` now uses `sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64 `__ so you can provide values larger than 2GB. It is now also able to return the previous value instead of None. Improve getting shell timer information for 64 bit Windows. :meth:`Blob.reopen` is implemented. FTS4 is enabled and in the binary builds. Note that it is an augmentation of FTS3 rather than totally separate code and described in the `SQLite documentation `__. 3.7.3-r1 ======== You can read blobs into pre-existing buffers using :meth:`Blob.readinto`. (This is more efficient than allocating new buffers as :meth:`` does and then copying.) (:issue:`109`). Fixed bug with unicode output in CSV mode in the shell. `sqlite_create_function_v2 `__ now means that some housekeeping APSW did can be pushed back onto SQLite and the consequent deletion of some code 3.7.2-r1 ======== No changes to APSW. Upgrading to this version of SQLite is `recommended `__. 3.7.1-r1 ======== Updated various constants including `SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE `__ used with :meth:`Connection.filecontrol`. Fixed Unicode output with some file objects from the shell (:issue:`108`). With the shell, you can specify handling of characters not present in the output encoding (eg replace to use '?' or similar, ignore, xmlcharrefreplace etc). For example:: .encoding cp437:replace ========== Fixed issue when using a tracer and a context manager fails to commit. 3.7.0-r1 ======== Added several new constants. `Write Ahead Logging `__ is :ref:`supported `. You can make all databases automatically use WAL mode if available by using :ref:`connection hooks `. Added :meth:`format_sql_value` for generating a SQL syntax string from a value. This is implemented in C and is significantly faster than doing the same formatting in Python. Using the above function and other tweaks the :ref:`shell` dumper is now three to four times faster. Thanks to Nikolaus Rath for pointing out the problem and providing test data. The shell now does colour highlighting making it easy to visually distinguish prompts, errors, headers and value types when outputting to a terminal. See the `--no-colour` argument and **.colour** command. Those of you in the two countries that have not adopted the metric system may also omit the 'u'. For Windows users you won't get colour output unless you install `colorama `__ When using the context manager (with statement) of a :class:`Connection` and the exit commit had an error, then the transaction is rolled back. This could occur if SQLite had buffered the transaction entirely in memory and a non-eager transaction lock had been obtained. Thanks to Geoff Ness for finding the problem. (:issue:`98`). Fixed bug when an error is returned creating an instance of a virtual table (eg an invalid column name). Before the fix you would get the previous error message or a crash. Thanks to Jose Gomes for finding the problem. :issue:`103` There is now a PPA for Ubuntu users that is kept up to date with APSW and SQLite at which has the latest SQLite embedded statically inside (ie system SQLite is ignored) and has all the extensions enabled: FTS3, RTree, ICU, asyncvfs If you open VFS files directly then the filename is always run through xFullPathname first. SQLite guarantees this behaviour but the existing VFS code was not doing that for direct opens. Opens from SQLite were doing it. Fixed error where :attr:`apsw.connection_hooks` were being run before the :ref:`statement cache ` was initialised which would result in a crash if any hooks executed SQL code. =========== Shell CSV output under Python 3.1 is corrected (work around Python 3.1 StringIO bug/incompatibility with other Python versions). Simplified access to the shell's :attr:`database ` from the API. Added a shell :ref:`example `. 3.6.23-r1 ========= If setup is downloading files and an error occurs then it retries up to 5 times. Added SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG and SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY constants. Added :attr:`compile_options` which tells you what compilation defines SQLite was compiled with. Added :meth:`log` to call the SQLite logging interface, and updated :meth:`config` so you can set log destination function. 3.6.22-r1 ========= Made it possible to run distutils 'sdist' from an already produced source that was made from 'sdist'. This was necessary for some Python virtual package environments. Note that the recursive result does not include the HTML help as distutils has no way of including content in a reparented location. :issue:`89` Various settings are output as pragma statements when making a dump such as page size, encoding, auto_vacuum etc. The pragmas are commented out. :issue:`90` 3.6.21-r1 ========= Source and binary files are now digitally signed which means you can verify they have not been tampered with. See :ref:`verifydownload` for instructions. The pragmas generated for a shell dump are emitted outside the transaction as they have no effect inside the transaction. Removed some unintentional logging code left in CouchDB virtual table code. 3.6.20-r1 ========= Support for Python 3.0 has been dropped as it has been `end of lifed `__. Use Python 3.1 onwards. Changes to how some statements are `prepared `__ to allow the new RANGE and LIKE optimisations with bound variables introduced in SQLite 3.6.20 to be used. See :issue:`85` for the long and gory details. You can now access `CouchDB `__ using a virtual table. This lets you easily bidirectionally transfer data between SQLite and CouchDB as well as work on data in both sources at the same time. Other example uses are in the documentation. :ref:`Shell ` changes: * .dump command now outputs views in the order they were created rather than alphabetical as views could reference each other. :issue:`82` * .dump command now outputs the `user_version `__ as a comment. It is used by some programs (such as Firefox) to keep track of the schema version. * Can now output in `JSON `__. * Fixed :issue:`83` - exception if history file didn't exist * You can right justify output in column mode by specifying negative widths. :issue:`84` * You no longer get a traceback doing completions if there is a virtual table in the database but the module is not loaded. :issue:`86` * You can now get detailed tracebacks including local variables using the ".exception ON" command. This is useful when developing virtual tables and similar functionality. * You can now terminate a SQL statement with "go" or "/" on a line by itself. 3.6.19-r1 ========= **Backwards incompatible change** Fixed :issue:`72` where APSW wasn't zero basing virtual table :meth:`~VTTable.BestIndex` constraints returned as documented. If you have working BestIndex code then you need to update it for this release. Thanks to Lefteris for finding this issue. **Backwards incompatible change** The :meth:`~apsw.complete` method has moved from :class:`Connection` to :mod:`apsw` where it should have been all along. You should now call :meth:`apsw.complete` instead. (It even had an example showing it to be part of the module and not a specific connection!) There is now an :class:`interactive shell ` very similar to that `provided by SQLite `__. You can embed it in your own program, inherit from it to provide more commands and output modes, or just run it like this:: $ python -c "import apsw ; apsw.main()" Added the `SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH `__, `SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE `__ and `SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE `__ constants. The :file:`` file now has the various options available made applicable to appropriate commands only. Read the :ref:`updated documentation `. You can now specify `build --enable=stat2` to :file:`` to enable `advanced statistics gathering `__ for query planning. :file:`` can automatically fetch the asyncvfs extension for you. If the source is present when APSW is built then it will be automatically included and *async_initialize* called. A :meth:`fork_checker` is available which turns on detection when you have used SQLite objects across a fork (a **very** bad thing). This is possible on Unix like operating systems, especially if you use the `multiprocessing module `__. Extension loading is now compiled in by default when using the amalgamation and compiled out when using existing libraries. This is more likely to match your machine. You can use `--omit=load_extension` or `--enable=load_extension` to the build/build_ext commands to explicitly disable/enable extension loading. :issue:`67` :ref:` ` will now abort on a download that has no checksum. See :ref:`more information ` on checksums. :ref:` ` can also fetch the version of SQLite currently under development before a release. Use `--version=fossil`. Updated which code uses `experimental SQLite APIs `__ based on changes in SQLite. The test suite will also work correctly with experimental on or off. (It is on by default.) 3.6.18-r1 ========= The APSW license has been updated to allow you (at your option) to use any `OSI approved license `__. The :ref:`speedtest` has been updated to (optionally) use unicode characters and to (optionally) increase the sizes of data items. Fixed error handling code to not record SQLite error strings in some situations where it was not necessary. This results in the code executing a little faster. 3.6.17-r1 ========= APSW has migrated from Subversion to `Mercurial `_ for source code control. Hosting remains at `Google Code `_ Updated a test due to VFS xUnlock errors now being ignored sometimes by SQLite (cvstrac 3946). The downloads page in the help didn't mention the Windows Python 3.1 installer. Running the test suite is now integrated into :file:`` so you can do the building and testing all in one go. Sample command line:: $ python install test The test suite will now check the functionality of the FTS3, RTree and ICU extensions if they were included. (The Windows binary distribution includes FTS3 and RTree by default.) Fixed :issue:`55` where FTS3 was unintentionally omitted from the Windows binary distribution. Various documentation updates. 3.6.16-r1 ========= Windows binary distribution includes Python 3.1. Trivial tweaks to keep MSVC happy. 3.6.15-r1 ========= Fixed :issue:`50` where :meth:`` was returning *None* on end of file instead of the documented (and correct) empty string/bytes. Corrected spelling of option in :ref:`apswtrace ` and only output CURSORFROM if SQL tracing is on. =========== Updated test code because SQLite 3.6.15 returns a different error code on trying to register a function with too many arguments (see cvstrac 3875). =========== Changed some internal symbol names so they won't clash with similar new ones used by SQLite in the amalgamation. Added :attr:`apsw.using_amalgamation` so you can tell if APSW was compiled using the `SQLite amalgamation `__. Using the amalgamation means that SQLite shared libraries are not used and will not affect your code. Added a checksums file so that when :file:`` downloads SQLite, we know it hasn't been tampered with. (The :ref:`--fetch-sqlite ` argument can be used to automatically download SQLite.) 3.6.13-r1 ========= Added SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE `extended error code `_. Updated tests as the VFS delete error handling code in SQLite now returns the same high level error code between Windows and non-Windows. The CHM format help file produced by the Windows HTML Help Compiler is viewable again under Windows HTML Help Viewer. 3.6.11-r1 ========= You can now use the `hot backup functionality `_ introduced in SQLite 3.6.11. Updated a VFS test to reflect changes in SQLite underlying error handling. (Previously SQLite almost always returned :exc:`FullError` on any write that had an error but now returns :exc:`SQLError`.) Changed close methods so that Connections can be released earlier. In prior releases a :meth:`closed cursor ` could still be used (reincarnated). That is no longer the case and you will get :exc:`CursorClosedError`. 3.6.10-r1 ========= You can use the database as a `context manager `_ as defined in :pep:`0343`. When you use *with* a transaction is started. If the block finishes with an exception then the transaction is rolled back, otherwise it is committed. See :meth:`Connection.__enter__` for an example. Behind the scenes the `savepoint `_ functionality introduced in SQLite 3.6.8 is used. Consequently :class:`Connection` *with* blocks can be nested. If you use Connection level :ref:`execution tracers ` then they will be called with the savepoint SQL statements. You can also use :class:`blobs ` as a context manager which ensures it is always closed when finished using it. See :meth:`Blob.__enter__` for an example. Added :ref:`constants `: * SQLITE_SAVEPOINT (authorizer code) * SQLITE_IOERR_CLOSE (extended result code) * SQLITE_IOERR_DIR_CLOSE (extended result code) * New mapping: SQLITE_FCNTL_LOCKSTATE, SQLITE_GET_LOCKPROXYFILE, SQLITE_SET_LOCKPROXYFILE, SQLITE_LAST_ERRNO. SQLite does not document the purpose of these except the first one. Updated :ref:`vfs` test code. SQLite's routines that call :meth:`VFSFile.xTruncate` used to ignore errors but now return an error to the caller. :meth:`VFSFile.xFileControl` is now called so a user implemented one must call any base it inherits from for SQLite to function normally. Updated the xDlSym VFS routine to have the different but compatible type signature as changed in SQLite 3.6.7 to deal with pedantic compiler warnings. Fixed bug in :ref:`apswtrace ` that could result in poorly formatted times. Leading comments are also stripped for queries printed in the final reports. You can also request subsets of the reports. The :ref:`speedtest` script will now fallback to the Python builtin sqlite3 module if it can't find an externally installed pysqlite. ========== Windows binary download for Python 3.0 is :ref:`available `. Various changes in data structures and containers to reduce code size. Changed the code to handle SQLite errors to only use Python functionality and no operating system functionality (thread local storage). This also addresses :issue:`36` where Vista was not binary compatible with XP. Thanks to Rudolf Gaertner for assistance in detecting and diagnosing this issue. :class:`Connections `, :class:`cursors ` and :class:`blobs ` can be used by `weak references `_. You can now install :class:`Connection` wide :meth:`execution ` and :meth:`row ` :ref:`tracers `. The callbacks for execution and row tracers have a different signature to include the cursor the execution or row happened on. This is a backwards incompatible change. See :ref:`tracing ` for details. Due to popular demand, added :meth:`Cursor.fetchall`. This is a longer way of typing ``list(cursor)``. Added attributes to the :class:`Connection` class - :attr:`~Connection.filename`, :attr:`~Connection.open_flags` and :attr:`~Connection.open_vfs`. These let you track how the database was opened. Added a :ref:`apswtrace ` script to allow easy SQL tracing without having to modify your code. Revert to using older SQLite APIs in order to work around cvstrac 2158. (This also saves a little bit of SQLite memory usage). The user visible effect was that you could get different exceptions and error text depending on whether a query was already in the :ref:`statement cache ` or if you were multi-threading. As an example, if you have a query that used an unknown collation then SQLite's `prepare `_ returns *SQLITE_ERROR* with error text about the bad collation. If a query had already been prepared, the collation removed and then `run `_ the new SQLite routines are returning *SQLITE_SCHEMA* and generic ``schema changed`` error text. Changing user defined functions could also cause a previously correct query to become invalid. 3.6.5-r1 ======== The distribution now includes a :ref:`speedtest` script. You can use this to see how APSW performs relative to pysqlite, or to track performance differences between SQLite versions. The underlying queries are derived from `SQLite's speed test `_ The statement cache was completely rewritten. It uses less memory and scales significantly better. It was possible to get a deadlock between the Python GIL and the SQLite database mutex when using the same :class:`Connection` across multiple threads. Fixed by releasing the GIL in more places and added test that inspects the source to verify GIL/mutex handling. Thanks to amicitas reporting this as :issue:`31` SQLite's API has been extended in 3.6.5 so that errors can be retrieved in a thread safe manner. APSW now uses this API. As a consequence of the prior two changes it is now possible and safe to use the same :class:`Connection` across as many threads as you want `concurrently `_. Documentation is now done using `Sphinx `_ which was adopted by Python 2.6 and 3. This has allowed for richer documentation and more output formats such as PDF and `Windows CHM `_ format. The binary distribution for Windows includes the `full text search `__ (FTS) and `Rtree `_ extensions. See also :ref:`setup_py_flags`. The source structure and files were reorganized to make it clearer where things are implemented and to make automatic extraction of documentation easier. 3.6.3-r1 ======== You can now write your own :ref:`VFS` in Python. You can also inherit from an existing VFS making it easy to augment or override small bits of behaviour without having to code everything else. See the :ref:`example ` where database files are obfuscated by XORing their contents. :file:`` now takes an optional `--fetch-sqlite[=ver]` argument to automatically download and use the latest SQLite amalgamation (or a specified version). On non-Windows platforms it will also work out what compile flags SQLite needs (for example *HAVE_USLEEP*, *HAVE_LOCALTIME_R*). Several other options to :file:`` are also available to control enabling/omitting certains features and functionality. See :ref:`building ` for further details. APSW checks that SQLite was compiled to be `threadsafe `_ Added new constants: * *SQLITE_IOERR_ACCESS*, *SQLITE_IOERR_CHECKRESERVEDLOCK* and *SQLITE_IOERR_LOCK* extended result codes * *SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX* and *SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX* open flags * Several new *SQLITE_CONFIG* and *SQLITE_STATUS* codes Wrapped several new SQLite apis: * `sqlite3_config `_ * `sqlite3_initialize/sqlite3_shutdown `_ * `sqlite3_memory_used/sqlite3_memory_highwater `_ * `sqlite3_status `_ * `sqlite3_soft_heap_limit `_ * `sqlite3_release_memory `_ * `sqlite3_randomness `_ The following experimental apis are not wrapped as there is nothing useful you can do with them (yet): * `sqlite3_db_config `_ * `sqlite3_db_status `_ Restored prior behaviour regarding Python ints and longs returning int for numbers fitting in signed 32 bit. This only affects Python 2 as Python 3 uses long exclusively. Thanks to Joe Pham for reporting this as :issue:`24` Added :meth:`Connection.sqlite3pointer` method to help with :issue:`26` 3.5.9-r2 ======== APSW now works with Python 3 (you need 3.0b1 or later). (:issue:`17`) Removed the *SQLITE_MAX_* constants since they could be unreliable (eg APSW can't tell what a shared library was compiled with). A workaround is documented in :func:`Connection.limit`. 3.5.9-r1 ======== APSW is now hosted at You can use this with SQLite 3.5.9 onwards. SQLite now provides the source all `amalgamated `_ into one file which improves performance and makes compilation and linking of SQLite far easier. The build instructions are updated. *SQLITE_COPY* authorizer code and *SQLITE_PROTOCOL* error code are no longer used by SQLite, but the values are left in apsw for backwards compatibility *SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE*, *SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED* and *SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM* :func:`Connection.interrupt` can be called from any thread SQLite has implementation limits on string and blob lengths (roughly constrained to fitting within a signed 32 bit integer - less than 2GB) which weren't checked. Using a 64 bit Python 2.5+ (as I do) it would have been possible to destroy memory and crash the program. Consequently APSW has length checks to ensure it doesn't happen. SQLite now has further `limits checking `_ which cover other things as well such as maximum number of virtual machine opcodes, maximum number of variables etc. These are very useful if you are taking in SQL statements from elsewhere. Call :func:`Connection.limit` A rename method was added for virtual tables. SQLite 3.5 removed the requirement that all operations on a connection be done in the same thread. Consequently all code that enforced the restriction has been removed from APSW. You no longer have to call :func:`Connection.close`. This was previously a requirement to ensure that the correct thread was used (destructors otherwise run in any thread). It is however still a good idea to do so since you can catch exceptions when close is called but not if you let the destructor do the closing. SQLite now has incremental :ref:`blob I/O ` :issue:`4` which could lead to generic error messages was fixed in SQLite 3.5.9. Fixed :issue:`1` error in example code for virtual tables which caused filename errors on Windows. Fixed :issue:`15` releasing the GIL around calls to sqlite3_prepare. Fixed :issue:`7` ensuring that extension module filenames are converted to utf8. Use the `sqlite3_open_v2 `_ interface which allows specifying which vfs to use. This release does not allow you to write your own vfs as the SQLite vfs interface is being changed for SQLite 3.6. Used new SQLite functions that keep track of when virtual tables and collations are no longer used so they can be released. Previously APSW also had to keep track duplicating effort. Improved test coverage a few more percent. The statement cache now defaults to the same number of entries as pysqlite (100). You can however specify more or less as needed. :func:`Connection.collationneeded` was implemented. 3.3.13-r1 ========= As of this release, APSW is now co-hosted with pysqlite meaning there is one site to go to for your Python SQLite bindings. (Both projects subsequently moved to Google Code.) You can use this with SQLite 3.3.13 onwards. There were no API changes in SQLite 3.3.10 to 3.3.13 although some internal bugs were fixed and the 3.3.13 release is recommended over the earlier version. Thanks to Ed Pasma for highlighting these issues: * :func:`Connection.interrupt` can be safely called from any thread. * Empty statements or those consisting entirely of whitespace do not cause misuse errors (internally SQLite started returned NULL pointers for those statements, and `sqlite3_step `_ didn't like being passed the NULL pointer). * Changed special handling of *SQLITE_BUSY* error to be the same as other errors. The special handling previously let you restart on receiving busy, but also hung onto statements which could result in other statements getting busy errors. 3.3.10-r1 ========= You can use this with SQLite 3.3.10 onwards. Added a statement cache that works in conjunction with the `sqlite3_prepare_v2 `_ API. A few issues were exposed in SQLite and hence you must use SQLite 3.3.10 or later. 3.3.9-r1 ======== You can use this with SQLite 3.3.9 onwards. SQLite added `sqlite3_prepare_v2 `_ API. The net effect of this API update is that you will not get SQLITE_SCHEMA any more. SQLite will handle it internally. 3.3.8-r1 ======== You can use this with SQLite 3.3.8 onwards. There was an incompatible API change for virtual tables in SQLite 3.3.8. Virtual tables updated for new api. You must call :func:`~Connection.close` on connections. You can also call :func:`~Cursor.close` on cursors, but it usually isn't necessary. All strings are returned as unicode. `PyErr_WriteUnraisable `__ was used for errors in destructors. Unfortunately it is almost completely useless, merely printing *str* of the object and exception. This doesn't help in finding where in your code the issue arose so you could fix it. An internal APSW implementation generates a traceback and calls :func:`sys.excepthook`, the default implementation of which prints the exception and the traceback to sys.stderr. .. Note:: The line number reported in the traceback is often off by 1. This is because the destructors run "between" lines of code and so the following line is reported as the current location. Authorizer codes *SQLITE_CREATE_VTABLE*, *SQLITE_DROP_VTABLE* and *SQLITE_FUNCTION* added. SQLite `extended result codes `_ are available - see :ref:`exceptions` for more detail. :data:`apsw.connection_hooks` added so you can easily register functions, virtual tables or similar items with each Connection as it is created. Added :ref:`mapping dicts ` which makes it easy to map the various constants between strings and ints. 3.3.7-r1 ======== Never released as 3.3.8 came along. You can use this release against SQLite 3.3.7. There were no changes in the SQLite 3.3.6 API from 3.3.5. In SQLite 3.3.7 an API was added that allowed removing a chunk of duplicate code. Also added were `Virtual Tables `_ and loading of external modules (shared libraries). APSW had the following changes: * Even more test cases added (you can't have too many tests :-) * When exceptions occur, dummy frames are added to the traceback in the C code. This makes it a lot easier to tell why code was called if you encounter an exception. See :ref:`augmented stack traces ` for details. * String values (traditional and Unicode) work correctly if they have embedded NULL characters (ie not truncated at the NULL). * You can load SQLite shared library extensions. 3.3.5-r1 ======== You can use this release against any release of SQLite 3 from 3.3.5 onwards. A bug was also fixed when reporting an error during the cleanup of an aggregate function if there had also been an error in the step function. (`PyErr_WriteUnraisable(NULL) `__ crashed on some versions of Python but not others.) SQLite added several functions for returning metadata about result column sets. You have to compile SQLite with *SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA* to get them. This is not the default for SQLite. I don't believe these are generally useful except in some corner cases and so they aren't wrapped. However please shout if you do need them. Note that :meth:`Cursor.getdescription` will already give you generally useful information. (Also see the `pragmas `_) The test code has been converted into using the unittest module. Run :command:`python -v` to get the tests run. There should be no errors. Updated code to work correctly with new :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` introduced in Python 2.5. See :ref:`64 bit hosts, Python 2.5+ ` for more details on how Python and SQLite handle 64 bit sized items. The following functions were added to SQLite and are wrapped. They are all functions defined on the :class:`Connection` object or :mod:`apsw` module: * `sqlite3_update_hook `_ * `sqlite3_rollback_hook `_ * `sqlite3_enable_shared_cache `_ * `sqlite3_get_autocommit `_ * `sqlite3_profile `_ This callback is run at the end of each statement execution telling you how long it took. 3.2.7-r1 ======== You can use this release against any release of SQLite 3. SQLite 3.2.7 has several bug fixes. The undocumented experimental function *sqlite3_profile* was added, but it not present in apsw yet. The author of pysqlite has improved it considerably since APSW was originally written. The differences section has been updated to reflect those improvements in pysqlite. *SQLITE_INTERNAL* and *SQLITE_NOTFOUND* error codes are not used according to 3.2.7 header file. They are still present in APSW for backwards compatibility. Changed the build instructions so configure is run on non-Windows platforms. Fixed a bug caused by an overly helpful error message trying to tell you how many bindings you supplied that crashed if you didn't supply any. Changed when an error in the step function for an aggregate is reported due to limitations in SQLite. 3.2.2-r1 ======== You can use this release against any release of SQLite 3. SQLite 3.2.2 API removed *sqlite3_global_recover*. That function was not wrapped in APSW. Note that SQLite 3.2.2 contains a bug fix that applies when you use 64 bit integer primary keys (32 bit ints are fine). 3.2.1-r1 ======== You can use this release against any release of SQLite 3. There are no changes in APSW except to correct an error in the example code (collations are registered against the connection not the cursor) SQLite 3.2.1 had one addition in the stable C API, which was a new function named *sqlite3_global_recover*. That function is not applicable for wrapping in APSW. 3.1.3-r1 ======== You can use this release against any release of SQLite 3. The text string returned by apsw.Error used to say "apsw.APSWException" and has been changed to "apsw.Error". This is purely cosmetic and helps make clear what the class is. (The old string was what the original class name was in an earlier version of the code.) Added *SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE* and *SQLITE_REINDEX* constants for the authorizer function. (These constants were introduced in SQLite 3.1.3). Changed various C++-isms into standard C (eg // comments and the placing of some *CHECK_THREAD* macro calls). Added module level function :meth:`~apsw.apswversion` which returns the version of APSW. SQLite 3.1.3 had no changes in the stable C API other than what is mentioned above. There were some new experimental functions added which are not currently documented on the SQLite website, which are not wrapped by APSW. Please contact me if you believe they will remain in SQLite and you would like them wrapped: * *sqlite3_sleep* An alternative function which sleeps for a specified number of milliseconds can be provided. By default SQLite just uses the standard operating system call. * *sqlite3_expired* This function is internal to statement execution. It would apply to the implementation of :meth:`Cursor.executemany` and could in theory provide a marginal improvement in performance. * A global variable *sqlite3_temp_directory* can be used before any databases are opened to set where temporary files are created. By default SQLite just uses the standard operating system mechanisms. 3.0.8-r3 ======== There are no functional changes. The only changes were to correct some variable names in the example code (they were cut and pasted from the test code which used different names) and to make the source zip file extract its contents into a sub-directory which is the more typical way of packaging that sort of thing. 3.0.8-r2 ======== All remaining functionality in the C API for SQLite 3.0.8 is now available. Finished this documentation. 3.0.8-r1 ======== Initial release