Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["changelog", "customization/index", "customization/plugins/index", "customization/plugins/plugins1d", "customization/plugins/stackplugins", "customization/settings/index", "faq", "hdf5/index", "index", "install", "license", "modules/core/index", "modules/core/nexustools", "modules/index", "overview", "recipes", "recipes/xrfembedpyqt", "recipes/xrfhdf5stack", "training/matrix/index", "training/quantification/index", "training/tertiary/index", "training/xraydata/index", "tutorials", "xrf/material-definition/index", "xrf/strip-background/index"], "filenames": ["changelog.rst", "customization/index.rst", "customization/plugins/index.rst", "customization/plugins/plugins1d.rst", "customization/plugins/stackplugins.rst", "customization/settings/index.rst", "faq.rst", "hdf5/index.rst", "index.rst", "install.rst", "license.rst", "modules/core/index.rst", "modules/core/nexustools.rst", "modules/index.rst", "overview.rst", "recipes.rst", "recipes/xrfembedpyqt.rst", "recipes/xrfhdf5stack.rst", "training/matrix/index.rst", "training/quantification/index.rst", "training/tertiary/index.rst", "training/xraydata/index.rst", "tutorials.rst", "xrf/material-definition/index.rst", "xrf/strip-background/index.rst"], "titles": ["Change Log", "Customizing PyMca", "Plugins", "1D plugins", "Stack plugins", "Settings", "Frequently Asked Questions", "Accessing HDF5 Data", "PyMca 5.8.0", "Installation steps", "License", "PyMcaCore", "PyMcaCore.NexusTools", "Modules", "Project Overview", "Recipes", "Embedding PyMca XRF fitting", "HDF5 XRF Stack", "Automatic Sample Matrix Refinement", "XRF Analysis", "Accounting for higher order excitations", "Customizing X-Ray Data", "Tutorials and Exercises", "Defining new materials in the material editor", "Understanding and using the strip background"], "terms": {"io": 0, "add": [0, 3, 9, 17, 19, 22, 23], "support": [0, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 17, 22], "bruker": 0, "bcf": 0, "file": [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], "roi": 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"stand": 9, "alon": 9, "execut": 9, "python": 9, "modul": [9, 13], "depend": 9, "known": 9, "issu": 9, "conda": 9, "test": 9, "licens": 10, "pymcacor": [11, 12], "nexustool": 12, "project": 14, "releas": 14, "recip": 15, "embed": 16, "automat": 18, "sampl": 18, "matrix": [18, 19], "refin": 18, "introduct": [18, 19, 20, 21, 24], "exercis": [18, 19, 20, 21, 22], "prepar": 18, "configur": [18, 19], "strategi": 18, "calibr": 19, "select": 19, "your": [19, 23], "region": 19, "identifi": 19, "concentr": 19, "spectrum": 19, "final": [19, 21], "comment": 19, "account": 20, "higher": 20, "order": 20, "excit": 20, "get": 21, "initi": 21, "verif": 21, "modifi": 21, "tutori": 22, "defin": 23, "new": 23, "materi": 23, "editor": 23, "type": 23, "name": 23, "combo": 23, "box": 23, "enter": 23, "number": 23, "compound": 23, "fill": 23, "field": 23, "check": 23, "everyth": 23, "fine": 23, "understand": 24, "strip": 24, "batch": 24, "tip": 24, "anchor": 24}, "envversion": {"": 2, "": 1, "": 1, "": 8, "": 1, "": 2, "": 2, "": 3, "": 2, "": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1, "sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"Change Log": [[0, "change-log"]], "VERSION 5.8.0": [[0, "version-5-8-0"]], "VERSION 5.7.6": [[0, "version-5-7-6"]], "VERSION 5.7.5": [[0, "version-5-7-5"]], "VERSION 5.7.4": [[0, "version-5-7-4"]], "VERSION 5.7.3": [[0, "version-5-7-3"]], "VERSION 5.7.2": [[0, "version-5-7-2"]], "VERSION 5.7.1": [[0, "version-5-7-1"]], "VERSION 5.7.0": [[0, "version-5-7-0"]], "VERSION 5.6.7": [[0, "version-5-6-7"]], "VERSION 5.6.6": [[0, "version-5-6-6"]], "VERSION 5.6.5": [[0, "version-5-6-5"]], "VERSION 5.6.4": [[0, "version-5-6-4"]], "VERSION 5.6.3": [[0, "version-5-6-3"]], "VERSION 5.6.2": [[0, "version-5-6-2"]], "VERSION 5.6.1": [[0, "version-5-6-1"]], "VERSION 5.6.0": [[0, "version-5-6-0"]], "VERSION 5.5.5": [[0, "version-5-5-5"]], "VERSION 5.5.4": [[0, "version-5-5-4"]], "VERSION 5.5.3": [[0, "version-5-5-3"]], "VERSION 5.5.2": [[0, "version-5-5-2"]], "VERSION 5.5.1": [[0, "version-5-5-1"]], "VERSION 5.5.0": [[0, "version-5-5-0"]], "VERSION 5.4.3": [[0, "version-5-4-3"]], "VERSION 5.4.2": [[0, "version-5-4-2"]], "VERSION 5.4.1": [[0, "version-5-4-1"]], "VERSION 5.4.0": [[0, "version-5-4-0"]], "VERSION 5.3.2": [[0, "version-5-3-2"]], "VERSION 5.3.1": [[0, "version-5-3-1"]], "VERSION 5.3.0": [[0, "version-5-3-0"]], "VERSION 5.2.2": [[0, "version-5-2-2"]], "VERSION 5.2.1": [[0, "version-5-2-1"]], "VERSION 5.2.0": [[0, "version-5-2-0"]], "VERSION 5.1.4": [[0, "version-5-1-4"]], "VERSION 5.1.3": [[0, "version-5-1-3"]], "VERSION 5.1.2": [[0, "version-5-1-2"]], "VERSION 5.1.1": [[0, "version-5-1-1"]], "VERSION 5.1.0": [[0, "version-5-1-0"]], "VERSION 5.0.3": [[0, "version-5-0-3"]], "VERSION 5.0.2": [[0, "version-5-0-2"]], "VERSION 5.0.1": [[0, "version-5-0-1"]], "VERSION 5.0.0": [[0, "version-5-0-0"]], "VERSION 4.7.4": [[0, "version-4-7-4"]], "VERSION 4.7.3": [[0, "version-4-7-3"]], "VERSION 4.7.2": [[0, "version-4-7-2"]], "VERSION 4.7.1": [[0, "version-4-7-1"]], "VERSION 4.7.0": [[0, "version-4-7-0"]], "VERSION 4.6.2": [[0, "version-4-6-2"]], "VERSION 4.6.1": [[0, "version-4-6-1"]], "VERSION 4.6.0": [[0, "version-4-6-0"]], "VERSION 4.5.0": [[0, "version-4-5-0"]], "VERSION 4.4.1": [[0, "version-4-4-1"]], "VERSION 4.4.0": [[0, "version-4-4-0"]], "VERSION 4.3.0": [[0, "version-4-3-0"]], "VERSION 4.2.6": [[0, "version-4-2-6"]], "VERSION 4.2.5": [[0, "version-4-2-5"]], "VERSION 4.2.4": [[0, "version-4-2-4"]], "VERSION 4.2.3": [[0, "version-4-2-3"]], "VERSION 4.2.2": [[0, "version-4-2-2"]], "VERSION 4.2.1": [[0, "version-4-2-1"]], "VERSION 4.2.0": [[0, "version-4-2-0"]], "VERSION 4.1.1": [[0, "version-4-1-1"]], "VERSION 4.1.0": [[0, "version-4-1-0"]], "VERSION 4.0.9": [[0, "version-4-0-9"]], "VERSION 4.0.8": [[0, "version-4-0-8"]], "VERSION 4.0.7": [[0, "version-4-0-7"]], "VERSION 4.0.6": [[0, "version-4-0-6"]], "VERSION 4.0.4": [[0, "version-4-0-4"]], "VERSION 4.0.3": [[0, "version-4-0-3"]], "VERSION 4.0.2": [[0, "version-4-0-2"]], "VERSION 4.0.1": [[0, "version-4-0-1"]], "VERSION 4.0.0": [[0, "version-4-0-0"]], "VERSION 3.9.4 Qt4": [[0, "version-3-9-4-qt4"]], "VERSION 3.9.4": [[0, "version-3-9-4"]], "VERSION 3.9.3": [[0, "version-3-9-3"]], "VERSION 3.9.2": [[0, "version-3-9-2"]], "VERSION 3.9.1": [[0, "version-3-9-1"]], "VERSION 3.9.0": [[0, "version-3-9-0"]], "Customizing PyMca": [[1, "customizing-pymca"]], "Plugins": [[2, "plugins"]], "1D plugins": [[3, "d-plugins"]], "Adding 1D plugins": [[3, "adding-1d-plugins"]], "Overview": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase"]], "1D plugin API": [[3, "d-plugin-api"]], "Built-in 1D plugins": [[3, "built-in-1d-plugins"]], "Background subtraction tools": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.BackgroundScanPlugin"]], "Median filter average": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterScanPlugin"]], "Simple vertical shift": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.SimpleShift"]], "Alignment plugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.AlignmentScanPlugin"]], "Advanced alignment plugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.AdvancedAlignmentScanPlugin"]], "Usage and Description": [[3, "usage-and-description"]], "Methods used by the plug-in": [[3, "methods-used-by-the-plug-in"]], "Remove glitches from curves": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterScanDeglitchPlugin"]], "Built-in Math": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MathPlugins"]], "Normalization": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.NormalizationPlugins"]], "Fit all curves": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.FitAllCurvesPlugin"]], "Motor Info": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MotorInfoPlugin"]], "Stack plugins": [[4, "stack-plugins"]], "Adding stack plugins": [[4, "adding-stack-plugins"]], "Stack plugin API": [[4, "stack-plugin-api"]], "Built-in stack plugins": [[4, "built-in-stack-plugins"]], "Alternative ROI options": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ROIStackPlugin"]], "Silx Alternative ROI options": [[4, "silx-alternative-roi-options"]], "External Images Tool": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ExternalImagesStackPlugin"]], "Silx External Images Tool": [[4, "silx-external-images-tool"]], "Image Alignment Tool": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ImageAlignmentStackPlugin"]], "Image Browser with Median Filter": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterStackPlugin"]], "Load positioners from file": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.LoadPositionersStackPlugin"]], "PyMca PCA": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.PCAStackPlugin"]], "Show Spectra": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackShowSpectra"]], "Stack Axes Options": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackAxesPlugin"]], "Stack Filtering Options": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.BackgroundStackPlugin"]], "Stack Image Browser": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackBrowserPlugin"]], "Stack Normalization": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackNormalizationPlugin"]], "Stack Row or Column Reversing": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ReverseStackPlugin"]], "Stack Scan Window Plugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackScanWindowPlugin"]], "Stack Simple Fitting": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.FitStackPlugin"]], "Settings": [[5, "settings"]], "Settings Directory": [[5, "settings-directory"]], "Windows": [[5, "windows"], [9, "windows"], [9, "id1"]], "MacOS, Linux,\u2026": [[5, "macos-linux"]], "GUI settings": [[5, "gui-settings"]], "XRF Database": [[5, "xrf-database"]], "User Plugins": [[5, "user-plugins"]], "Frequently Asked Questions": [[6, "frequently-asked-questions"]], "Should I write PyMCA or PyMca?": [[6, "should-i-write-pymca-or-pymca"]], "Why did you take the Gioconda as logo?": [[6, "why-did-you-take-the-gioconda-as-logo"]], "I do not use the ESRF data format nor the SPEC file format. Do I have to convert my data?": [[6, "i-do-not-use-the-esrf-data-format-nor-the-spec-file-format-do-i-have-to-convert-my-data"]], "I use an X-ray tube, how can I make quantitative analysis?": [[6, "i-use-an-x-ray-tube-how-can-i-make-quantitative-analysis"]], "The description of the scattering peaks is very poor, why?": [[6, "the-description-of-the-scattering-peaks-is-very-poor-why"]], "I am on windows, what program version should I use?": [[6, "i-am-on-windows-what-program-version-should-i-use"]], "I have a Mac, the program seems to hang or to do nothing, how can I report what\u2019s happening?": [[6, "i-have-a-mac-the-program-seems-to-hang-or-to-do-nothing-how-can-i-report-what-s-happening"]], "What have you used to build the binaries?": [[6, "what-have-you-used-to-build-the-binaries"]], "I want to build the program from its source code. What do I need?": [[6, "i-want-to-build-the-program-from-its-source-code-what-do-i-need"]], "Accessing HDF5 Data": [[7, "accessing-hdf5-data"]], "Generic HDF5 Support": [[7, "generic-hdf5-support"]], "NeXus Support": [[7, "nexus-support"]], "Measurement Group Support": [[7, "measurement-group-support"]], "Positioners": [[7, "positioners"]], "MCA Data": [[7, "mca-data"]], "PyMca 5.8.0": [[8, "pymca-version"]], "Table of contents": [[8, "table-of-contents"]], "Indices": [[8, "indices"]], "Installation steps": [[9, "installation-steps"]], "Stand-alone Executable": [[9, "stand-alone-executable"]], "Python module": [[9, "python-module"]], "Installing Python": [[9, "installing-python"]], "MacOS": [[9, "macos"], [9, "id3"]], "Linux": [[9, "linux"], [9, "id5"]], "Installing PyMca": [[9, "installing-pymca"], [9, "id11"]], "Installing from source": [[9, "installing-from-source"]], "Build dependencies": [[9, "build-dependencies"]], "Building from source": [[9, "building-from-source"]], "Known issues": [[9, "known-issues"]], "Advanced build options": [[9, "advanced-build-options"]], "Dependencies": [[9, "dependencies"]], "Conda installation": [[9, "conda-installation"]], "Testing": [[9, "testing"]], "License": [[10, "license"]], "PyMcaCore": [[11, "pymcacore"]], "PyMcaCore.NexusTools": [[12, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools"]], "Modules": [[13, "modules"]], "Project Overview": [[14, "project-overview"]], "Releases": [[14, "releases"]], "Project": [[14, "project"]], "Recipes": [[15, "recipes"]], "Embedding PyMca XRF fitting": [[16, "embedding-pymca-xrf-fitting"]], "HDF5 XRF Stack": [[17, "hdf5-xrf-stack"]], "Automatic Sample Matrix Refinement": [[18, "automatic-sample-matrix-refinement"]], "Introduction": [[18, "introduction"], [19, "introduction"], [20, "introduction"], [21, "introduction"], [24, "introduction"]], "Exercise": [[18, "exercise"], [19, "exercise"], [20, "exercise"], [21, "exercise"]], "Preparation": [[18, "preparation"]], "Configuring the Fit Strategy": [[18, "configuring-the-fit-strategy"]], "XRF Analysis": [[19, "xrf-analysis"]], "Step 1: Loading the data": [[19, "step-1-loading-the-data"]], "Step 2: Calibrating the data": [[19, "step-2-calibrating-the-data"]], "Step 3: Select your fit region": [[19, "step-3-select-your-fit-region"]], "Step 4: Using the Peak Identifier": [[19, "step-4-using-the-peak-identifier"]], "Step 5: Fit Configuration": [[19, "step-5-fit-configuration"]], "Step 6: Concentrations": [[19, "step-6-concentrations"]], "Step 7: Using the Matrix Spectrum": [[19, "step-7-using-the-matrix-spectrum"]], "Step 8: Final Comments": [[19, "step-8-final-comments"]], "Accounting for higher order excitations": [[20, "accounting-for-higher-order-excitations"]], "Customizing X-Ray Data": [[21, "customizing-x-ray-data"]], "Step 1: Getting the data": [[21, "step-1-getting-the-data"]], "Step 2: Initial verification": [[21, "step-2-initial-verification"]], "Step 3: Modifying the data": [[21, "step-3-modifying-the-data"]], "Step 4: Final verification": [[21, "step-4-final-verification"]], "Tutorials and Exercises": [[22, "tutorials-and-exercises"]], "Tutorials": [[22, "tutorials"]], "Exercises": [[22, "exercises"]], "Defining new materials in the material editor": [[23, "defining-new-materials-in-the-material-editor"]], "1 - Type the name of your material at the material combo box": [[23, "type-the-name-of-your-material-at-the-material-combo-box"]], "2 - Enter the number of compounds in your material": [[23, "enter-the-number-of-compounds-in-your-material"]], "3 - Fill the table": [[23, "fill-the-table"]], "4 - Fill the optional fields": [[23, "fill-the-optional-fields"]], "5 - Check that everything is fine": [[23, "check-that-everything-is-fine"]], "Understanding and using the strip background": [[24, "understanding-and-using-the-strip-background"]], "Batch tips": [[24, "batch-tips"]], "Using the anchors": [[24, "using-the-anchors"]]}, "indexentries": {"plugin1dbase (class in pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase"]], "pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.advancedalignmentscanplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.AdvancedAlignmentScanPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.alignmentscanplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.AlignmentScanPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.backgroundscanplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.BackgroundScanPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.fitallcurvesplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.FitAllCurvesPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.mathplugins": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MathPlugins"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.medianfilterscandeglitchplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterScanDeglitchPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.medianfilterscanplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterScanPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.motorinfoplugin": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MotorInfoPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.normalizationplugins": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.NormalizationPlugins"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.simpleshift": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.SimpleShift"]], "activecurvechanged() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.activeCurveChanged"]], "addcurve() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.addCurve"]], "applymethod() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.applyMethod"]], "getactivecurve() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getActiveCurve"]], "getallcurves() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getAllCurves"]], "getgraphtitle() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getGraphTitle"]], "getgraphxlabel() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getGraphXLabel"]], "getgraphxlimits() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getGraphXLimits"]], "getgraphylabel() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getGraphYLabel"]], "getgraphylimits() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getGraphYLimits"]], "getmethodpixmap() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getMethodPixmap"]], "getmethodtooltip() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getMethodToolTip"]], "getmethods() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getMethods"]], "getmonotoniccurves() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.getMonotonicCurves"]], "getplugin1dinstance() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.getPlugin1DInstance"]], "module": [[3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.AdvancedAlignmentScanPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.AlignmentScanPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.BackgroundScanPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.FitAllCurvesPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MathPlugins"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterScanDeglitchPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterScanPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MotorInfoPlugin"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.NormalizationPlugins"], [3, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.SimpleShift"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.BackgroundStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ExternalImagesStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.FitStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ImageAlignmentStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.LoadPositionersStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.PCAStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ROIStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ReverseStackPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackAxesPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackBrowserPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackNormalizationPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackScanWindowPlugin"], [4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackShowSpectra"], [12, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools"]], "removecurve() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.removeCurve"]], "setactivecurve() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.setActiveCurve"]], "setgraphtitle() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.setGraphTitle"]], "setgraphxlabel() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.setGraphXLabel"]], "setgraphxlimits() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.setGraphXLimits"]], "setgraphylabel() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.setGraphYLabel"]], "setgraphylimits() (pymca5.pymcacore.plugin1dbase.plugin1dbase method)": [[3, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.Plugin1DBase.Plugin1DBase.setGraphYLimits"]], "pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.backgroundstackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.BackgroundStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.externalimagesstackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ExternalImagesStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.fitstackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.FitStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.imagealignmentstackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ImageAlignmentStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.loadpositionersstackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.LoadPositionersStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.medianfilterstackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.MedianFilterStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.pcastackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.PCAStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.roistackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ROIStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.reversestackplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.ReverseStackPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.stackaxesplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackAxesPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.stackbrowserplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackBrowserPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.stacknormalizationplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackNormalizationPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.stackscanwindowplugin": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackScanWindowPlugin"]], "pymca5.pymcaplugins.stackshowspectra": [[4, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaPlugins.StackShowSpectra"]], "stackpluginbase (class in pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase"]], "applymethod() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.applyMethod"]], "getactivecurve() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getActiveCurve"]], "getgraphxlabel() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getGraphXLabel"]], "getgraphxlimits() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getGraphXLimits"]], "getgraphylabel() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getGraphYLabel"]], "getgraphylimits() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getGraphYLimits"]], "getmethodpixmap() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getMethodPixmap"]], "getmethodtooltip() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getMethodToolTip"]], "getmethods() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.getMethods"]], "getstackplugininstance() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.getStackPluginInstance"]], "stackclosed() (pymca5.pymcacore.stackpluginbase.stackpluginbase method)": [[4, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.StackPluginBase.StackPluginBase.stackClosed"]], "pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools": [[12, "module-PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools"]], "getentryname() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getEntryName"]], "getmcalist() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getMcaList"]], "getmcaobjectpaths() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getMcaObjectPaths"]], "getmeasurementgroup() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getMeasurementGroup"]], "getnxclassgroups() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getNXClassGroups"]], "getnxclasslist() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getNXClassList"]], "getnxdatalist() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getNXdataList"]], "getpositionersgroup() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getPositionersGroup"]], "getscannedpositioners() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getScannedPositioners"]], "gettitle() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.getTitle"]], "sanitizefilepath() (in module pymca5.pymcacore.nexustools)": [[12, "PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools.sanitizeFilePath"]]}})