
class praw.models.RedditModNotes(reddit: praw.Reddit)

Provides methods to interact with moderator notes at a global level.


The authenticated user must be a moderator of the provided subreddit(s).

For example, the latest note for u/spez in r/redditdev and r/test, and for u/bboe in r/redditdev can be iterated through like so:

redditor = reddit.redditor("bboe")
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("redditdev")

pairs = [(subreddit, "spez"), ("test", "spez"), (subreddit, redditor)]

for note in reddit.notes(pairs=pairs):
    print(f"{note.label}: {note.note}")
__call__(*, all_notes: bool = False, pairs: Optional[List[Tuple[Union[praw.models.Subreddit, str], Union[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor, str]]]] = None, redditors: Optional[List[Union[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor, str]]] = None, subreddits: Optional[List[Union[str, praw.models.Subreddit]]] = None, things: Optional[List[Union[praw.models.reddit.comment.Comment, praw.models.reddit.submission.Submission]]] = None, **generator_kwargs: Any) Generator[praw.models.ModNote, None, None]

Get note(s) for each subreddit/user pair, or None if they don’t have any.

  • all_notes

    Whether to return all notes or only the latest note for each subreddit/redditor pair (default: False).


    Setting this to True will result in a request for each unique subreddit/redditor pair. If subreddits and redditors are provided, this will make a request equivalent to number of redditors multiplied by the number of subreddits.

  • pairs

    A list of subreddit/redditor tuples.


    Required if subreddits, redditors, nor things are provided.

  • redditors

    A list of redditors to return notes for. This parameter is used in tandem with subreddits to get notes from multiple subreddits for each of the provided redditors.


    Required if items or things is not provided or if subreddits is provided.

  • subreddits

    A list of subreddits to return notes for. This parameter is used in tandem with redditors to get notes for multiple redditors from each of the provided subreddits.


    Required if items or things is not provided or if redditors is provided.

  • things – A list of comments and/or submissions to return notes for.

  • generator_kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to the generator. This parameter is ignored when all_notes is False.


A generator that yields the most recent ModNote (or None if the user doesn’t have any notes) per entry in their relative order. If all_notes is True, this will yield all notes for each entry.


This method will merge the subreddits and redditors provided from pairs, redditors, subreddits, and things.


This method accepts Redditor instances or redditor names and Subreddit instances or subreddit names where applicable.

For example, the latest note for u/spez in r/redditdev and r/test, and for u/bboe in r/redditdev can be iterated through like so:

redditor = reddit.redditor("bboe")
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("redditdev")

pairs = [(subreddit, "spez"), ("test", "spez"), (subreddit, redditor)]

for note in reddit.notes(pairs=pairs):
    print(f"{note.label}: {note.note}")

For example, all the notes for u/spez and u/bboe in r/announcements, r/redditdev, and r/test can be iterated through like so:

redditor = reddit.redditor("bboe")
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("redditdev")

for note in reddit.notes(
    redditors=["spez", redditor],
    subreddits=["announcements", subreddit, "test"],
    print(f"{note.label}: {note.note}")

For example, the latest note for the authors of the last 5 comments and submissions from r/test can be iterated through like so:

submissions = list(reddit.subreddit("test").new(limit=5))
comments = list(reddit.subreddit("test").comments(limit=5))

for note in reddit.notes(things=submissions + comments):
    print(f"{note.label}: {note.note}")


Setting all_notes to True will make a request for each redditor and subreddit combination. The previous example will make 6 requests.

__init__(reddit: praw.Reddit)

Initialize a BaseModNotes instance.


reddit – An instance of Reddit.

create(*, label: Optional[str] = None, note: str, redditor: Optional[Union[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor, str]] = None, subreddit: Optional[Union[praw.models.Subreddit, str]] = None, thing: Optional[Union[praw.models.reddit.comment.Comment, praw.models.reddit.submission.Submission, str]] = None, **other_settings: Any) praw.models.ModNote

Create a ModNote for a redditor in the specified subreddit.

  • label – The label for the note. As of this writing, this can be one of the following: "ABUSE_WARNING", "BAN", "BOT_BAN", "HELPFUL_USER", "PERMA_BAN", "SOLID_CONTRIBUTOR", "SPAM_WARNING", "SPAM_WATCH", or None (default: None).

  • note – The content of the note. As of this writing, this is limited to 250 characters.

  • redditor

    The redditor to create the note for (default: None).


    This parameter is required if thing is not provided or this is not called from a Redditor instance (e.g., reddit.redditor.notes).

  • subreddit

    The subreddit associated with the note (default: None).


    This parameter is required if thing is not provided or this is not called from a Subreddit instance (e.g., reddit.subreddit.mod).

  • thing – Either the fullname of a comment/submission, a Comment, or a Submission to associate with the note.

  • other_settings – Additional keyword arguments can be provided to handle new parameters as Reddit introduces them.


The new ModNote object.

For example, to create a note for u/spez in r/test:

    label="HELPFUL_USER", note="Test note", redditor="spez"
# or
    label="HELPFUL_USER", note="Test note", subreddit="test"
# or
    label="HELPFUL_USER", note="Test note", redditor="spez", subreddit="test"
delete(*, delete_all: bool = False, note_id: Optional[str] = None, redditor: Optional[Union[praw.models.reddit.redditor.Redditor, str]] = None, subreddit: Optional[Union[praw.models.Subreddit, str]] = None)

Delete note(s) for a redditor.

  • delete_all

    When True, delete all notes for the specified redditor in the specified subreddit (default: False).


    This will make a request for each note.

  • note_id – The ID of the note to delete. This parameter is ignored if delete_all is True.

  • redditor

    The redditor to delete the note(s) for (default: None). Can be a Redditor instance or a redditor name.


    This parameter is required if this method is not called from a Redditor instance (e.g., redditor.notes).

  • subreddit

    The subreddit to delete the note(s) from (default: None). Can be a Subreddit instance or a subreddit name.


    This parameter is required if this method is not called from a Subreddit instance (e.g., reddit.subreddit.mod).

For example, to delete a note with the ID "ModNote_d324b280-5ecc-435d-8159-3e259e84e339", try:

    note_id="ModNote_d324b280-5ecc-435d-8159-3e259e84e339", redditor="spez"
# or
    note_id="ModNote_d324b280-5ecc-435d-8159-3e259e84e339", subreddit="test"
# or

To delete all notes for u/spez, try:

reddit.subreddit("test").mod.notes.delete(delete_all=True, redditor="spez")
# or
reddit.redditor("spez").notes.delete(delete_all=True, subreddit="test")
# or
reddit.notes.delete(delete_all=True, subreddit="test", redditor="spez")
things(*things: Union[praw.models.reddit.comment.Comment, praw.models.reddit.submission.Submission], all_notes: Optional[bool] = None, **generator_kwargs: Any) Generator[praw.models.ModNote, None, None]

Return notes associated with the author of a Comment or Submission.

  • things – One or more things to return notes on. Must be a Comment or Submission.

  • all_notes

    Whether to return all notes, or only the latest (default: True if only one thing is provided otherwise False).


    Setting this to True will result in a request for each thing.


A generator that yields the most recent ModNote (or None if the user doesn’t have any notes) per entry in their relative order. If all_notes is True, this will yield all notes for each entry.

For example, to get the latest note for the authors of the top 25 submissions in r/test:

submissions = reddit.subreddit("test").top(limit=25)
for note in reddit.notes.things(*submissions):
    print(f"{note.label}: {note.note}")

For example, to get the latest note for the authors of the last 25 comments in r/test:

comments = reddit.subreddit("test").comments(limit=25)
for note in reddit.notes.things(*comments):
    print(f"{note.label}: {note.note}")