Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method __builtin.Nettle.Sign()->jose_sign()

Method jose_sign

string(7bit) jose_sign(string(8bit) message, mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|void headers, .Hash|void h)


Signs the message with a JOSE JWS signature using hash algorithm h and JOSE headers headers.

Parameter message

Message to sign.

Parameter headers

JOSE headers to use. Typically a mapping with a single element "typ".

Parameter h

Hash algorithm to use. Valid hashes depend on the signature algorithm. The default value depends on the signature algorithm.


Returns the signature on success, and 0 (zero) on failure (typically that either the hash algorithm is invalid for this signature algorithm),


The default implementation returns 0 for all parameters, and can thus serve as a fallback for signature algorithms that don't support or aren't supported by JWS (eg Crypto.DSA).

See also

jose_decode(), pkcs_sign(), RFC 7515