Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class Gnome.PixmapEntry

Inheritance graph

Entry for large images with a preview. Unlike GnomeIconEntry, it does not scale the images to a specific size and shows them 1:1. This is perfect for selection of backgrounds and such. It also allows DND to be performed on the preview box. It also provides all the GnomeEntry functionality as well.  Gnome.PixmapEntry("","browse...",1);

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Method create

Gnome.PixmapEntry Gnome.PixmapEntry(string history_id, string browse_dialog_title, int do_preview)


Creates a new pixmap entry widget, if do_preview is false, the preview is hidden but the files are still loaded so that it's easy to show it. For a pixmap entry without preview, use the W(GnomeFileEntry) widget.