Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class Gnome.Dialog

Inheritance graph

Gnome.Dialog gives dialogs a consistent look and feel, while making them more convenient to program. Gnome.Dialog makes it easy to use stock buttons, makes it easier to handle delete_event, and adds some cosmetic touches (such as a separator above the buttons, and a bevel around the edge of the window).

Signals: clicked


Inherit Window

inherit GTK1.Window : Window

Method create

Gnome.Dialog Gnome.Dialog(string title, string ... buttons)


Creates a new Gnome.Dialog, with the given title, and any button names in the arg list. Buttons can be simple names, such as "My Button", or gnome-stock defines such as GNOME.StockButtonOK, etc. The last argument should be NULL to terminate the list.

Buttons passed to this function are numbered from left to right, starting with 0. So the first button in the arglist is button 0, then button 1, etc. These numbers are used throughout the Gnome.Dialog API.