Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method GTK1.Widget()->shape_combine_mask()

Method shape_combine_mask

GTK1.Widget shape_combine_mask(GDK1.Bitmap shape, int xoffset, int yoffset)


Set the shape of the widget, or, rather, its window, to that of the supplied bitmap. Notice how the window behind the example window can be seen because of the rather odd shape the example window has.  GTK1.Window( GTK1.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL )->add(GTK1.Label("A rather Oddly shaped\n" "Window\n" "Indeed\n" "Or what do you\nthink?\n" "This text\n" "should\n" "be long enough"))->shape_combine_mask( GDK1.Bitmap(Image.Image(100,100,255,255,255)->rotate(10,0,0,0) ), 20,20)

NOTE: The widget must be realized before this function can be used