Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class GTK1.Viewport

Inheritance graph

This is a container that can be scrolled around, but it has no scrollbars. You can connect scrollbars to it using the adjustment objects.  GTK1.Viewport(GTK1.Adjustment(),GTK1.Adjustment())->set_usize(100,100)


 GTK1.Viewport(GTK1.Adjustment(),GTK1.Adjustment())->set_usize(100,100)->add(GTK1.Label("A label with a very long text on it, it will not fit"))->set_shadow_type(GTK1.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN)

 lambda(){ object a1;object v = GTK1.Viewport(a1=GTK1.Adjustment(),GTK1.Adjustment())->set_usize(100,100)->add(GTK1.Label("A label with a very long text on it, it will not fit"))->set_shadow_type(GTK1.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);call_out(a1->set_value,0,100.0);return v;}()

Inherit Bin

inherit GTK1.Bin : Bin

Method create

GTK1.Viewport GTK1.Viewport(GTK1.Adjustment xscroll, GTK1.Adjustment yscroll)


Create a new viewport. The adjustments are used to select what part of the viewport to view to the user. They are normally connected to a scrollbar or something similar.