Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class GDK1.Image


A gdk (low level) image. Mainly used for W(Image) objects.


Method create

GDK1.Image GDK1.Image(int|void fast_mode, Image.Image|void image)


Create a new GDK1.Image object. The firstargument is either 0, which indicates that you want a 'slow' image. If you use '1', you indicate that you want a 'fast' image. Fast images are stored in shared memory, and thus are not sent over any network. But please limit your usage of fast images, they use up a possibly limited system resource set. See the man page for shmget(2) for more information on the limits on shared segments on your system.

A 'fast' image will automatically revert back to 'slow' mode if no shared memory is available.

If the second argument is specified, it is the actual image data.

Method destroy

GDK1.Image destroy()


Destructor. Destroys the image. Automatically called by pike when the object is destructed.