Method System.Memory()->pread32n()
- Method
string pread(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread16(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread32(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread16i(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread32i(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread16n(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread32n(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
- Description
Read a string from the memory. The 16 and 32 variants reads
widestrings, 16 or 32 bits (2 or 4 bytes) wide, the i variants
in intel byteorder, the normal in network byteorder, and the n
variants in native byteorder.
len is the number of characters, wide or not. pos
is the byte position (!).