Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method String.Bootstring()->create()

Method create

void String.Bootstring(int base, int tmin, int tmax, int skew, int damp, int initial_bias, int initial_n, int delim, string digits)


Creates a Bootstring transcoder instance using the specified parameters.

Parameter base

The base used by the variable-length integers.

Parameter tmin

The minimum threshold digit value for the variable-length integers. Must be >=0 and <= tmax.

Parameter tmax

The maximum threshold digit value for the variable-length integers. Must be <= base-1.

Parameter skew

The skew term for the bias adapation. Must be >= 1.

Parameter damp

The damping factor for the bias adaption. Must be >= 2.

Parameter initial_bias

The initial bias for the variable-length integer thresholding. initial_bias % base must be <= base - tmin.

Parameter initial_n

The first code point outside the "basic" set of code points.

Parameter delim

The "basic" code point used as the delimiter.

Parameter digits

The "basic" code points used as digits. The length of the string should be the same as the base parameter.