Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Stdio.async_cp()

Method async_cp

void async_cp(string from, string to, function(int:void) callback, mixed ... args)


Copy a file asynchronously.

This function is similar to cp() , but works asynchronously.

Parameter from

Name of file to copy.

Parameter to

Name of file to create or replace with a copy of from .

Parameter callback

Function to be called on completion. The first argument will be 1 on success, and 0 (zero) otherwise. The rest of the arguments to callback are passed verbatim from args .

Parameter args

Extra arguments to pass to callback .


For callback to be called, the backend must be active (ie main() must have returned -1, or Pike.DefaultBackend get called in some other way). The actual copying may start before the backend has activated.


Currently the file sizes are not compared, so the destination file (to ) may be truncated.

See also

cp() , sendfile()