Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Stdio.Port()->create()

Method create

void Stdio.Port(int|string port, void|function accept_callback, void|string ip)
void Stdio.Port("stdin", void|function accept_callback)


When called with an int or any string except "stdin" as first argument, this function does the same as bind() would do with the same arguments.

When called with "stdin" as argument, a socket is created out of the file descriptor 0. This is only useful if that actually IS a socket to begin with.

See also

bind , listen_fd

Method create

void Stdio.Port()
void Stdio.Port(int|string port)
void Stdio.Port(int|string port, function accept_callback)
void Stdio.Port(int|string port, function accept_callback, string ip)
void Stdio.Port("stdin")
void Stdio.Port("stdin", function accept_callback)


If the first argument is other than "stdin" the arguments will be passed to bind() .

When create is called with "stdin" as the first argument, a socket is created out of the file descriptor 0. This is only useful if it actually is a socket to begin with.

See also
