Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.TeletexString


TeletexString object

Avoid this one; it seems to be common that this type is used to label strings encoded with the ISO 8859-1 character set (use asn1_broken_teletex_string for that). From http://www.mindspring.com/~asn1/nlsasn.htm:

/.../ Types GeneralString, VideotexString, TeletexString (T61String), and GraphicString exist in earlier versions [pre-1994] of ASN.1. They are considered difficult to use correctly by applications providing national language support. Varying degrees of application support for T61String values seems to be most common in older applications. Correct support is made more difficult, as character values available in type T61String have changed with the addition of new register entries from the 1984 through 1997 versions.

This implementation is based on the description of T.61 and T.51 in "Some functions for representing T.61 characters from the X.500 Directory Service in ISO 8859 terminals (Version 0.2. July 1994.)" by Enrique Silvestre Mora (mora@si.uji.es), Universitat Jaume I, Spain, found in the package ftp://pereiii.uji.es/pub/uji-ftp/unix/ldap/iso-t61.translation.tar.Z

The translation is only complete for 8-bit latin 1 strings. It encodes strictly to T.61, but decodes from the superset T.51.


CCITT Recommendation T.61 is also known as ISO-IR 103:1985 (graphic characters) and ISO-IR 106:1985 and ISO-IR 107:1985 (control characters).

See also


Inherit String

inherit String : String