Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class SSL.handshake


SSL.handshake keeps the state relevant for SSL handshaking. This includes a pointer to a context object (which doesn't change), various buffers, a pointer to a session object (reuse or created as appropriate), and pending read and write states being negotiated.

Each connection will have two sets or read and write state: The current read and write states used for encryption, and pending read and write states to be taken into use when the current keyexchange handshake is finished.

array(int) SSL.handshake.client_cert_types
array(string) SSL.handshake.client_cert_distinguished_names


A few storage variables for client certificate handling on the client side.

string SSL.handshake.client_random
string SSL.handshake.server_random


Random cookies, sent and received with the hello-messages.