Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Class SSL.context


Keeps the state that is shared by all SSL-connections for one server (or one port). It includes policy configuration, a server certificate, the server's private key(s), etc. It also includes the session cache.

Variable rsa

Crypto.RSA SSL.context.rsa


The server's private key

Variable client_rsa

Crypto.RSA SSL.context.client_rsa


The client's private key (used with client certificate authentication)

Variable client_certificates

array(array(string)) SSL.context.client_certificates


An array of certificate chains a client may present to a server when client certificate authentication is requested.

Variable client_certificate_selector

function(.context:array(string)) SSL.context.client_certificate_selector


A function which will select an acceptable client certificate for presentation to a remote server. This function will receive the SSL context, an array of acceptable certificate types, and a list of DNs of acceptable certificate authorities. This function should return an array of strings containing a certificate chain, with the client certificate first, (and the root certificate last, if applicable.)

Variable auth_level

int SSL.context.auth_level


Policy for client authentication. One of SSL.Constants.AUTHLEVEL_none , SSL.Constants.AUTHLEVEL_ask and SSL.Constants.AUTHLEVEL_require .

Variable require_trust

int SSL.context.require_trust


When set, require the chain to be known, even if the root is self signed.

Note that if set, and certificates are set to be verified, trusted issuers must be provided, or no connections will be accepted.

Variable verify_certificates

int SSL.context.verify_certificates


Determines whether certificates presented by the peer are verified, or just accepted as being valid.

Crypto.RSA SSL.context.long_rsa
Crypto.RSA SSL.context.short_rsa


Temporary, non-certified, private keys, used with a server_key_exchange message. The rules are as follows:

If the negotiated cipher_suite has the "exportable" property, and short_rsa is not zero, send a server_key_exchange message with the (public part of) the short_rsa key.

If the negotiated cipher_suite does not have the exportable property, and long_rsa is not zero, send a server_key_exchange message with the (public part of) the long_rsa key.

Otherwise, dont send any server_key_exchange message.

Variable dsa

Crypto.DSA SSL.context.dsa


Servers dsa key.

Variable dh_params

.Cipher.DHParameters SSL.context.dh_params


Parameters for dh keyexchange.

Variable random

function(int:string) SSL.context.random


Used to generate random cookies for the hello-message. If we use the RSA keyexchange method, and this is a server, this random number generator is not used for generating the master_secret.

Variable certificates

array(string) SSL.context.certificates


The server's certificate, or a chain of X509.v3 certificates, with the server's certificate first and root certificate last.

Variable preferred_auth_methods

array(int) SSL.context.preferred_auth_methods


For client authentication. Used only if auth_level is AUTH_ask or AUTH_require.

Variable preferred_suites

array(int) SSL.context.preferred_suites


Cipher suites we want the server to support, best first.

Variable preferred_compressors

array(int) SSL.context.preferred_compressors


Always ({ COMPRESSION_null })

Variable use_cache

int SSL.context.use_cache


Non-zero to enable cahing of sessions

Variable session_lifetime

int SSL.context.session_lifetime


Sessions are removed from the cache when they are older than this limit (in seconds). Sessions are also removed from the cache if a connection using the session dies unexpectedly.

Variable max_sessions

int SSL.context.max_sessions


Maximum number of sessions to keep in the cache.