Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Protocols.LDAP.make_filter()

Method make_filter

object make_filter(string filter, void|int ldap_version)


Parses an LDAP filter string into an ASN1 object tree that can be given to Protocols.LDAP.search .

Using this function instead of giving the filter string directly to the search function has two advantages: This function provides better error reports for syntax errors, and the same object tree can be used repeatedly to avoid reparsing the filter string.

Parameter filter

The filter to parse, according to the syntax specified in RFC 2254. The syntax is extended a bit to allow and ignore whitespace everywhere except inside and next to the filter values.

Parameter ldap_version

LDAP protocol version to make the filter for. This controls what syntaxes are allowed depending on the protocol version. Also, if the protocol is 3 or later then full Unicode string literals are supported. The default is the latest supported version.


An ASN1 object tree representing the filter.


FilterError is thrown if there's a syntax error in the filter.