Extracted from Pike v7.8 release 866 at 2016-11-06.

Method Protocols.LDAP.client()->create()

Method create

void Protocols.LDAP.client()
void Protocols.LDAP.client(string url)
void Protocols.LDAP.client(string url, object context)


Create object. The first optional argument can be used later for subsequence operations. The second one can specify TLS context of connection. The default context only allows 128-bit encryption methods, so you may need to provide your own context if your LDAP server supports only export encryption.

Parameter url

LDAP server URL on the form "ldap://hostname/basedn?attrlist?scope?ext". See RFC 2255. It can also be a mapping as returned by Protocol.LDAP.parse_ldap_url .

Parameter context

TLS context of connection

See also

LDAP.client.bind , LDAP.client.search